Monday, April 6, 2015

Time for City Council to communicate support for Highway 1 widening

 Pacifica Tribune, Letters to the Editor, 3/31/15, "My Way Or ... " by Gil Anda

Image result for Traffic Congestion four lane country road picture
Avoidance lawsuits have failed, funding is now,
traffic won't heal itself-- only we can do that.
"Editor: As reported in last week's Tribune, Judge Weiner has issued a tentative ruling denying the claims made against the Highway 1 Widening Project by the Pacificans for a Scenic Coast. Although this ruling is tentative, the claims made by PSC can now be considered debunked. 

Due to the fact that the progress of this project has been delayed by the lawsuit, and due to the fact that there are many other cities competing for the funding that is earmarked for this project, there is now an increased risk that the city could lose the funding.

At this point in time, the city council needs to formally communicate to the SMCTA that this project should move forward and it needs to do this as soon as possible to ensure the funding is not lost. 

Members of my family are owners of property that would be purchased by CalTrans once the Calera Widening Project is approved. There are other compelling reasons to move this project forward as well."

Related, Fix Pacifica reprint article - Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 3/17/15, "Tentative decision reached in CEQA highway widening case." Note: traffic congestion photograph by Loz Blain from Gizmag. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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