Friday, April 10, 2015

City Council meeting, Monday, April 13, 2015

Image result for Hanson Marine Operations, Inc.  picture
Item 8. There goes Pacifica's beachs and cliffs.
Environmentalists taking action on this one?


Anonymous said...

More conferences and more taxpayer spent. Wow, this city thinks they are rolling in the cash!!

139.05 01.600630.51700.0000.000 FIRE SCOPE LODGING 7195 03/15
4.00- 01.600630.51700.0000.000 CREDIT FOR OVERCHARGE
71.98 01.700723.51700.0000.000 AIRFARE-PLANNING & DESIGN CONF 0976 03/15
104.89 01.700723.51700.0000.000 CAR RENTAL-PLANNING & DESIGN
140.20 01.700723.51700.0000.000 AIRFARE-SMARA WORKSHOP
6.74 01.700723.52300.0000.000 FLASHLIGHT
67.58 01.700723.52300.0000.000 MEALS-DPW STORM
126.31 01.700723.51700.0000.000 CAR RENTAL-PLANNING & DESIGN
94.89- 01.700723.51700.0000.000 REFUND-CAR RENTAL
18.50 01.700723.51700.0000.000 MEALS-PLANNING & DESIGN
24.64 01.700723.51700.0000.000 CAR RENTAL-PLANNING & DESIGN
176.79 01.700723.51700.0000.000 LODGING-PLANNING & DESIGN CONF
5.00 01.700723.51700.0000.000 MISC HOTEL CHARGE
16.50 01.700723.51700.0000.000 MEALS-PLANNING & DESIGN
346.42 01.500560.52300.0000.000 MEALS-MTG-INTERVIEWS-WACHTELBO JAN 2015 CHG
916.87 01.500560.51700.0000.000 AIRFARE-TRAINING-WACHTELBORN
7.99 01.500560.51700.0000.000 FLIGHT BOOKING FEE-WACHTELBORN
25.00 01.500560.52300.0000.000 BRIDGE TOLL DEPOSIT-STEIDLE
185.70 01.500560.51700.0000.000 AIRFARE-TRAINING-STEIDLE
170.00 01.500560.51700.0000.000 PROF ORGANIZATION DUES-STEIDLE
13.21 01.500550.52300.0000.000 MEALS-MEETING-SPANHEIMER
88.17 01.500550.52300.0000.000 CERT MEDICAL SUPPLIES-SPANHEIM
31.61 01.500560.52300.0000.000 PICTURE FRAME-SPANHEIMER
757.00 01.500560.51700.0000.000 TRAINING-TUITION

Anonymous said...

1 29561 $135.00 03/12/15 00597 0 COUNCIL OF CITIES OUTSTANDING
45.00 01.100110.52300.0000.000 COUNCIL OF CITIES DINNER-O'NEI 2-27-15
45.00 01.100110.52300.0000.000 COUNCIL OF CITIES DINNER-KEENE
45.00 01.100110.52300.0000.000 COUNCIL OF CITIES DINNER-ERVIN

Anonymous said...

If Tinfow says we don't need a CPA Audit of City Finances what the hell is this??

1 29622 $12417.00 03/25/15 03660 0 KEVIN W HARPER CPA & ASSOCIATES OUTSTANDING
12417.00 01.400410.52800.0000.000 DEC 2014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 01-31-15

29564 $1080.51 03/12/15 00927 0 HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS & ASSOC OUTSTANDING
975.00 01.300340.52300.0000.000 IST QUARTER SALES TAX 0023578-IN
105.51 01.300340.52300.0000.000 AUDIT SERVICES

Kathy Meeh said...

850, City Manager Tinfow said CPA services DID review "City Finances". (Comment during the last regular City Council meeting, 3/23/15). There could be a follow-up report sometime soon.

814, obviously it costs money to run a city, an organization or a business. Expenses are paid. Good point from you though. It would be helpful to the public (transparent) if the city linked some of these City expenses, example Conferences, to the actual event; plus, the reason, the outcome, the information, the benefit, the need, the requirement and the advantages gained. Somehow City Council Members stating, "I attended __(blank)__" as disclosed during Council Communications seems inadequate and deficient.

Anonymous said...

Some Pacificans may have preferred a forensic audit instead of the more standard audit performed by the CPA. Standard audits verify the use of generally accepted accounting methods to produce accurate financial statements. Forensic audits look for stuff that could serve as evidence in court. Like indicators of fraud, embezzlement, other malfeasance, negligence, etc. Some standard audits examine more than others and might focus on a specific area (quietly, and maybe ours was one of those?) and some do lead to full forensic audits. The term "forensic audit" has an unsavory connotation and politicians avoid unsavory. Particularly when what's been going on has been no real secret to anyone paying attention and asking pretty basic questions. People, we're still borrowing from one fund to feed another, but, for now, someone is keeping track.

Anonymous said...

Scanning check runs is like the worst of the tabloids. Gets your attention and then leaves you wondering if you have more in common with the nuts of the world than you care to admit.

Anonymous said...


It's puff puff pass

Anonymous said...

Smells, Looks, and Seems like a 100% cover up.

Tinfow is good at covering things up!

Anonymous said...

256 Yup, they're covering up that for many years they've moved money from one fund to another to finance pet projects and pay bills and they left a poor paper trail. Inter-fund lending. Oh look, they're still doing it. Maybe with all the talent hired in the past few months they can keep better records. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Item #9 Alright now. Who's fooling who? CM says she had a highly productive meeting with Kimco reps. A meeting in which next to nothing was revealed. By Kimco, anyway. And, Kimco requests regular meetings with the city. Wait a minute! Do you think Kimco might frown upon the city's plan to put a poop pit
on their doorstep? Be still my heart.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:56pm said...
"Smells, Looks, and Seems like a 100% cover up.
Tinfow is good at covering things up!"

What is the point and or facts of this post? Ms. Tinfow did what she said she would do and reported the results of the CPA review. How is that a cover up? What advantage would there be to disclose that there was a fund discrepancy, request a review and then cover it up? Move forward and stop the conspiracy theories. Really no one has time for all the silliness people here accuse others of.

Anonymous said...

Cover up what? Stupidity? Too late. Tinfow wasn't here for the 4 million dollar mess. Her bosses were. You think she'd risk her reputation and career for them? Would you?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much of the "unaccounted for" 4 million was part of the Vreeland and Cowboy Scott Holmes's slush fund?

Anonymous said...

739am No need to wonder. On 4/2/15 Ms. Meeh reprinted Tinfow's Tribune article.
1) 1 million outstanding balance remains for 2010 expenditures for Cliffside Erosion Emergency. I guess council had no choice on that one.
2) Fund 22 Gen Capital Improvements rec'd transfer of 2.2 million in 2003 from Fund 9 Street Construction to cover projects newly completed or underway. Draw your own conclusions.
3) Fund 22 also has another separate negative balance for other stuff. No dates and no uses given. Why? Must have been about 800K if we're talking about 4 million in unaccounted funds.

And all of it has to be repaid to the appropriate fund. An austerity plan like the Greeks?

enough is enough said...

The "missing" $4,000,000 is the legacy left by the slimy, Vreeland/deJarnut/Lancelle reign.
They made fun of Hinton and kept Digre busy looking stupid while they did the bidding of their NIMBY puppet masters.
This is a big story and what Pacifica gets for not challenging this car full of circus clowns.

Anonymous said...

131 Lancelle? Coming soon to a city council near you. Ask her then.

Kathy Meeh said...

"...An austerity plan like the Greeks?" Question from 124.

Ever wonder what happened to that "$7 million City reserve"? (Something like $5.5 million had been returned from monies the City spent on fighting the proposed and approved North Pacifica LLC PUD residential development in Court, 12/2001-5/2008.)

Whereas, initially the North Pacifica LLC project had been approved by the prior city council without the following condition: "... Condition 13(b) — that was not imposed on similarly situated development projects. Under Condition 13(b), individual owners of condominium units could be held jointly and severally liable for condominium common areas and the like," (North Pacifica, LLC v. City of Pacifica, from Plainsite). Google search has more information about the lawsuits, judgements, and appeals which continued over 6+ years.)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, those were the days! A 7 million dollar reserve in the hands of a Pacifica City Council. Poof! It's gone. That happens a lot around here.

In other news, the Fish section of the famous Fish and Bowl property which I believe was part of the litigation Kathy mentions, is rumored to have lured in a new sucker with plans to build 4 units. Hearts are all a-twitter.

Tom Clifford said...

Anonymous 5:51

If you are talking about Dave Blackman's four studio Apartments (built as separate units) They are not being built on the Fish or the bowl properties but on a small .41 acre parcel wedged between them. They were approved at the April 6 Planning Commission meeting.

Anonymous said...

I think you are correct, Tom, but the opposition will be no less than if it was actually in the Fish proper. Holy ground to some.