Monday, April 13, 2015

Reminder City Council meeting, tonight, Monday, April 13, 2015

Consideration Items (see article or direct agenda):
6.  PB&R Annual Report.
7.  ABC License authority.
8.  City letter opposing Bay sand mining/dredging.
9.  City dialog with KIMCO shopping centers.  

Note photograph from Katherine Keller/Marketing professional, "What do you do when followers stop listening?" 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

What could possibly be worse than watching our city council meetings?

1. DMV

2. Dentist

3. Prison

Anonymous said...

RE: #9
Last night Lorie Tinfow stated that Pet Food Express is moving into Linda Mar to replace the recently closed pet shop and mentioned that this information is already on their website. A search for this information on their website didn't produce anything. Can anyone find details that confirms this statement from Pet Food Express?

Kathy Meeh said...

137, yes that was one of the more informative comments of last night's city council meeting. And if General Manager Lorie Tinfow said Pet Food Express will replace the existing Linda Mar pet food store, it may be early, but its happening. (An article about Pet Food Express has now been posted.)

Thanks for your comment. There was another city council meeting comment (PB&R Report presentation I think) about construction at Pedro Point. Anything other than getting the Fresh and Easy store ready for new rental?

Steve Sinai said...

I would rather go to my dentist (Teodora Datu in Fairmont) than watch a city council meeting.

Anonymous said...

I would rather have Steve Sinai do my dental work than watch a city council meeting.

i LOVE pacifica said...

The City Council meetings are not supposed to be exciting, or circuses. This is where business is done for our community. Respect the dignity of these occassions and of those we have elected to represent us and make our decisions for us: Mary Ann Nihart, Karen Ervin, Mike O'Neill, Sue Digre and John Keener.

Anonymous said...

Right on "i LOVE Pacifica". We found last night's meeting interesting and important information shared. Particularly about the permit to request additional "sand mining" in the San Francisco Bay that would negatively impact our beaches and the potential to increase coastal erosion. Good community awareness topics too from the proclamation about equal pay for women day and the PB&R Commission report.

Anonymous said...

723, Steve, 742,

The thing is, if Pacificans watched or attended more city council meetings, I would bet the elections would have different outcomes...

Steve Scrivello Sinai said...

"I would rather have Steve Sinai do my dental work than watch a city council meeting."

My rusty pair of pliers are always at your service.

Tom Clifford said...

I have an old (crank handle) drill and some dull drill bits I'll lend you Steve. A root canal should be a breeze, just add a bottle of Johnnie Walker black (for the dentist) so his hands don't shake, and you in business.