Friday, March 29, 2019

Planning Commission meeting, Monday April 1, 2019

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  

Interactive Planning Commission meeting, 4/1/19.    Planning Commission meeting, 4/1/19, pdf pages 397.

Image result for 699 Oceana Blvd, Pacifica, CA photograph
Item 4.  31-unit motel to replace vacant restaurant,
699 Oceana Blvd, No April Fool !
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  approval of order of agenda; draft Minutes, a) 3/18/19.
Designation of liaison to City Council meeting, none.    Public oral communications.
Consent items
 1.  File 2019-008.  Determination of  status related to a City-initiated Lots merger, Rockaway Beach Subdivision #1 (RSM 6/53):  Block 25, lots 4 through 12, undeveloped parcels south of of Oddstad Way (APNs 022-056-030, 022-056-040, 022-056-060, 022-056-070, 022-056-080, 022-056-090, 022-064-010), report.  a) SM County recorded notice of intent to determine status, 2/4/19.  b) Supporting documents.  c) Resolution (draft). 
2.  File 2019-009.  Determine status related to a City-initiated Lot merger, Rockaway Beach Subdivision #1 (RSM 6/53):  Block 25, lots 45 through 48, report.  a) SM County recorded notice of intent to determine status, 2/4/19.  b) Supporting documents.  c) Resolution (draft).

Continued public hearings
3.  File 2019-003.  TA-114-19, article 49, PMC, Title 9, Chapter 4.  Conforming with State law, amend City zoning regulations to increase the maximum number of marijuana retail, testing, manufacturing operations, parking standards, use permit administration efficiencies in Rockaway Beach and Sharp Park overlay districts, report.  a) Resolution and Draft Ordinance.  b) Reports: Planning Commission, 3/18/19, and City Council Summary, 1/14/19. 
4.   File 2016-003. PSD-815-16, UP-79-16, S-121-16, PE-170-16.  Demolish an existing 1-story, 2,992 sq. ft. commercial building and construct a new 3-story, 18,034 sq. ft., 31-room motel (Oceana Motel), and construct a freestanding sign:  699 Oceana Blvd (APN 009-253-280, East Edgemar/Pacific Manor. CEQA guidelines section 15332, report.  a) Resolution (draft) and COAs.  b) Land Use/Zoning.  c) Project plans.  d) Arborist report.  e) Public comment letter.  f) DKS traffic study memo.  g) RKH traffic impact analysis (without appendices).  h) JCBA noise Analysis (without appendices).  i) Raney air quality and greenhouse gas analysis (without appendices).

Consideration items
5.   Annual sub-committee, committees and commissions, report.  a) Planning Commission annual report, 2018.
6.   Annual Planning Commission reorganization, report.  a) By-Laws (amended and adopted 4/17/2017).
Communications: Planning Commission, Staff. Adjourn.
Reference, development/planning acronyms. 
ADU, Accessory dwelling unit construction, APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit.  COAs, conditions of approval.  CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. HDR, High density residential. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LCP, Local Coastal Program.  LDR, low density residential.  MUP, Marijuana Use permit. PD, Planned Development.  PE, Parking Exception.  PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Permit Variance.  RIA, Rent Increase Application.  S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SF, square foot. SP, Specific Plan.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.    Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA: Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15061(b)(3); Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial.  C-2 Commercial/Office (within 100  ft. of a residential zone)C-3, Service Commercial. Class 3 categorical exemption, section 15303(a). MND, Mitigated negative declaration. MMRP, Mitigation monitoring and reporting program.    MO-RB, Marijuana Operation-Rockaway Beach Overlay District. R1, single-family residential,  MRO, Marijuana Retail Operation. R-3, Multi-family residential; R-3G, Multiple-family residential garden district. S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  City: Capital Improvement program (CIP), Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. General Plan. (GP) update documents, background history.  Pacifica Municipal Code (PMC). Local Coastal Land Use Plan, (LCLUP), update documents.     

Note, Item 4699 Oceana Blvd, photograph location 1 of 20 photographs from Redfin.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tom Lantos Tunnels has design failures

After years of planning and substantial cost, in event of an event of an emergency, coastal Highway 1 Tom Lantos Tunnels has design failures: 1) no significant electrical power redundancy system, and 2) no coordinated driving route alternative around the tunnels.  The result is traffic chaos, which affects drivers (their lives and their families).

Image result for Tom Lantos Tunnels picture
Do you know the way to Half Moon Bay,
or back to Pacifica if the tunnel closes?
Then what happens if it's nighttime, bad weather, traffic.
San Mateo Daily Journal/Zachary Clark, Staff, 3/21/19,"Coastal traffic snafu spurs action, Officials re-examine protocol after hours of gridlock."
After simultaneous lane closures on Highway 1 and State Route 92 caused hours of gridlock around Half Moon Bay on March 12, officials are pushing for improved coordination among the relevant agencies to prevent such occurrences from happening again.
The debacle began when a power outage necessitated the closure of the Tom Lantos Tunnel on Highway 1 at about 4:30 p.m. that day because the fans inside could not operate. That forced many residents to return home via State Route 92 instead. But there was a lane closure on State Route 92 that evening due to pre-planned tree trimming so significant delays were unavoidable.
“It was absurd because the message should’ve been passed on from Caltrans to PG&E that you can’t close one lane of State Route 92 while Highway 1 is closed,” Mayor of Half Moon Bay, Harvey Rarback said. “It was a monumental screwup in communication. It took over four hours for some people to get home. One constituent had a baby in the backseat and had to deal with it the whole time.” The tunnel reopened at about 12:30 a.m. the next day after being closed for eight hours, and the tree-trimming work, carried out by Pacific Gas and Electric, spanned 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m., said Caltrans spokesman Jeff Weiss.

Related articlePaifica Tribune print edition (pages 1 and 3), 3/20/19/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 3/20/19, "Traffic nightmare ensues after tunnel closure. Generators didn't last long and tree work on Highway 92 made it worse." "Electrical power is needed to operate the fans that run in case there's a fire so smoke can clear. ...   .... Why is there no emergency generator for the tunnels?  'That's not in line with the coastal design. We tried to keep the tunnels as unobtrusive as possible. We have a green roof on top of the operations center. To put a generator out there running on diesel is not in keeping with our design. We would have to test the generator multiple times per year', CalTrans spokesperson Jeff Weiss said."

Note photograph of Tom Lantos Tunnels by F R Childers Photography (one of several) from
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, March 23, 2019

City Council meeting, Monday March 25, 2019

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  
Interactive City Council meeting, 3/25/19.      City Council meeting, 3/25/19, pdf pages 110.

Image result for Street vendor picture
Item 6. Almost great entrepreneur plan: sidewalk vending
to serve the entire City-- it's just bananas!
Closed Session, 6:00 p.m.  CA Code 54956.9, (d 2), e 1), anticipated litigation, 1 case.  Conference with legal counsel. 

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session report.
Special Presentations.  Pacifica Resource Center Annual Report. 

Consent Calendar  
1.    Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2018-2019:  a) 2/16/19 - 2/28/19.
2.    Approval of City Council Minutes: a) 3/11/19.
Communications (Oral):  Public, City Council, City Staff.  Public Hearings, none. 

Reference. Item 5, Green Infrastructure.  United States Environmental Protection Agency National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).     Note photograph.  Street vendor bananas from  AM New York/Getty Images, Opinion/Josmar Trujillo, "City on street vendors hurts immigrants." 
Posted by Kathy Meeh