Monday, April 27, 2015

Fox in the Hen House

"Gang-of-No" Council Member John Keener is trying to block Harmony@1.

Posted by Steve Sinai


Larry said...

One appeal down, nine to go. Ridiculous.
He's turning into just what he said he was. No no no no no.
Who cares what it is, just NO!

face painted white like in Mikado said...

The hills are alive with the sound of piledrivers and tractors and the harmony property been paved into a Escher-esque masterpiece. The damage is done and there is no turning back or restoration possible. So at this juncture, Mr. Keener wants to appeal the watering down of project approval conditions, and I'm with him on that. If the conditions were impossible, the project proponents should have spoken up when the conditions were first drafted. But now, after they have overspent on the infrastructure and grading, they are coming back wanting to have to do less, while arguing less is good enough. It puts more money in their pockets at the end of the day, I'd say yes, if they shared the spread with the Pacifica, but that won't ever happen, so no way Jose, it's not good for Pacifica to water down any conditions of approval, no matter what the bird or lady who is running planning sings.

Anonymous said...

Son of a Bitch!
We shouldn't be surprised. Make no mistake this is what these people stand for. If the voters get tricked into another "faux-enviro" council majority, this city is toast.

Anonymous said...

From the looks of it he is just trying to make sure it is in compliance, not "block" the project.

Anonymous said...

developers should be allowed to do whatever they want to do despite any prior agreements, contracts, or promises. to appeal a variance in order to hold developers to the conditions of their original permits is "blocking development" and means you're a card holding member of the gang of no which is very very very bad for the following reasons:

Anonymous said...

Kudos to 5:24 and 5:49 for reading and thinking as opposed to just blindly reacting. Keener is simply trying to ensure the Harmony Developers remain true to their contractual obligations (also known as the conditions of approval), which they agreed to after intense negotiations with the city and its citizens.

As 5:24 noted, the developer is trying to save itself some money by ditching LEED certification in favor of "just trust us, we will be even greener than green."

I am pro-Harmony, but I am against this one-sided deal that simply enriches the developer's pocket book without giving Pacifica anything in exchange.

Go Keener!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sinai,

Care to explain how Keener's action to ensure that the developers stick one of their original conditions and build to LEED standards is "blocking development?"

You made the accusation, so I'm assuming you have some sort of rationale to support this fantasy of yours. Or should the developers just be allowed to flip the bird at the CC&Rs and tell us all to suck it?

Anonymous said...

Eh, give them whatever they want to help them make money, but make them give us more than the lousy 75K that's the city's share of property tax on a 55 million dollar project. Guess they figure this town is so stupid maybe we'll pay them to build. One hotel on that view site would have brought in a million a year and more. Of course that would have required a city somewhat aware of the connection between land use and economic development and also aware that developable land is a limited commodity in this town.

Anonymous said...

How can an article comprised solely of a single sentence and one photo manage to be so full of fail? How?! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

If the Harmony@1 doesn't feel like paying the city its fair share of property taxes, I say let 'em. Anything less would be the Gang of No blocking development.

Anonymous said...

They'll be paying their fair share of property taxes--every penny required by law. About 75K annual once the entire development is built and sold. A pittance compared to what other, visitor-serving uses like a hotel and restaurant would generate. I know. We should be grateful for the pittance.

Anonymous said...

The agreement hammered out with Harmony originally is a contract. If they want to break the contract then lets renegotiate. Start by restoring the hill.

Kathy Meeh said...

826, true a few houses on that Rockaway Beach hill will generate, "a pittance compared to what other, visitor-serving uses like a hotel and restaurant would generate"-- but, that was what could get built on that hill. Its another homage to the Gang of NO, which keeps this city compromised and broke.
1004, the hill will look fine after land engineering work is completed and the foliage and weeds grow in. Mori Point looked scarred when a road and trail were added several years ago.
Any point to John Keener's LEED vs Green Points appeal other than running up the cost against the developer? Of course not, that would be against NIMBY code of ethics.

Steve Sinai said...

"Hey Sinai,

Care to explain how Keener's action to ensure that the developers stick one of their original conditions and build to LEED standards is 'blocking development?'"

Keener ran on a single issue platform of no development. He is fulfilling his campaign pledge.

Anonymous said...

If the quarry becomes a low-density, high-priced development like Harmony, you can stick a fork in Pacifica. This
is what happens when a city is clueless about economic development and proud of their ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Nice of the developer to give Keener and the gang something so specific to appeal. And it sounds so righteous, waaa waaa, but they promised. Sonora Shores must have a pretty good reason to try this here.

Anonymous said...

"From the looks of it he is just trying to make sure it is in compliance, not "block" the project."

The nimbys always try to sound reasonable as they destroy the city.

Unknown said...

I have always had my share of trouble with Pacifica staff during the permit process. John Keener has been very helpful with me personally and is very open to listen and consider your opinion. I went to the Harmony@1 commission meeting and John was there but did not speak about it then. Any council member can pull up any decision from the planning commission. We will see soon what Keener's concerns are. The Leed certification issue he brought up is not a project blocker. It basically is a matter of Harmony@1 paying an additional $30k +/- per house for the certification. But that is what Harmony@1 promised at one time.

David Blackman

Tom Clifford said...

I don't know if the $30-$40 thousand figure used by the developer is a inflated number to get sympathy or the cost to install certain green features to meet LEED Gold standards. I do know that the cost for getting a LEED's gold certificate would be in the neighborhood of $6,000 per house. That covers plan check,on site inspections and the issuing of the certificate.

Anonymous said...

So is this just an attempt at cost cutting? Or does it mean something more ominous is going on at Harmony @ 1.

The rumors are they are way over budget and quickly running out of money.

Kathy Meeh said...

With the newer, less expensive Green Points standard, the Planning Commission passed the project (Resolution approved as conditioned), because the developer (represented by Javier M. Chavarria, agent) would "meet and exceed" the required LEED Gold standard: "$30-$40 thousand (possibly higher cost) put to better use". (That's my recall of the 4/6/15 Planning Commission meeting, Item 2, pdf pages, 1-226.)

todd bray said...

Conditions of approval are not guidelines they are requirements. That the planning directoir called them eronious is to me a fireing offence. If John's intent is to overide a very poor planning commission mistake then that's good for all of us. BTW it is 100% illegal for the planning commission to consider costs of any kind. The planning director deliberated costs with the commission to sway their votes, that is a FPPC offence and should be followed up on by the city mansager and council. The planning commission and director need to be educated about what is legal to discuss. There are a few too many commissioners that are in real estate and construction to be trusted with the public good.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, aren't they? Maybe it's a currency conversion problem? Meanwhile, there's nothing unreasonable about asking people to keep their part of an agreement--unless of course you opposed the LEED principles and enviro concerns to begin with. They're not building low-cost housing so I sure hope this isn't about money or Pacifica and Sonora Shores could really be in trouble. Those agreements were signed years ago. Let's hope this request is about seeing which way the wind is blowing today and setting precedents. Does Pacifica still feel the same way on these issues or has the town become more pragmatic? Who would actually have to approve a new pragmatism?

mike bell said...

Has Keener fully explained his rationale and motive for appeal?
If he has, then he should repeat it for those of us who apparently missed it.
If he hasn't, then he must do so very publicly and very clearly.
I recall that the 'other' plank of his platform was to restore trust and confidence in city leadership.

Anonymous said...

By this time next year that hillside better be covered with really beautiful landscape and new roads and maybe a mini-manse or two so voters can see what the future can be. Anything less and it'll become campaign fodder for both sides. Your pick...rapacious, lying developers or obstructionist nimbys. David versus Goliath. Gee, they better be a Goliath. I smell some campaign financing. Candidates?

Anonymous said...

These rumors about financial problems are worrisome. Not my industry and maybe someone on here can better enlighten all of us, but a Harmony home/lot is sold to an individual and then built by this developer for that individual, right? So Sonora Shores, so far, would have had to finance the initial land purchase and putting in the infrastructure. Individual buyers get their own financing and pay the developer, right? Excuse my ignorance, but I just want to understand the start-up costs and cash flow thereafter. I see a lot of money going out, not much visible progress, and nothing, so far, coming in. Any experts with Harmony insight out there?

Anonymous said...

What's Keener up to? Take the link to the appeal form. It's a public document, easily accessible. It's not the place for a lot of detail but there's enough to say he's a council member with concerns about the LEED and Green Points addendum. Don't know if I share his concerns on this, but what could be more open and transparent than a public appeal filed by a council member? Perfect fit with his campaign and post-election statements that he would not abandon or compromise his environmental concerns. You need more? Ask him or wait for the appeal hearing. Noticed and open to the public.

Anonymous said...

The headline and the 1 sentence that started this thread are total bullshit. It's not about stopping the project, it's about making them live up to their agreement.

BTW, Keener did not run on a single issue of no development. He ran on a single issue of no highway widening. If you equate that to no development, you're saying that the highway widening is a pro-development plan, which is what opponents of the widening have been saying all along.

mike bell said...

If he's really serious about building public trust, two lines of scribbly hand written words on an appeal document is a sorry way for a sitting council member to communicate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, two lines of scribble isn't enough. Keener should take his concerns door-to-door. Be really open and transparent. Uh, wait, let's think that through.

Anonymous said...

Sonora Shores is in the dirt over 9 million with a 1st loan and a 2nd loan.

I think It's a bit over 9 mil.

Being they went to a private lender for the money, they are probably paying over 10% or probably closer to 12%.

Anonymous said...

1131 Whoa now, let's not get all crazy. No need to be connecting the dots. That highway widening is not growth inducing or pro-development. I promise.

Anonymous said...

1206 "In the dirt"? Love that. Knee-breakers standing by.

Bob the Builder said...

Good to see all the construction and land development experts we have posting here. Oh, and financial experts as well. Of course we have planning experts, i.e. better to have a hotel and restaurant. Well, there's still room up there, go ask them to build one and see where that gets you! I especially enjoyed the ole "they better have it finished with all the landscape by next year" or what? Severe reprimand. Simple explanation is Keener is an obstructionist like the rest of the gang of no. Keep pushing the project timeline out by delay tactics until it becomes a fiscal mess a la Rick Lee's fantastic project that was attempted on the north side of Fassler. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Last week the planning commission waived the LEED requirements in favor of Green Points. Now Keener files an appeal mentioning LEED requirements and Green Points. Gee, I wonder what he's up to?! OMG HE'S BLOCKING DA PROJECKT!!!!

Are you always this dense? Does Keener need to take out a full page ad in the paper to explain it in a crayon drawing for you?

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Bob, you're the guy we've been waiting for. Be still my heart. Don't be modest. You post with such authority. Share your knowledge. Answer the questions, refute the mis-info. Enlighten us all. Then we can decide based on all those facts and figures which must have formed your expert opinion.

Anonymous said...

No, no 1249, Keener must be fully transparent. He must go door-to-door with his concerns. Nothing less will do. Mein Gott! There would be picket lines and demonstrations on Roberts Road, massive public protest. What a welcome mat for prospective buyers! Wherever they are.

Anonymous said...


So..if a developer promises certain things and someone holds that developer to their promises, the person is trying to kill the project?

Fix Pacifica Logic (tm)

Anonymous said...

Feel better, now, Bob?

mike bell said...

Silly you. No need to go door to door.
A concise My Turn article in the Trib detailing his position, as a sitting councilperson, on this appeal will do.
Or he could use his show and tell time at the beginning of the next council meeting to explain his position.
He's a public official now. Time to start acting like one.

Anonymous said...

He is acting like a public official who actually cares about the public, unlike most of the rest of the council. He will explain his position at the council meeting when the item comes up on the agenda.

Anonymous said...

A My Turn column?! Laffo!!!

The appeal is a public process through and through, and anyone can attend or review the docs involved. If you're too lazy to get your butt to chambers, you can even watch the entire process on tv or the internet! It doesn't get more transparent or easier to participate than this, you mewling baby.

Are you capable of feeding yourself or is a My Turn column that covers this for you? LOL! Christ almighty.

Anonymous said...

You're either Keener or a recycled Vreeland sycophant.

Anonymous said...

The Trib, Mike? Oh, My Turn, then Your Turn, then bottom of the bird cage. Very limited and a poor sub for real communication--which is what you asked for from Keener, along with transparency and trust. LMAO. You better hope Keener doesn't start knocking on doors again on this issue or the one he ran on.

Anonymous said...

As a sitting council person Keener may have limits on what he can say and where. Wouldn't want him to have to recuse himself from a vote because he wrote an article or spoke to a group on this subject or any other.
He's a very smart guy who knows he
can't be careless and that politics is a dirty business.

mike bell said...

Amazing how cocky and brave you little chicken shits are when you hide behind ANONYMOUS.

Anonymous said...

351 Woohoo! It was only a matter of time before that line was trotted out. And you did it!

Anonymous said...

LMAO. I bet a We Love Harmony article is in the works right this very minute.

Anonymous said...

Those little chicken shits are calling you on your big bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Art IS important in our lives and Fix Pacifica knows it. Mr. Bell's comment ties in wonderfully with the art at the top of the thread. Maybe it was subconscious but it's proof that art influences our lives. Just one of the things I enjoy on Fix. For real, no sarcasm.

Steve Sinai said...

I already know what Keener will say - "I'm not against the project...BUT..."

It's the same line the hippies always use when they try to tie up projects in red tape.

Anonymous said...

I already know what Keener will say - "I'm not against the project...BUT..."


Oh, I see...facts be damned, you've made your mind up ahead of time.

Fix Pacifica Logic (tm)

Anonymous said...

Or Keener could say I'm not against the project but as an elected city council member I expect the developer to honor in full the original conditions of the project.
Let's hope the appeal is heard asap so that construction can begin without delay.

Anonymous said...

Or Keener and his gang of goons will say:

We really like the project, it's a good project, but it not right for the site.

Maybe this would be a really good project in another city.