Thursday, April 30, 2015

CA to cut greenhouse gasses more than we think possible

San Francisco Chronicle/SF Gate/Staff Report, 4/29/15. "Jerry Brown orders big cut in greenhouse gasses by 2030."

Image result for Gov Brown greenhouse emissions news picture
1990 to 2030, 40% emissions reduction.
1990 to 2050, 80% emissions reduction.
"Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order Wednesday calling for a 40 percent cut in California’s greenhouse gas emissions over 1990 levels by the year 2030, describing it as “the most aggressive benchmark enacted by any government in North America.”  .... a standard set in the landmark AB32 legislation passed nine years ago. Brown said the new target was in line with a goal set in October by the European Union.

Image result for CA greenhouse emissions picture
80% possible, or too much
 "green" political smoke?
....  The steeper reductions “will make it possible to reach the ultimate goal of reducing emissions 80 percent under 1990 levels by 2050,” Brown said in his statement. “This is in line with the scientifically established levels needed in the U.S. to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius — the warming threshold at which scientists say there will likely be major climate disruptions such as super droughts and rising sea levels.”  Read article.

Related article - Los Angeles Times/PolitiCal/Chris Megerian and Michael Finnegan, Reporters, 4/29/15, "California's greenhouse gas emission targets are getting tougher." ...."More work on climate change is being done by lawmakers in California's Capitol. Legislation under consideration -- first suggested by Brown in his inaugural address in January -- would increase the use of renewable energy, boost energy efficiency in outdated buildings and reduce gasoline use on state roads. ....  a target originally set through executive order by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Wall Street Journal/Alejandro Lazo, 4/29/15, "California Gov. Brown orders major cut in greenhouse gas emissions." "Mr. Brown’s goals won praise from foreign dignitaries, including World Bank President Jim Yong Kim and Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. “California’s announcement is a realization and a determination that will gladly resonate with other inspiring actions within the U.S. and around the globe,” Ms. Figueres said. “It is yet another reason for optimism in advance of the U.N. climate conference in Paris in December.”

Reference, California Assembly Bill, AB 32.  Global Warming Solutions Act,  Fact Sheets and FAQs.  Reference, Europa/European Union (EU) website,  EU Countries.

Note photographs:  Governor Jerry Brown and former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger by John Decker from  USC News,"climate change panel", 9/9/14. So. CA Edison carbon plant emissions by Josh Stephenson/Durango Herald from the Los Angeles Times, 10/25/14, "Despite CA climate law, carbon emissions may be a shell game."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Redwood City budget 2015-16, paid for capital projects

The Daily Journal/Staff, 4/29/15. "Redwood City prioritizes capital projects."
Image result for Pacifica, CA bad road picture
Pacifica:  What me worry?

"The Redwood City Council gave a general thumbs up to a slew of capital improvement projects the city will pursue next year including replacing and rehabbing sewer pipelines and water infrastructure.The total proposed budget for capital projects is set at more than $29.3 million paid for by utility taxes, park in-lieu funds and grants among other sources.

About $7.7 million is slated for transportation improvements including a $3.7 million project to underground utilities on Middlefield Road including streetscaping. The biggest expenditure on the list is $5.5 million for sewer pipeline rehabilitation and replacement with water infrastructure improvements slated at about $3.9 million. ....  Pavement resurfacing is slated for $1.6 million in improvements and another $800,000 will be spent on sidewalk repair and replacement upon council approval. The city has about 300 miles of sidewalks. Further down on the list is a $700,000 expenditure for affordable housing.

The council will make its final approval of the list in June before it adopts next year’s budget.  Read more.

Note photograph:  one of a fabulous series, Brian W. and others, "Brian's Beach Cottage", Ski-epic, 3/15/14.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Blogging good for health? They didn't study this city.

Science Daily/University of Exeter (UK), 4/21/15. "Online discussion forums good for well-being, study shows."

Image result for Disagreement picture
No growth City moving forward...
....  "A new study has found that internet discussion forums have positive links to well-being and are even associated with increased community engagement offline, contrary to a common perception of them being outdated and prone to trolling.  Research published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior found that online forums have benefits for both individuals and wider society and are of greater importance than previously realized.

Although seemingly eclipsed in the past decade by social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, forums are still regularly used by around 10% of online users in the UK and 20% in the US. The study's authors believe this value may stem in part from the fact that forums represent one of the few remaining spaces online that afford the user the potential for anonymous interaction.

In the study, users were approached on a range of online discussion forums catering to a variety of interests, hobbies and lifestyles. Those recruited to the study were classified in two groups: those whose forum subject could be considered stigmatized (such as those dealing with mental health issues, postnatal depression or a particular parenting choice for example) or non-stigma-related forums (such as those for golfers, bodybuilders and environmental issues)."  Read more.

Note Graphic from CTI Co-Active, "The Coaches". "Transforum" .... "There are times when we need to move quickly and it is vital that those in charge step forward and chart a course they feel is best for the good of the whole. Still, deep listening and the ability to disagree are critical in creating alignment and shaping direction."

Posted by Kathy Meeh 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

GreenPoint residential "green" rating, vs. CALGreen and LEED

Earthbound Homes Blog, "LEED vs. Green Point Rated (GPR), 4/26/10.

.... "As a builder.  I am much more inclined to ask my homeowner to get their home GPR certified and spend the extra $8K on improving the quality of the insulation, installing a larger PV system or a Solar Hot water system.

Planning Commission, approved
project, 4/6/15, Harmony@1, Lot 2
Image result for green building picture
NIMBY appealed, revised, built 12/20/2025
"Happy Holidays", Harmony@0, Lot 2
While it is great to have a LEED rated Home on my palmares,  their $8000 would be better put to use, increasing the quality of their insulation, say from blown in cellulose to close cell polyurethane foam, which will dramatically increase the efficiency of the project and result in a positive savings on their heating and cooling bills, forever.  LEED has bragging rights, but that is about it."

Reference, spreadsheet. Green Building Rating, code 2014, pdf pages 2. "Comparing residential green building rating systems and the CALGreen Code in 2014."  Spreadsheet comparison:  GreenPoint Rated v6, CALGreen 2013 Tier 1, CALGreen 2013 Tier 2, LEED for Homes v4. ....  "The measures and credits compared here are not necessarily equivalent... "Where 'no CALGreen Reference and 'no LEED credit reference' is noted there is not direct measures or credit that aligns within that system compared to Green Point rated." This document has been reviewed by StopWaste, San Francisco Department of the Environment, Build It Green, the US Green Building Council, and USGBC California. ..."

Reference, websites.  GreenPoint, version 6: GPR New Home Rating Manual version 6.0, January 2014. Clear, clean website.  About:  .... "GreenPoint Rated was launched in 2006. It was developed by a diverse set of residential building stakeholders including production builders, contractors, architects and designers, multifamily home developers, state and local government leaders, utilities, regional and national building-science experts, suppliers, and green building advocates. GreenPoint Rated´s recommended measures and performance benchmarks specifically address climate and market conditions in California. They are backed by sound building science, have been tried and tested in the field, and are recognized by third party sources, including the California Air Resources Board, the California Energy Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments." 

Also see,  State of California, Housing and Community Development (HCD), CA.  CA:Green 2013: California Green Building Standards Code California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 11. (Typical indirect, confusing government website).  And, US Green Building Council, LEED for Homes version 4, includes embedded green building educational/marketing videos/audios.

Note photographs. Planning Commission, 4/6/15, Item 2, approved project, from Harmony@1, Lot 2, Facebook, photograph 2 of 9.  Imagined NIMBY delayed hillside revision, built locally by non-professionals 2025, from Big, "Architecture full glass green architecture for roof  home green architecture for natural housing."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Monday, April 27, 2015

Fox in the Hen House

"Gang-of-No" Council Member John Keener is trying to block Harmony@1.

Posted by Steve Sinai

KIMCO and city talk about plans for shopping centers

By Jane Northrop

Concerned about the numerous vacancies in Pacifica shopping centers owned and operated by
Kimmy K. - Owner of KIMCO?
KIMCO Realty, City Council members directed staff to engage in a conversation with KIMCO about their long term plans for the shopping centers.

Out of the meeting that occurred Mar. 26 with Pacifica Planning Director Tina Wehrmeister, City Manager Lorie Tinfow, and three KIMCO reps including Western Regional President Armand Vasquez, a commitment to communicate more frequently about issues key to both the city and the realty corporation emerged.

Council Member Mike O'Neill was the one who encouraged his colleagues to take a tough stand on vacancies by developing a vacancy ordinance. His colleagues did not go that route, but they did support opening up communications with KIMCO to find out what its long term plans are for the shopping centers.

"There is a lot of community concern," O'Neill said. "I would like to see what happens working cooperatively before the hammer comes down. I was disappointed to see the week after the meeting, the pet store closed and two others are concerned with rent increases."

"They do have a plan," City Manager Tinfow said. "They said tenants have their own considerations to take into account. Other businesses have moved in, such as Pet Food Express."

KIMCO is now the sole owner of the Linda Mar Shopping Center, having recently bought out a partner, but still owns the Fairmont Shopping Center with a partner.


Submitted by Victor Spano

Reminder, City Council meeting, tonight, Monday April 27, 2015

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on  PCT 26 You Tube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City council updates and archives are available on the City website.

Fix Pacifica Article, City Council Agenda, 4/27/15.    Interactive City Council Agenda, 4/27/15.  

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Beach health warning, Pacifica State Beach (Linda Mar)

San Mateo Daily Journal/Staff, 4/27/15. "High levels of bacteria at beaches."

Image result for Linda Mar Beach
Pacifica State Beach (Linda Mar)
Image result for dead dead whale found at linda mar beach, Pacifica, CA picture
Sharp Park Beach may also be
sending a waive of contamination,
(whale beached there since 4/14/15).
Ten beaches and creeks have warning signs posted for elevated levels of bacteria such as E. coli that can cause illness, according to the San Mateo County Health System. The signs are precautionary only and do not prevent individuals from accessing the water although county officials warn that they risk illness associated with swimming in contaminated waters.

Four beaches at Pillar Point Harbor on the coast have the warning signs up now as does Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica.... Swimming in water that is contaminated by sewage, animal waste, chemicals or other types of contamination can result in minor illnesses such as skin rashes, eye and ear infections and upset stomachs, or more severe and potentially life-threatening diseases such as cholera, hepatitis and meningitis, according to the Health System. Typical symptoms may include diarrhea, nausea, stomach aches, open wound infections and continuing headaches.

ReferenceCounty of San Mateo Health System, "Beach, pool and other recreational water closures".  "The following locations have elevated levels of indicator bacteria and are posted with warning signs:  This list was last updated April 22, 2015 based on samples collected Monday morning.  Ocean Beaches: The following beaches have elevated levels of indicator bacteria and are posted:  Linda Mar #5 (Linda Mar Blvd);  Pillar Point #5 (Capistrano Beach), Pillar Point #7, (Surf-West Pt), #8 (Maverick's Parking), #9 (Outer Harbor)..."

Related - Fix Pacifica articles, Whale washes-up..4/15/15, or search blog: Whale. 

Note photograph from  City Data, "Pacifica, CA: Pedro Point and Linda Mar Beach" (aka:  Pacifica State Beach,  "Pacifica State Beach is the southernmost of Pacifica, California's large beaches, it is a 0.75 mile long crescent shaped beach located at the mouth of the San Pedro Valley in downtown Pacifica off State Route 1, in San Mateo County. Pacifica State Beach (Linda Mar) from Wikipedia.
whale on Pacifica State Beach from Mcurtin blog. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Reminder, PRC 40th Anniversary Stroll and donation drive today, 4/26/15

From Pacifica Resource Center, 3/16/15. "Save the date! PRC's 40th Anniversary Stroll at Rockaway Beach on Sun. April 26th."  

Image result for Pacifica Resource Center picture
Best Resource Center in San Mateo County
 (probably), and in this City its needed.
Image result for Rockaway Beach, Pacifica  business district - photographs
Rockaway Beach ocean side.
Stroll the business/restaurant plaza.
.... Please join us to celebrate our 40th anniversary milestone at our 40th anniversary stroll at Rockaway Beach on Sunday, April 26th from 2-4:30p. With generous support from the Sam Mazza Foundation, over 250 guests will stroll the Plaza, visit participating businesses, bid on Silent Auction items, drink great wine, enjoy a selection of hors d’oeuvres from local restaurants, and partake in our wonderful community and the natural beauty of Pacifica.

Tickets are $40 each (in honor of our 40th Anniversary) or $300 for a table of 8. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the Pacifica Resource Center at 650-738-7470, or visit our Network for Good Donate Now page. The Pacifica Resource Center is a 501c3 organization. We are neighbors helping neighbors."

Related article - Pacifica Tribune/Chris Hunter, Special, 4/21/15, "Pacifica Resource Center's 40th Anniversary "Stroll at Rockaway Beach' this Sunday", today, Sunday, April 21, 2015. "Pacifica is a remarkable little city that does what no other community of nearly 40,000 could do — function as a "bedroom community" with a very small commercial tax base.  ....  The three largest employers in Pacifica are the Pacifica School District, the City of Pacifica and Safeway. That in itself is another snapshot of Pacifica's economic reality. It's also self-evident that most people in town are happy to be enjoying their Pacifica lifestyle.  .... "PRC staff and volunteers, past and present, have served Pacifica residents struggling to make ends meet for 40 years, and we are committed to providing support to Pacificans when they need it for at least another 40 years," says Pacifica Resource Center Executive Director Anita Rees."  Read article, its well worth reading. 

Note Photographs: Pacifica Resource Center from Pacificans Care.  Ocean side of Rockaway Beach area from Best Western/Bring Fido.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

My lawn is worse than yours

Image result for dried up lawnSan Francisco Chronicle/Opinion/Joe Mathews, syndicated columnist, 4/17/15. "Forgive me for bragging, but my lawn's worse than yours.

Image result for dried up lawn"Image result for dried up lawn....  "As the drought deepens and the state revises plans for mandatory restrictions, California’s lawn culture has flipped, dirt side up. Your local community pillars, once celebrated for lawns and gardens even greener than their money, run the risk of becoming social outcasts.

On the other side of this flip is your columnist, who is allergic to lawn watering and all other forms of lawn maintenance. Now, at the dawn of this drier California era, I have become an accidental avatar of civic virtue. It used to be that if you didn’t keep your lawn a pristine green, you didn’t care. Now, you don’t care if you do.

Image result for dried up lawn
#1 worst lawn, very civic-minded.
 ....  Reading the contradictory advice, you can see that the arguments during this shift in lawn culture will be as much about ideals of beauty as about water. That’s fine, but the legions of us who don’t care about looks need clearer guidance. How do I — cheaply — keep the front of my house presentable and water-wise?  If no answer is forthcoming, I’m perfectly happy to keep the water off. Let others bemoan the eyesore I’ve created. I’ll be celebrating my civic-mindedness.  Read more.

Note from article:   Joe Mathews wrote this Connecting California column for T
hinking L.A., a project of UCLA and Zócalo Public Square, (from their disclosure: an affiliate of Arizona State University, an Ideas Exchange that blends live events and humanities journalism).

Note photographs:  Left. House that looks like a Linda Mar rancher is by Getty Images; the house is located in Fremont, CA from a CNBC article. The maroon color house with trees is from Academy Bed and Breakfast. Right. The American flag lawn is from 100% Fed Up!  The two-story beige color house is from I can't sell my house blog. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, April 25, 2015

City Council meeting, Monday, April 27, 2015

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on  PCT 26 You Tube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City council updates and archives are available on the City website.

Image result for highway tax picture
New State gasoline taxes and auto fees
coming to pave our City roads and streets
Interactive City Council Agenda, 4/27/15.     Full Agenda, 4/27/15, pdf pages 53. 

Closed Session, 5:30 p.m.  CA government code 54957.6.  Conference with labor negotiator. Agency Negotiator: Carol Stevens.  Firefighters Local 2400, Battalion Chiefs Local 856, Department Directors Local 350. Wastewater Treatment Plant Employees Local 856. Miscellaneous Local 856.  Managers Local 350.  Police Officers Association, Supervisors, Management Local 350. 

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag, Closed Session report. 
Consent Calendar
1.  Approval of disbursements, FY 2014-15: 
3/30/15 to 4/15/15.
2.  Approval of Minutes:  

3.  Approval letter to support Senate Bill 16 (Beall Transportation Funding), increasing State gasoline tax and increasing fees to support local streets and roads preservation and maintenance over a period of 5 years. Report, and Letter. 

Special Presentation - Youth Advisory Board 
Public Hearings - None.  City Council communications. Public oral communications.

4.  Beautification Advisory Committee Annual Report, Ginny Jaquith, Chair.  Summary, (no attachment).
5.  Two (2) appointments to Planning Commission.  Summary,  Applicant List.
6.  Resolution  to support Priority Conservations Areas (PCA) applications:  a) Pedro Point Headlands; b) California Coastal Trail.
7.  Proposed 7/2015-7/2016 Fiscal Year Budget, $28.24 million.  Report, a) Proposed General Fund Summary 2015-2016.

Note photo/graphic from Freedom Works. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Former Sharp Park Golf Course Supervisor suing San Francisco (keeps Park job)

Image result for sharp park golf course photographs
739 trees may fall

Image result for Sharp Park golf course picture
This "hazard" is leaving
ABC 7 News (KGO), Dan Noyes, 4/23/15. "I-Team investigates water waste during the drought."

 ....  The former supervisor at Sharp Park Golf Course complained about water leaks and other safety problems for years, and now he has filed a lawsuit accusing the city of retaliating against him because of it. .... Wayne Kappelman lost his job at Sharp Park, his lawyer, Greg Brock, explained to the I-Team. "As he rocks the boat, the city begins to come down on him," Brock said.

Image result for Sharp Park golf course picture
Too much water usage
....  Ana Alvarez, the Superintendent of Parks and Open Space, disputes the 50,000 gallon leak figure and said the workers now respond to leaks quickly. "It's an irrigation system that we continue to work on, and it's a part of not only renovating a couple of pieces, but also to be able to problem solve in those specific locations where there's a need for an immediate response," Alvarez said.

Image result for Sharp Park golf course picture
Bummer, a lawsuit
client I missed
Wayne Kappelman says, "despite his warnings, Rec and Park failed to address: 739 dead trees that could come down any time, old and unsafe equipment and vehicles, containers that posed tripping hazards."  The City Attorney responds that much of it was Kappelman's duty to address that, and that he got suspended from the golf course for "insubordinate behavior, inattention to duty, poor judgment, and behavior unbecoming of a supervisor."

 ....  All sides in this say it's impossible to add up exactly how much water was lost during the past few years. Kappelman is now assigned to another park that doesn't have a golf course."  Read article.

Note photographs.  Fox by Jesse Garnier from SF Bay News, 11/18/11. SPGC trees from Stockton image shack, (want to see more trees try Golf Club Atlas/Bo Links and Richard Harris).  Frog from Wild Equity Institute, "Pesticide Truths". Brent Plater ("leader of groups such as Wild Equity and the Sierra Club"), by Angela Hart/SF Public Press,1/19/10. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh