Well, there's that damn carpetbagger, Peebles, again! When is he going to learn that us Pacifican's can't be fooled by his charade as a mover and shaker in the Obama Whitehouse?
Thank goodness we sent the charlatan packing!
seems like some joker plastered my professional photo all over the NO on L website, so I thought I would post my far less witty alter ego instead - Jeff
Encouraging Business Investment, Competitiveness and Job Creation? WTF! We don't want that in Pacifica! That would mean more traffic! Can't have that...
...unless it means a new McDonald's.
Someone needs to warn President Obama! There's only one reason R DoneWithU Peebles is there in the first place - to build 350 White Houses and create traffic jams. That's all he ever wants to do... Same M.O. every time - milk, honey and no plan. I thought we sent him packin back to that tenement in Little Havana anyway. What is this guy, Freddie Kruger on steroids or something?
How ironic... I was censored on Riptide for calling Plater and CBD "carpetbaggers", and we put it in a headline here. Long live freedom of speech.
Of course, if there's an important report and PROSAC vote that impacts Pacifica significantly and basically says CBD and their "scientists" are full of it, Maybury wouldn't want to let that kind of information out -- not when there's important news like shilling for the latest Nancy Hall concert. They'd probably call that report "hate speech" on Riptide, since they've shown that they don't know what that term means. They could use a good copy editor.
The real irony is some people don't seem to remember the origin of the word "carpetbagger" (I wouldn't take it as an insult, LOL!).
Maybury spent most of the Measure L campaign (and many months afterwards) using his newspaper column to trash the accomplishments and character of Don Peebles. And then Riptide wanted to appeal to his sense of charity to donate the property for the "good of the cause."
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