New parcel owner tax to keep improving our three (3) San Mateo County Community Colleges.
San Jose Mercury News/Daily News/Bonnie Eslinger, Staff, 10/8/14. "$167,000 poured into campaign for San Mateo County Community College District bond measure."
Related article - The Daily Journal (San Mateo), Editorial, 9/10/14. "Editorial: Yes on Masure H." "The San Mateo County Community College District and its three campuses,
College of San Mateo, CaƱada College in Redwood City and Skyline College
in San Bruno, serve approximately 40,000 students from a variety of
backgrounds and with a variety of goals in their education. ....
The district has made significant improvements to its campuses through
two earlier bond measures in the last decade and a half. A walk through
any of the campuses will show shining, roomy and state-of-the-art
facilities ready to prepare students for 21st-century jobs that are
significantly different than what the colleges were focusing on when the
campuses were constructed in the 1960s and 1970s. Back then,
architecture, aviation and welding were key. Now, science, health care
and engineering are developing into more popular career paths. Ensuring
that the district is able to have facilities to meet this growing career
path is essential to best serve San Mateo County’s population.
Reference - Shape the Future, See School Districts, Measure H, San Mateo County Community College District Bond Measure (55% Approval required). Six (6) documents: primary argument for, rebuttal; impartial analysis, argument against, rebuttal.
Note photographs. College teacher with young students CNN/Money. College teacher with career medical students Advanced College Education. Man viewing computer data Community College New Hampshire/Manufacturing. In line waiting Travel Daily News/Asia-Pacific.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
1 comment:
A $100,000,000 tear-down and rebuilding of the Skyline campus theater. Another $30,000,000 to modify and remodel the four-year old Athletic Club at CSM that already came in at almost $60 million. That's where Measure H bond money will be going.
Former SM Planning Commissioner, Maxine Terner, has created a powerful website showing the College District's misuse of voter money and misleading voters about how money will be spent.
Visit and vote NO on Measure H
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