Friday, September 30, 2016

Planning Commission meeting, Monday October 3, 2016

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website/Planning Commission.

Image result for Mobile home park, Pacifica picture
Item 4. Renovation of Pacific Skies Estates.

Open Session, 7:00 p.m. Administrative (pages 1-2):  Order of the Agenda; Approval of the Minutes 8/1/16; Liaison to next City Council meeting, none. Communications:  Public oral. 

Consent items
1.    CDP-336-13.  Permit extension to construct a 400 sq. ft. addition to an existing 3-story single family residence, 111 Kent Road (APN 016-022-120). Recommend: grant 1 year extension. 

2.    Presentation.  Fiscal Year 2016-17 City of Pacifica Operating Budget.

New public hearings
3.  Updated.   CDP-364-16; PSD-810-16; UP-74-16; PE-167-16; S-120-16. Follow-up approval (studio unit) within tow buildings, 195 Carmel Avenue (APN 016-022-120), parking exception. Recommend CEQA status 32, categorical exception, section 15332.  Approve as conditioned.   
3.  Removed.   CDP-364-16; PSD-810-16; UP-74-16; PE-167-16; S-120-16.  Renovation of "Pacific Skies Estates" 93-unit mobile home park, 1300 Palmetto Avenue (APN 009-291-020)Recommend: approve as conditioned.
4.    CDP-364-16.  Renovation of "Pacific Skies Estates".  Recommend: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) status: class 2 categorical exemption, section 15302 (replacement or reconstruction), and class 4, section 15304 (minor alterations to land). 

Consideration items, none.  Communications: Commission, Staff. 
Reference Acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number. CDP, Coastal Development permit. PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Variance. S, Sign permit. SP, Specific Plan. TA, text amendment. UP, Use permit.  Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions.  Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, R1,

Note photographic rendering from CRP/PSE Seaside Pacifica Venture, article Silicon Valley Business Journal/Nathan Donato-Weinstein, 9/22/15, "Exclusive: Carlyle Group bests on Bay Area mobile home park."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, September 29, 2016

More illegal Dierdre Martin signs

Submitted by Jim Wagner

This is funny


Submitted by Jim Wagner

Labor Council candidate endorsements, November 2016 election


San Mateo Central Labor Council:  November 2016 local election, San Mateo County Endorsements, pdf pages 1.


Image result for endorsements Labor picturePacifica City Council (2 seats):  Bridgit Duffy, silent; Deirdre Martin, silent; Mary Ann Nihart (I), endorse;  Sue Vaterlaus, endorse.  

Pacifica City Measures (2): "N" Pacifica library bond, support; "W" Pacifica rezone quarry to include residential, silent.  

Jefferson High School District (2 seats):  Andrew Lie (1-A), endorse; Roberto Marques, silent; Kalimah Salahuddin (I), endorse.

Harbor District: 2 year term (1 seat):  Ed Larenas, silent; Brian Rogers, endorse.  

Harbor District: 4 year term (3 seats):  Sabrina Brennan (I), silent; Virginia Chang Kiraly (I-A), endorse; Tom Mattusch (I), silent; Shawn Mooney, endorse. 


Note graphic from Monterey Bay Central Labor Council.


Posted by Kathy Meeh

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Seniors on the Move, Tuesday, October 25, 10AM - 3 PM

Submitted by

Ann Cooney
Meals on Wheels & Transportation Coordinator
City of Pacifica Senior Services
Parks, Beaches & Recreation Department

Best time to fund one excellent library

Pacifica Tribune/Letters to the Editor, 9/23/16.  "One library for all" by Caroline Barba

Image result for Proposed Pacifica, CA Library picture
Modern West Sharp Park library
open 7 days, Vote Yes for N!
"Dear Editor, I am writing this letter because I am disturbed about how much misinformation there is that is circulating about the new library project. ...  .... The Foundation was formed after the JPA was formed, and part of the agreement was that Pacifica would work towards a single library that would meet the needs of all Pacificans. Much work has been done towards this goal, and the data is all there on the websites.

I strongly feel that now is the right time to move forward with this project. Interest rates are low, and the recent upgrading of Pacifica’s bond rating from A to AA- will further lower the cost. We have a site that the city owns and has been found suitable for development by two engineering reports, including one by a respected marine engineering firm, Moffat and Nichol.

The competent, professional city staff has worked with the San Mateo County Library and the Foundation in bringing the project forward. An award-winning architectural firm has been hired to do the design stage and will be actively inviting your participation in creating a library that will suit our needs.
I urge all interested citizens to visit the websites and become informed, or, better yet, visit one of the newer libraries like Millbrae or Belmont to see what we are missing."
Reference.  Pacifica Library Foundation.   City of Pacifica/The New Pacifica Library.  Moffatt & Nichol/Coastal Hazards Study, pdf pages 6.    Note: Conceptual rendering of the proposed new library from the City New Library reference.  

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reminder City Council Study Session: Sea Level Rise, Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Image result for Sea Level rise picture
Managed retreat?
in my neighborhood.

City Council Study Session on Sea Level Rise 9/27/2016, City Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 6 p.m. 

"Notice is hereby given that the Pacifica City Council will hold a study session regarding Sea Level Rise to share information and gather feedback for next steps in addressing sea level rise issues in our community."

Reference.  City of Pacifica/Moffatt & Nichol, 6/2016, "Coastal Hazards Study Executive Summary, pdf pages 6.  Related.  Beachapedia, "State of the Beach/State Reports/CA/Erosion Response."

Note: This City Study Session is NOT shown on the Pacific Coast Television 26  calendar live stream as televised.      

Photograph from Surging Seas, Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central, "Personal Sea Level Rise Calculator."  

Posted by Kathy Meeh

It's time to address climate change

Pacifica Tribune/Letters to the Editor, 9/23/16.

Image result for Climate change picture
"Managed retreat" alternative. 
"Climate change now" by Amy Lynn Caplan

"Dear Editor, While our community debates about the library, the quarry, a hotel near the pier, and dozens of other issues, let’s get real.

Abrupt climate change is happening now. The long-term big picture needs to be brought to the forefront: drought, fresh water supply, sea level rise, stronger storms, undergrounding wires to prevent multi-day power outages, erosion, mudslides, trees dying, carbon sequestering, ocean acidification, ocean anoxia (deoxygenation) and the sixth mass extinction. In 30 years, fresh water and food will be critical issues. Let’s start discussing this now."

Note photograph from flatplanet, "Definition and Effects of Climate Change."  Choice of framing and photograph by the article poster.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Monday, September 26, 2016

A little more on the Hatch Act from the US Office of Special Counsel

The more I learn about this, the more I think this isn't a problem for Mary Ann.

Following is a 2009 opinion on the Hatch Act.

Posted by Steve Sinai

Reminder City Council meeting tonight, Monday, September 26, 2016

Image result for Climate Action change picture
 Come visit, we're looking for
another endangered species.

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or view on local television or live feed  Pacific Coast TV.  If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The City Council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the  City Council website. 

Fix Pacifica article/City Council meeting, 9/26/16.    City Council meeting, 9/26/16.

7.   Climate Action Plan.
8.   Illegal Fireworks Task Force.
9.   Clean Energy Program.

Note graphic from Pinterest, by Maria Albillos:  Goal 13: Climate Action # Global Goals, "Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

What do Hatch Act restrictions have to do with our nonpartisan City Council elections?

Image result for Nothing picture
Isn't that the correct answer?
US Legal/Hatch Act. "The Hatch Act of 1939 is a piece of United States federal legislation which prohibits federal employees, employees of the District of Columbia and certain employees of state and local governments from engaging in partisan political activity.  The Act was named after Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico who protested the political involvement of federal employees in primaries and general elections and sponsored the bill that became the Hatch Act. 

Image result for no effect picture
Really got to start over with
a brand new nefarious rumor.
In 1993, the Act was substantially amended.  The 1993 amendments, 5 U.S.C.S. §§ 7321-7326, clarified the rights of federal employees to a great extent.  The Act bars only the misuse of official authority or influence, and misuse of work place and official duties. The Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 permit most federal employees to take an active part in partisan political management and partisan political campaigns.

While federal employees are still prohibited from seeking public office in partisan elections, most employees are free to work, while off duty, on the partisan campaigns of the candidates of their choice.  However, a small group of federal employees are subject to greater restrictions and continue to be prohibited from engaging in partisan political management and partisan political campaigns. The Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C.S. §§ 7321-7326, forbids employees of the United States and its agencies, generally, from politicizing the work place. It assures that federal employees are appointed and promoted according to merit, and that they serve the public equally, regardless of political affiliation."

Inside Hatch Act:  1) Agencies/Employees Prohibited From Engaging in Partisan Political Activity. 2)  Fundamental Rights and Hatch Act. 3)  Penalties. 4) Permitted/Prohibited Activities for Employees. 5)  Persons Covered under the Act. 6)  Forms and Guides. 7)  Questions and Answers. 8)  Attorneys. 9)  Sitemap.  Another source: Congressional Research Service/Hatch Act, 7/8/14, pdf pages 11. Nonpartisan elections, see pdf pages 3-4.

Note photographs/graphics. Nothing from Koren Motekaitis, "How She Really Does It (Life, weight loss)." Confusion image from Medscape/Megan Brooks, 8/24/14, "Add-on Guanfacine Helpful for Stubborn ADHD."
Posted by Kathy Meeh