Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Not a Mountain Lion, San Mateo

Image result for funny cat picture
Not a Mountain Lion, but I'm wild.
 The Daily Journal, 7/19/16, "Mountain lion sighting turns out to be house cat."

"Reports of a mountain lion at West 20th Avenue and La Salle Drive just off Alameda de las Pulgas in San Mateo Sunday night turned out to be that of a house cat, police reported Monday.

The Department of Fish and Wildlife determined from a photo that what was initially reported to be a mountain lion was a smaller cat based on the animal’s characteristics and its scale compared to a sign next to it in the photo, police said.

Police were called to the location just before 8 p.m. Sunday and set up a perimeter to find the cat. Officers searched for about an hour without locating it, police said. A mountain lion did run loose for a few hours just south of Central Park May 18, 2015. It was eventually tranquilized and returned to the wild."

Related, article with photograph of the cat, The Mercury News/San Mateo County/Aaron Kinney, 7/18/16, "San Mateo: House cat mistaken for mountain lion, wildlife officials say." Note photograph above from Stive Fails, You tube, 10:58 minutes, "Best of Funny Cats 2013".

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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