Saturday, July 9, 2016

City Council Meeting, Monday, July 11, 2016


I wonder who wins this one said...

I see deJarednuts wants to be just like is mentor John Curtis. deJarednuts wants to be on the Mosquito Abatement Committee vs Bernie Sifry.

Anonymous said...

Deidre Martin running for City Council. Another one nimby! We need people to run for of all us. Not just for their gang.

Anonymous said...

Deidre Martin is just another useful idiot for the faux-enviro NIMBY's.
Instead of letting her babble on about blocking Quarry development and Highway One improvements ask her some hard questions like how is she going to generate revenue for Pacifica? How is she going to fix a dilapidated infrastructure? How is she going to create affordable housing?
Another Peter Loeb, Dina Verby and Julie Lancelle lacky is the last thing we need.

Anonymous said...

Because the "Gang Of No" is very well organized. As soon as they see an opening on City Council they have a no growth candidate ready.

Anonymous said...

The Gang of Yes should take some pages from their playbook.