Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.
Interactive City Council Agenda, 7/25/16. City Council Agenda, 7/25/16, pdf pages 310.
Closed session, none.
Open session,
7 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session
report, none. Special Presentation, none.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of disbursements, a) Disbursements 7/7/16 - 7/8/16, and b) 7/11/16 - 7/13/16.
2. Approval of Minutes, 7/11/16.
3. Proclamation confirming existence of local emergency, Pacifica coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Boulevard. Report: a) Proclamation; b) photos, 7/20/16.
4. Authorization to sell surplus vehicles and equipment. Report.
5. Authorization for Senior Services division to submit an application to San Mateo County Area Agency for Older American Act (OAA) grant funding/Senior Services Division for State Nutrition Funding and San Mateo County General Fund, FY 2016-17. Report.
6. Cancel City Council meeting, 8/22/16. Report.
7. Letter of opposition to Governor Brown's rushed "By Right" preemptive local land use housing proposal. Report. a) City letter to Governor Brown. b) League of Cities opposition, pdf pages 37.
8. Letter requesting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the airline industry reduce noise over Pacifica. Report. Letter to FAA, 7/25/16.
9. Library initiative (requires 2/3rds vote). Adopt an ordinance and submit a ballot measure proposition to construct a new public library through general obligation, parcel bond debt, not to exceed $33,500,000, general election 11/8/16, Report/ordinance.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. Public Hearings, none.
10. Quarry initiative, authorize zoning to include future housing: adopt an ordinance, or a resolution to submit the initiative petition to voters, general election 11/8/16. Report/resolution. 9212 Report.
11. Police Department Report on illegal fireworks activity, and recommended strategies to reduce use. Report.
12. Selection of the City Council voting delegate to attend the League of California Cities annual conference, Long Beach, 10/5/16 - 10/7/16. Report, 1 delegate. (2 designated alternatives). Form to complete.
Adjourn. Note photograph/graphic. Grumpy NIMBY cat from Quick Meme.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Items 9, 10. Too many books, people and cars. |
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of disbursements, a) Disbursements 7/7/16 - 7/8/16, and b) 7/11/16 - 7/13/16.
2. Approval of Minutes, 7/11/16.
3. Proclamation confirming existence of local emergency, Pacifica coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Boulevard. Report: a) Proclamation; b) photos, 7/20/16.
4. Authorization to sell surplus vehicles and equipment. Report.
5. Authorization for Senior Services division to submit an application to San Mateo County Area Agency for Older American Act (OAA) grant funding/Senior Services Division for State Nutrition Funding and San Mateo County General Fund, FY 2016-17. Report.
6. Cancel City Council meeting, 8/22/16. Report.
7. Letter of opposition to Governor Brown's rushed "By Right" preemptive local land use housing proposal. Report. a) City letter to Governor Brown. b) League of Cities opposition, pdf pages 37.
8. Letter requesting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the airline industry reduce noise over Pacifica. Report. Letter to FAA, 7/25/16.
9. Library initiative (requires 2/3rds vote). Adopt an ordinance and submit a ballot measure proposition to construct a new public library through general obligation, parcel bond debt, not to exceed $33,500,000, general election 11/8/16, Report/ordinance.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. Public Hearings, none.
10. Quarry initiative, authorize zoning to include future housing: adopt an ordinance, or a resolution to submit the initiative petition to voters, general election 11/8/16. Report/resolution. 9212 Report.
11. Police Department Report on illegal fireworks activity, and recommended strategies to reduce use. Report.
12. Selection of the City Council voting delegate to attend the League of California Cities annual conference, Long Beach, 10/5/16 - 10/7/16. Report, 1 delegate. (2 designated alternatives). Form to complete.
Adjourn. Note photograph/graphic. Grumpy NIMBY cat from Quick Meme.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Anyone know anything about this?
OUTSTANDING 1 34853 $2,065,918.72 07/07/16 00044 3 STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD
Is this it?
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