the state. In fact, the number of people emerging from unemployment across California is making encouraging gains, according to this month’s figures released Saturday by the state’s Employment Development Department.
....In the Bay Area, San Mateo is the county with California’s lowest
unemployment rate at 3.3 percent. This shrank 0.3 percent from the
preliminary San Mateo figures from last month. Close behind are Marin and San Francisco counties, which have unemployment rates of 3.5 and 3.6 percent, respectively. Both made gains from last month, according to the early data." Read more.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Hardly anything to celebrate. The unemployment rate doesn’t include those workers taking part-time gigs while searching for full-time employment. It also doesn’t account for people who recently gave up looking for jobs after searching unsuccessfully for months. By folding these groups into the equation, the unemployment rate more than doubles. The economy remains in serious trouble!
You should celebrate. America has changed and what it means to be employed continues to change. Particularly for the vast numbers of workers who aren't techies or in a traditional profession or trade. Ask someone, especially a 25-35 year old in today's labor force, what they do and these days you often get 2, 3 or even 4 combinations. It's the new normal.
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