"An AIMCO-owned apartment building, The Bluffs, next door at 380 Esplanade Ave., suffered ground subsidence. The city's rock revetment next to The Bluffs was also damaged.
Reference - From Fix Pacifica article reprint, City Council Meeting Agenda, 2/9/15.
Item 3. Continued 4/12/10 proclamation of the existence of cliff erosion, landslide ground substance and failure of revetment supporting the storm drainage at 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue.
Item 5. "Approval of the 380 Esplanade AIMCO Esplanade Avenue Apartments, LLC Settlement Agreement, lateral drain construction and parking lot restoration contract, 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue. Award construction to Casey Construction, Inc., $72,880. Approve the management and inspection services to CSG Consultants, Inc., $14,100. Award the 380 Esplanade Avenue asphalt parking lot restoration to American Asphalt, $15,040. Report, Settlement Agreement, pdf pages 353. Note: 380 and 400 Esplanade Avenue property condemnation by the City of Pacifica, some price comparisons, computer pages 342-343.
Note photographs by Chris Dant Adequate Bird: Apartments and single cliff water drain pipe from 8/16/10. Cliff erosion (double photograph) 11/28/10. Asphalt 11/4/10.
Related - AIMCO, Esplanade Avenue Apartments - State of California, pdf 146. PlainSite, Lhalaine Asino v. City of Pacifica, Superior Court Case CLJ462790.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
If anyone knows more about the AIMCO settlement with the City, and has additional information-- that would be appreciated.
Put in a public records request.
Kathy, it's all buried in the supporting docs for the settlement agenda item for the 2/9 council meeting. Read it and weep.
1218, since you've read the Item 5 settlement agreement, 353 pages, and wept-- how about giving us a summary of what you understand from what you read? Thanks in advance.
Kathy, just scan for dollar signs... although some of the engineering stuff from GeoSoils is very interesting. Keep in mind this settlement process has been on-going since 2010. AIMCO says the city's drainage pipe which previously went under the AIMCO property was a factor in the loss of their apt bldgs. City Pipe had to be relocated and repairs made. Pacifica has set aside funds in some account and will be reimbursed to some extent by something or other, sometime. Grants. And Mother Nature agrees to leave that section of coastal cliff alone if the city will agree to the same. That's about it.
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