The Daily Journal/Austin Walsh, 2/16/15. "Britannia Cove breaks ground in South San Francisco."
Oyster Point, South San Francisco |
20 acre parcel after development |
"South San Francisco officials are enthusiastic about construction
beginning on a massive business complex near Britannia Cove at Oyster
Point. .... According to Jonathan Bergschneider, an executive vice president
at HCP Inc., groundbreaking is underway and the company pulled building
permits last week.
.... Mayor Rich Garbarino said the construction will help stimulate the local
economy, as developers have agreed to use local union workers in
building the project.
Though South San Francisco has long been recognized as a leader
in the biotechnology industry, Garbarino said he hopes that the city
will begin to attract technology companies in an effort to extend the
boundaries of Silicon Valley further north along Highway 101. .... Garbarino expressed the
importance of responsible development in the region, because he said he
wanted to see some of the land in the area maintained for open space
Read article.
Related article -
Business Journal/Ron Leuty, 2/4/15. "Massive Souths S.F. biotech project from developer HCP breaks ground." "... "
In all, the 20-acre project will have seven
lab/office buildings of four to five stories, a hotel and a parking
structure with ground-floor retail. The first of three phases, with steel set to go up in July, is scheduled for completion in third-quarter 2016. said Jonathan Bergschneider, an executive vice president at HCP."
20 acre parcel before development |
Reference -
HCP News Release, "When complete, the Cove is planned to be an 884,000 square foot, fully
integrated, waterfront campus located on Oyster Point Boulevard in South
San Francisco. The campus design consists of seven buildings ranging in
size from 102,000 square feet to 158,000 square feet in both single- and
multi-tenant building configurations. The first phase of the project,
consisting of two buildings totaling 253,000 square feet, is expected to
be completed in the third quarter of 2016. The Cove will be a pre-certified LEED Silver project and is planned to
feature 5.5 acres of outdoor green space, a state of the art amenity
center, as well as retail and hotel entitlements."
About HCP. HCP, Inc. is a fully integrated real estate investment trust (REIT) that
invests primarily in real estate serving the healthcare industry in the
United States. HCP’s portfolio of assets is diversified among five
distinct sectors: senior housing, post-acute/skilled nursing, life
science, medical office and hospital. A publicly traded company since
Note photographs/graphics: Oster Point, South San Francisco by Jon Peterson from The Registry/Bay Area Real Estate. Site empty lot project parcel location by Ron Leuty, from his Business Times article. Concept graphic rendering of the project from HCP.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
South San Francisco can, Pacifica can not.
Amazing what a failure this city is!
C'mon 837 Pacifica is so building something. A giant poop-tank right there by Linda Mar shopping center. Hey maybe Kimco can find a buyer to slap up some condos. Lotta money in housing these days, not so much in an old shopping center in a stagnant town. Call the development Poop @ 1.
your idea stinks!
Perhaps we can spread false rumors that Bruce Bochy is a poop-tank investor? I beleive!
Purchasing a portion of the caltrans park and ride lot which is one of the last remaining commercially viable lots in town to put a multi million gallon sewage pit on the site is such a collossolly stupid and short sighted decision that it boggles the mind.
Which is, if course, why it will go full steam ahead at ramming speed.
Is anyone on council capable of considering the long term consequences of their short term dumbassitude?
1048 No, because they're trapped by local tradition and some weird biological imperative. Don't build on it, poop on it! Figuratively speaking, of course.
Wonder what Kimco thinks about the city's plan? Maybe they can exchange letters questioning each other's intentions? No rush.
so where would you put the sewage pit, keeping in mind that it has to be very close to the Linda Mar pump station?
The storage pit can be put anywhere, but that would take someone to think outside the box.
It can't be put anywhere, it has to be near the pump station, at the bottom of the Linda Mar basin. If you don't understand that, you don't understand the problem.
8:22, I understand the problem, but I don't think you do since you can't comprehend a solution beyond, "Lower Linda Mar."
The problem isn't that sewage floods into the ocean from Lower Linda Mar, it's that the amount of sewage overwhelms the treatment plant facility over in VALLEMAR. Got it?
Since the sewer infrastructure is a closed, zero-sum system, you can put a 2 million gallon storage tank ANYWHERE and that will be 2 million gallons removed from the system that the WWTP won't have to treat until it has capacity again. It doesn't matter if the tank is in Lower Linda Mar, Fairmont, or your backyard, it'll still be 2 million gallons put into holding. The WWTP doesn't care where the sewage is coming from.
I'd like to hear more about the issue. How did council arrive at this decision? What are the requirements, the technical issues, other options that may have been discarded and why? Who's advice are they following? This decision may have adverse and long term effects on business, quality of life, property values, visitors and future development in that immediate area. There may be no other choice, but let's be real sure the decision is sound.
Didn't any of you take real estate principles 101? A poop pit is always the highest and best use for very valuable parcels.
Council didn't make the decision. The city hired a consultant who said "put it in the caltrans parking lot" and there you go. Yep, we're letting an outside consultant who doesn't answer to the residents make land use decisions for us now. Good times.
Frankly, this council (the 4 veterans anyway) has performed poorly. Why should we blindly trust their ability to make sound decisions? That's what we're being asked to do and it's a whopper. A decision that may be just as important and far-reaching in its consequences as locating a WWTP in the quarry. That was another doozy.
915 It's sure the way we roll in Pacifica!
9:09 I can see your logic, but it's flawed. The WWTP in the quarry processes about 2.5 - 3 million gallons on a normal day. With the vast majority of the problem coming from storm water getting into leaky pipes all over flat, low-lying, flood-prone Linda Mar, it would NOT work to locate a multi-million gallon holding tank anywhere else - no other single area would come even close to generating a large enough amount to hold back.
So why not fix all the leaky pipes in Linda Mar? Because it would cost tens of millions of dollars?
I really don't know why people are trying to second guess the experts on this. Let's wait until they make their detailed proposal, then ask all the questions we can think of!
11:47, please explain to us all why a tank located adjacent to the existing WWTP wouldn't accomplish the same thing as a tank located by Safeway.
What about putting the poop put under Linda Mar Beach parking lot? Or the lot next to the skate park or between San Pedro Creek and Linda Mar Shopping Center.
Why not put it under city hall, lots of poop is contained in city hall!!
The poop pit won't be going "under" anything. Since the city is insisting on building it in a flood zone, it will require a circular rim/wall around it (about six feet high) to prevent flooding into the tank.
6:51 I don't know, but I suspect it has to do with cost. That would be a good question for the experts when the proposal is revealed.
Meantime, what IS the problem with locating it where the CalTrans trailers have been parked for several years? If the underground pumps are there now, why would that a bad place for the tank?
The city should appeal the judgement for the pit to be located in Linda Mar and ask that a pit be added at the Calera plant for overflow, or have a series of switch backs under Linda Mar Blvd instead of the pit so overflow just sloshes around in the usual collection piping but with way more capacity thanks to the added switch backs.
1025 I'd rather see revenue-producing development on that valuable parcel. And someday it might happen, but not if an enormous eyesore and nose sore of a poop tank is put there. It will be ugly, it will stink, it will adversely impact residents of LM and Park Pac, hurt business in the shopping center, hurt property values and waste haha land that is ideal for development. Of course that last part makes it catnip for council and the city to fuck up forever.
It is simply a matter of will and vision. The poop pit project has a pricetag of $24 million (plus cost of propert purchase). BUT, the replacement of the entire leaky collection system throughout Linda Mar is $27 million. The core issue ISN'T that we need a storage tank, the issue is that we have leaky pipes that need fixing! If Pacifica builds the tank, the core probem (the leaky pipes) will still be there and they will still need fixing!
Stop with the dumb band aid and fix the underlying problem!!!
There has got to be better ways to solve this problem, but leave it to Pacifica to ruin its most viable shopping area and largest population center. The poop-tank will require 6 foot high walls around it because it's, ahem, in a flood zone? Peachy. I expect clowncil to breathlessly announce a mural contest. There now, that makes it all better.
1. The consultant recommended four possible sites.(two were on the west side of the highway,in the coastal zone)
2. The city Manager & the director of the treatment plant pick the Linda Mar site. (I believe cost was the biggest factor)
3. Council approved the site.(The new council can still change the site if enough pressure is put on them. before the building starts.)
Of the four site proposed by the consultant I think the one behind the Civic Center is the best. Cost a little more but has less negative impact on both the neighborhood and the shopping center,with the added benefit of leaving the Park & Ride property for future commercial development.
OK, so because of the leaky lateral pipe situation all over Pacifica, the sewage plant gets overwhelmed with ground water rushing into the system during heavy rains, correct?
Unless we have magic poop that knows exactly which way to flow, doesn't that mean that when it's not raining, the sewage is rushing out into the ground water system all over our town.
Gee I wonder why the faux enviros favor building a tax supported overflow basin instead of fixing their own private sewer laterals?
The WWTP treats 3mgd on a given normal day. The storage tank isn't intended for normal day to day use, it's there to prevent overflows on rainy days. On rainy days there are 2.5mgd flowing just through the junction back at Oddstadt and Terra Nova alone.
The tank could be placed in MANY different locations throughout Pacifica and still relieve stress on the WWTP just as effectively.
But, Pacifica.
The purpose of the retention basin would be to prevent the Linda Mar pump station from being overwhelmed by storm water and discharging sewage onto the beach. That's why the tank has to be close to the Linda Mar station. Putting it closer to the WWTP and uphill from Linda Mar does not address the problem.
Penny wise and pound foolish. That's the story of Pacifica. Another monument to stupidity in this town. Really bad decision by the CM and WWTP Manager--one of whom doesn't even live here and will be gone on to greener pastures pretty quick and the other who sees nothing but s**t every place he looks. Brilliant!
Council wants to save $2 million by siting the tank at the Caltrans lot. But will we have lost out on more than that in [i]potential[/i] revenue by ruining one of the last commercially developable sites left in Pacifica.
Council needs to think long and hard about this decision. Dumb land use decisions in the past are how we eneded up with recycling and car wrecking yards on prime ocean real estate.
I fear our council isn't up to the task.
The City Manager who made the decision was Steve Not Lorie.
Ahhhh...I see the goalposts are shifting now. It isn't that there's too much inflow at the WWTP, it's that the Linda Mar Pump is inadequate for the job. Is that the official line now?
Well, you'll be glad to know that they're adding 33% more pumping capacity to that site (adding a 4th pump), so again I'm gonna ask you, why can't the tank be adjacent to the WWTP?
because that's not where the problem is
Thanks, Tom. You are correct but it's little comfort. Rhodes no longer lives here, Tinfow hasn't moved here and the WWTP Mgr may not see the bigger picture. Normal for Pacifica.
Nobody moved the goalposts. Read the report.
"The wet weather equalization basin would reduce the impacts of collection system inflow and infiltration on the Linda Mar Pump Station and force main, as well as at the Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant, preventing the need for extensive collection system rehabilitation or a more significant retrofit at or replacement of the pump station and force main and potential need to increase the peak hydraulic capacity of the plant."
"These sites were selected based on their public ownership (owned either by the City or Caltrans),
proximity to the Linda Mar Pump Station, and their size being large enough to accommodate the basin."
Can the council apologist here explain why spending millions for a poop tank on prime land is better than spending millions on fixing the broken sewer lines that are causing all the problems in the first place?
So wait a second...we need a holding tank NOT because the WWTP can't handle the capacity during rainy days as we've been told all along, but now it's because the Linda Mar pump station might be "impacted?" Which is it and what will the next reason be?
How about reducing the "impact" to the pump by fixing the leaky pipes? Whatta concept!
Problem: sewer pump station is substandard
Solution: fix/improve pump station
Pacifica Solution: ignore problem, dig poop pit on prime real estate
Problem: broken sewer pipes
Solution: fix/replace sewer pipes
Pacifica Solution: ignore problem, dig poop pit on prime real estate
Problem: city has no money
Solution: foster development of long-term, revenue producing projects
Pacifica Solution: ignore problem, use portion of last remaining commercial space in city for poop pit
Never stop, Pacifica.
The inability to inform themselves about the realities of the problem to be solved is why the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism lost the last election big time.
Nabob? Is that anything like a kebab?
Yo, grab your bottle of patchouli oil and sit down for a second, because here's the reality of the situation:
Years ago Pacifica needed money so the immediate solution was for council to raid the sewer maintenance fund for $700,000 annually, year after year after year. The Einstein Five didn't think beyond the short term solution and the collection infrastructure crumbled as such things are wont to do when you don't perform basic upkeep on them.
Millions and millions of gallons of raw sewage spilled into the ocean and the city was fined a gazillion dollars and was forced by the courts to face the mess it made.
Now, once again, council is looking at another short term solution, putting a poop pit in a prime commercial location -- ignoring the long term consequences of such a decision -- and apparently doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to make the right decision which would be to hitch up their pants and "fix the god damn collection system."
The very existence of the poop pit, where it's sited, and our ever-increasing sewer taxes all stem from that singular asinine decision by council -- all of it -- so you can save the smugness for someone who isn't paying $1200 a year as a result of their negligence.
Twenty years from now, when some future council eyes the Caltrans property, wishing they could have put a high-density live/work transit hub in place, but can't now because there's a hundred foot wide septic tank right smack in the middle of the parcel, think back to your attitude towards this project and let your small part in the abject failure of planning and land use in this town sink deep into your bones.
What 810 said. Oh yes.
DeJarnut used to call our sewage treatment plant "state of the art". I still remember him bragging that Pacifica saved a fortune by being so forward thinking and investing in this cutting edge science experiment.
What else could you expect from such a dim-witted numb-nut.
This plant has been an albatross from day one and continues to be one of our highest liabilities.
We need a Poop Czar to look at the BIG picture and fashion a long range solution to the whole problem of sewage management in our town.
No more band aids for our boo-boos children.
Dejarrednuts also said city hall was dangerous and had deadly mold and was unsafe for city employees.
Dejarrednuts also said the 7.5 million gallon sewer spill of untreated poop was "tar balls"
Dejarrednuts also said Pacifica had a surplus.
Bumper Sticker......
No more diapers for our poo-poos.
So Pacifica has a new pot store in the clocktower building.
I wonder if code enforcement is on this one?
Ahh, the good old days. Yeah 1130 etc. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. How long has it been since a city council had something to brag about...even if old Pete was wrong? Comparing the quarry and Linda Mar, which council will do more economic damage, Dejarnatt's or this one? DeJarnatt and Co. "saved" the quarry from future development by parking a WWTP there and the current council will destroy Linda Mar present and future with their poop pit. Amazing what politicians can do with poop! In Pacifica once our feckless leaders find something that works, they stick with it.
If this council had even a casual commitment to economic development they wouldn't put a shit tank on that property.
Pete was a Master Storyteller. Wonder how he would have spun the 4 million? Nihart bombed with her explanation. She squirmed. I guess that's a character reference of sorts.
Sneaky Pete was on the phone with John Curtis 3 times a week. Curtis and the noobees and hippies ran Sneaky Pete.
When "sneaky Pete" didn't like something going down at city council he just wouldn't show up.
840 What would become of us without your insights into local politics?
223, interesting point from 840. I think that's what Councilmember Vreeland did with regard to the proposed Assisted Living Project-- he just didn't show-up to vote, (hence viability of the project failed).
The city should find some way around such councilmember obstruction strategy.
Yeah, sure, mission accomplished and then he resigned. Right.
I know it sounds a bit old fashion but it would have been legal for Len and Pete to draw straws to see who would be the deciding vote. The City would then have had to defend any challenges to the decision. $$$ So you can see why Council did not go that route.
Kathy, Vreeland was not pretending to be ill to kill a project, he was actually ill. In fact he died a while later, so I'm pretty sure he wasn't faking it.
Tom 611 and 731, proxy vote or some variation therein would have solved that problem, unless Vreeland was incompetent.
My memory is that during that one year Vreeland was ducking most City Council meetings (yet drawing benefits and stipend salary), he was functional, not confined to a bed, and not institutionalized.
The only "faking" I would have accused Mr. Vreeland of was faking his position on controversial City Council agenda items. Vreeland was a master at telling both sides of the issue that he was on their side and was working extra hard in the background for them. Then he would always be the last Council member to vote on the item so that he would have political cover based upon how the other Council members voted. If his vote really was going to count, which meant he'd have some 'splaining to do to the side he would have betrayed. he would procure an excused absence from the CC meeting where the vote occurred. DeJarnatt was a quick study but never could outdo "The Master".
"Jim Vreeland - no plaque was too small or too insignificant to not have his name on it." -Anonymous
LMAO 615. You're describing a politician. Thank heaven we don't have one of those on this council. None of that soaring ego, the "shifty political skills" and the extreme need for attention and approval. Not a trace of it. Bwahhahahaha.
I was hoping Vreeland would have made a comeback. You know: WINNING!!!
Master????? far from it.
A dirt-bag wannabe at best.
Good at fooling a retarded little faux-enviro town like Pacifica.
The Masters end up on the national scene.
SSF gets all the Bio-tech, and high paying jobs.
What are the bozo's on Pacifica's city council doing?
1. Putting a poop pit in Linda Mar.
2. Wasting money on our vast trail system.
3. Paying out $$$ to attorney's on Highway 1 litigation.
4. Future bankrupting the city.
Nothing faux about these attacks. That's real venom. Something ugly and unhinged festers in this town.
You are right!!!!!
It's called sick and fucking tired of the damage caused to our ocean hamlet by the selfish, faux-enviro, NIMBY, "I Got Mines".
These welfare sucks, who know nothing about how to make a city viable or sustainable, have destroyed our city from within.
204 Most Pacificans couldn't care less. Other than a few of your kindred spirits on here, no one is buying the horror story you're selling. They like their little ocean hamlet just like it is...however that might have come about.
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