Pedro Point, more stores leaving. We could use another grocery store there. |
Tis' the season to blow stuff up, scare pets, confuse wild animals, trash the environment, and risk fire. Other than that, have a nice holiday! |
.... "No
one has yet approached the city's planning department to move into the
vacant Fresh and Easy store, said associate planner Christian Murdoch. Other
recent departures include The Truth tattoo shop and Bruce Ross hair
salon. According to a sign on the door,
The Truth formed a partnership
with Longboards in Eureka Square to bring Pacificans a great
entertainment arena. The new business was set to open June 20. Another
business, The Point Pizza and Pasta, seeks a business partner, cook or
someone to buy the business outright.
.... Devil's Slide Taproom,
is doing a brisk business, as is La Playa and Hide Tide Café. NorCal
surf shop also sees a steady stream of customers coming to the unique
shop to pick up supplies or rent wetsuits."
Read article.
Note photograph by Mitchell Scuba from Scuba San Mateo. Fireworks stand at Ace Hardware by Joe Thompson, 6/29/08 from Cable Car Guy blog.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Isn't the place called High Tide Cafe?
What was conspicuously absent in the the city's recently unveiled Economic Development Program was language about Business Retention and Business Recruitment insofar as addressing the vacant storefronts. This is a very visible issue that concerns the community and was a bit surprised more lip service was not paid to it. Unless I missed it high up in the clouds or the global level of the program plan. But perhaps a local government addressing vacant storefronts in privately owned properties is akin to moving mountains....realistically, can it be done effectively or at all, city's have little leverage. What happened to Mike O'Neill's plan to tax the vacant store owners?
Actually, Pacifica is one of the only - if not THE only -- city in San Mateo/Santa Clara/San Francisco counties that does not have some sort of global vision for the community -- which includes a vision and plan for the types of businesses that will be allowed in each city's various business districts. Take a look at how other cities are run -- private property owners cannot simply announce that they are renting to business XYZ if that business does not fit with the macro plan for the specific community and/or business district.
If you want to see how vision and planing can transform a town, check out Mountain View:
I had high hopes for the new economic developer. Sorry to hear that the one thing missing from the economic development program (vision) is the one thing we need most. Sigh.
Pedro Point Shopping Center wouldn't have a problem if city hall and city council could get their heads out of their asses and figure out the beach parking overflow is screwing up the center. Of course right when it was full, and looked nice, our brilliant city hall comes along and puts meters at the beach. Then they hire two rangers and never tell us who they are.Customers pull in and see no parking and leave and either go over to Linda Mar or they keep going on Highway 1.
Mary Ann, in all her collective wisdom spins the story about so many staff hours and not knowing what to do. It is Easy put up bigger signs, work with the business owners and property owners(there are two) and tow the deadbeats out of the lot.
No mystery why Pacifica is circling the drain!!
Public Works seems to know three months before Planning Department does in this town, but no one has yet filed to transfer the Fresh and Easy off-sale alcohol license:
Several Pedro Point residents are actively campaigning for a Lunardi's Market to occupy that spot... their supply chain is close (they've got a Skyline store in San Bruno), and they know the local market.
"No one has yet approached the city's planning department to move into the vacant Fresh and Easy store, said associate planner Christian Murdoch. Other recent departures include The Truth tattoo shop and Bruce Ross hair salon. According to a sign on the door,"
Do you realize Mr Lunardi is pushing 90?
Do you also realize that Pacifica won't pay Lunardi's prices. That is why there is a Lunardi's in San Bruno, Burlingame, San Mateo, Walnut Creek.
If Lunardi wanted a store in Pacifica he would have had one years ago.
His one son passed away years ago and the other son is in bad health.
Several Pedro Point residents are actively campaigning for a Lunardi's Market to occupy that spot... their supply chain is close (they've got a Skyline store in San Bruno), and they know the local market.
Do you realize stores know about every store closing and empty space in their target area years in advance?
Ranch 99 and Pacific Markets have been playing this cat and mouse game of taking spots from each other.
Pacifica.city: Fresh and Easy has the lease and the liquor license. But They aren't in a hurry to let it go, they are not marketing the space to anyone. They are paying rent on it, but keeping it "dark". Keeping it dark hurts the other tenants in the center. We lose. Perfect candidate for the vacant store tax that Mike O'Neill was propounding.
@5:23pm It's a very expensive anchor space with a very long term lease.
It is almost more leasable as a grocery store with that transferred off sale liquor license, and as Pacifica census tract 6032 (where FRESH & EASY is located) has a saturation (ABC describes it as an undue concentration) of off sale licenses, it will probably transfer when the space leases before Jan 2016 expiration)
For reference:
San Mateo County has 755,581 residents and 474 off-site alcohol licenses for a
SMC ratio of one off-site license for every 1594 residents.
Pacifica itself has 38,606 residents and 25 off-site alcohol licenses for a
Pacifica ratio of one off-site license per 1544 residents.
So Pacifica in general is over licensed according to CA Dept Alcoholic Beverage Control calculations.
Linda Mar's census tract 6032, where the Dave and Lou's 505 Linda Mar 7-Eleven would be located, has 3828 residents and 6 off-sale licenses currently, for a ratio of one 6032 off-site license for every 638 residents, indicating High Density.
Adding a single off-site license for a 7-Eleven would make the ratio one for every 546 residents, significantly higher than those of SMC's cities of:
Redwood City,
San Bruno and
S San Francisco
when they were blocked for issuing any new or transferred licenses for five years in the 2011 ABC moratorium (still in effect):
If Pacifica were to find itself under moratorium the City loses a huge planning tool and extremely valuable business recruitment tool.
If you don't plan your City's alcohol use, the ABC has historically shown it will not hesitate to take away that privilege.
Thanks 627. Just one more thing for this town to screw up. LMAO.
Looks like a good location for another 7 11
Awww, nimby Pointers want a Lunardi's. Why not go all out and get a Draeger's or how about a Dean and Deluca branch? Clueless idjits.
Lunardi's would have to charge high prices if the spot they rent is owned by KIMCO Realty .That realty company is filthy rich they don't care if no one occupied the old Denny's or Fresh N' Easy. You think they would care that people are whining about something that needs to come into the neighborhood. Their motto is "Suffer Bitch''
Everybody in town is a NIMBY when it comes to having a 711 in your backyard.
Dave & lous is thirty feet from some of those houses
Kimco Realty has nothing to do with Pedro Point Shopping Center. Lunardis is an upscale Market like Whole Foods, Molly Stone, Draegers. ETC.
Several Pedro Point Nimby soccer Moms want LUnardis. Aren't they special. May be they can get Yosemite Sam Casitas on this right away.
Safeway and Luckys aka Alberstons used to keep stores open only so another chain won't take the space. Remember QFI markets, Brentwood, Cala, Purity, all gone. Ranch 99 and Pacifics do the same strategy. CEntral Market on Crespi.
Now Safeway and Albertsons merged. I have been hearing good things about Aldi Markets.
Grocery Outlet was Dented can foods in the city. Smart n final is taking closed spaces and expanding.
Whole Foods and Target are trying a small store format.
Pedro Point snobs and soccer Moms would shop upscale but 80 % of Pacifica won't.
Why is so anti 7-11's?
crooks need stop and robs also!
7-Eleven stores in California are significantly more likely to suffer incidents of violent crime than other stores and there are multiple incidents of criminals specifically targeting the 7-11 chain and executing multiple repeated crimes there.
The 7-Eleven on 137 Manor was robbed twice in a month.
We've put together a list of the most violent recent crimes at California 7-Elevens, and the results are staggering:
They almost always involve armed single robbers who rob 7-Elevens after 1:10am PST.
Here's a small sample:
Headline: 7-11 Clerk Shot And Killed in Robbery
Headline: Two Teens Arrested in 7-11 Armed Robbery Series
Headline: Community Crime Bulletin—Armed robbery at 7-Eleven on Cardiff Place
Headline: 7-Eleven robbery suspect surrenders
Posted: October 8, 2014
Headline: Suspect in custody in connection to downtown 7-Eleven robbery
Headline: Suspect wanted in connection with 7-Eleven robberies
Headline: Suspect Nabbed in Horton Plaza 7-Eleven Robbery
Headline: Public’s Help Sought in Deadly 7-Eleven in Northeast LA
Headline: Shotgun Used in 7-Eleven Robbery
Headline: 7-11 robbery suspect arrested, one on the loose
Headline: Two Arrested in Connection to Four 7-Eleven Robberies
Headline: Arcadia 7-Eleven robberies may be linked
Headline: SSFPD Media Release: Armed Robbery 7-11 on Old Mission
Headline: Suspect Sought in 7-Eleven Armed Robbery
Headline: One in Custody for Armed Robbery of 7-11 in Oceanside
Headline: Garden Grove police shoot at 7-Eleven robbery suspect
Headline: Robbers Steal $17K in Rialto 7-Eleven Daylight Heist
Headline: 7-Eleven store robbed twice in two weeks
Headline: Police Search For Pair Suspected In Robbery Of 7-Eleven
Headline: Sheriff’s Deputies Searching for 2 Suspected of Robbing San Leandro 7-Eleven at Gunpoint
Kudos to whomever wrote this caption:
Tis' the season to blow stuff up,
scare pets, confuse wild animals,
trash the environment, and risk fire.
Other than that, have a nice holiday!
One of my dogs already won't leave her crate -- and the "fun" has yet to really begin.
I've been in this city for four years.
The only real development that I've seen happen is Harmony @ 1.
Meanwhile, San Francisco is changing on a daily basis. And so is much of SF Bay Area.
Something is something something in Pacifica.
I wouldn't call Lundard's "higher end". Some of their prices are less than Safeway. Their meats and fruits are superior.
I spoke with two Half Moon Bay residents today that stated there was a local movement afoot there (and Montara) to install a Sprouts in the old Fresh and Easy space.
That location serves the whole Pacifica corridor (population: 62,908) and grocers realize the potential pull of that anchor location would include:
Pacifica 38,606
Montara 2,909
Moss Beach 3,103
El Granada 5,467
Half Moon Bay 12,013
Radio Shack's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing is also under assault by creditors preferring a chapter 7, arguing that Radio Shack no longer has a viable business to reorganize, approval of that filing would surely be the death of the Linda Mar Radio Shack, also.
we get 7-11 because of something called "demographics" a word unfamiliar to ya'll that don't understand business. If trader joe or home depot or google could make money here they would have been here years ago...
Like it or not, we live in a meth-fueled economy: lottery tix, cheap booze, 7-11 pizza, beer and cigarettes.
do the asians even buy bait here?
@Cap'n Royalgate:
The 700 Hickey Blvd 7-Eleven under appeal to City Council (scheduled for July 27 7pm) is in the census tract 6027 with the highest concentration of Asians in Pacifica:
It also has the highest percentage of those that don't speak English at home.
Not that it would matter, Planning Department didn't send notice to a single resident of that census tract before the meeting.
Amen 645 amen. Of course the people on Pedro Point reject your truth because they live in their own micro-demographic and feel they have little in common with the comparatively poorer areas of Pacifica. Sense of entitlement pretty thick on Pedro Point.
I agree with Chris Porter on Lunardi's pricing being competitive in some categories with Safeway, but it's their superior meat and produce sections that give them the "better" reputation. Their meat and produce is more expensive but worth every penny. They'd go broke in Pacifica. Never been impressed with Sprouts. Some of the worst produce on the planet. Maybe TJ's will roll out a small store model and we'll get lucky. Between us and HMB, they might make it. We talk about wanting to be able to shop in Pacifica, but how many of us would change our habits significantly?
Trader Joe's is a small store model. Pay attention,Trader Joe's passed on Pacifica.
Costco has better meat than Lunardis and Safeway
Comparing Safeway to Lunardis is Like saying Recology isn't expensive compared to Recology.
645 the part about cheap booze hurts
I hate to rain on the parade of mid-coasters and Pedro Pointsters with a sense of entitlement. You have to cut that Pacifica number of 38,606 by 50% or more.
More people in Pacifica live closer to the Gellert Store in Daly City. Most people head to SF to work and not down highway one. Sprouts is not going to cannibalize a new store by putting a mini mighty might store in San Pedro. Also, presuming Highway One widening is defeated, what customers of sprouts are going to want to bear the grueling ride to Pedro Point on busy weekends? Fresh and Easy did not close all their stores but they did shut Pacifica's. Why? Not enough business to sustain. I think the buildings prior use as a gym, or possibly an up and coming religious congregation are likely futures.
Like the plague, I avoid Hiway 1 now during commute hours and sunny weekends. Trader Joes would be great at Pedro Point but I'm sure many people like me just wouldn't deal with the traffic.
Thank your local NOBIE. They are soooooo smart.
The Pacifica Beautification Project was underway today.
4 Caltrans street sweepers were cleaning the shoulders of Highway 1 today.
And you thought you got no love from Caltrans!!
It wasn't about no business to sustain Fresh & Easy. It was an inept city council and chief apologist Mary Ann and her little sidekick Ervin who wouldn't get up off their asses and do something about the failure of the beach parking program.
Everything this city and city council touches turns to shit.
So it looks like Leland Yee is going to take a Plea Deal!!
its on sf gate
Another little slimy politician bites the dust.
Ha Ha
1046 That parking thing your chew toy? Pacifica had nothing to do with the F&E closure. That includes Nihart, paid beach parking, traffic jams, customers, and all the other excuses. It was a corporate decision. F&E chain sold to new owners, first wave of closures which we survived, then the new owners had new visions which did not include stores like the one on Pedro Point. They still have the lease and they are testing new, denser, convenience type stores. Maybe we'll get one? Probably not, but this closure was about changes in corporate direction. For once, Pacifica didn't do it. Among all our very real deficiencies we sometimes just have shit for luck.
Call the leasing company that leases space for Pedro Point Shopping Center and ask them what Fresh & Easy, is doing with the space then report back to us!
358 As previously noted, they'll do what they want to do, whatever suits their business needs. In shit for luck Pacifica that usually means an empty storefront for a very long time.
Are you in the know? No!
733 Off on a toot? Read for content. What I know is that contrary to what 1046 said (you?) this city is not to blame for the closure of F&E. And one need not be coiled up at the feet of the leasing agent to figure that out. F&E's business failure is well-documented. Pacifica was not immune. Shocker. Now, here comes a separate subject where you can shine--what will F&E do with the location? I'm sure you're in a position to let us know. Pins and needles.
Please stop your sexism. It could just as easily be soccer dads that want a good store. Is the chip on your shoulder so big that you only think you deserve crumbs? Pacifica is a great town. Why shouldn't we want the best?
Again the sexism. Why do we hate moms so much? We all came from one.
Thank you!
I disagree. Pacificans treat land like its our children.
You are extremely confused and you are racist. There is much more than meth in Pacifica.
Fresh and Easy closed lots of stores. Their business model is flawed in that it requires honest customers.
I took a pic of five of them standing around talking. I thought, "There's our tax dollars at work..."
Thank you for common sense.
It's a time and space rift.
Jennifer, are you in China? If so, how are you getting to the blog?
Fresh & Easy had a couple things wrong with the business model:
Tesco who is huge in England thought the way people in England shop will also catch on in the states. They signed leases at the top of the market back in 2005 and 2006. They were slow to get licensing and permits they started opening stores right in 2007 when the economy fell off a cliff. In Southern California they picked many bad locations. They expanded too quickly in areas that were decimated during the financial recession in 2008 to 2013. They expanded into Arizona and Las Vegas that were hit the hardest. At one time I believe they had 8 stores in Phoenix and 20 stores in Las Vegas. Stores never opened that they are still paying rent on. The first round of closures happened when the company was making money. The second round they closed 50 stores including all the Sacramento Stores(which was hit hard in the recession also) They picked all the sites internally and didn't use the wisdom of commercial brokers. The latest closure list closed 50 stores, including Pacifica. The store at 32nd and Clement is still open as is the store in Napa. Hayward has a store open still also. San Jose has a 3-4 stores still open.
The CEO they picked was a complete buffoon and he was the guy who failed to take Blockbuster Video into the online streaming part of the business. He kept the brick and mortar stores and ended up bankrupting the company. Then he got hired to run 7-11. The guy also just bought a Redondo Beach house, the same time he closed 50 stores. Complete douchebag.
I don't think you would remember me. I met you at the Farmers Market and you said the Fingerpuppets were doing a gig at the wine bar. You gave my daughter a couple finger puppets and she loved them!!
Steve 1246, thanks for your "you've been hacked" funny comment.
Big surprise seeing these inserted Jennifer Ball responses at the point of the original comment on smart phone (Android). Whereas, the desktop computer (mine) still understands only the usual liner date of response posting; and in this instance, with no reference to the original comment.
Assuming this is a new technology, anyone "in the know", let us know about it.
I wasn't trying to make a funny comment, Kathy. When I was in China last year, I couldn't get to Fix Pacifica because it was blocked. (Although you could get to Riptide - no doubt because it's an approved Commie operation and Comrade John takes his orders directly from Beijing.)
On Jennifer's web page it said she was in China, so I was wondering if that was still the case and if so, how was she able to get to Fix Pacifica?
Steve 505, all good points, especially the comments about Riptide and John (lol).
I was thinking about the past flack over China (government or rogue individuals) allegedly hacking our government websites.
Big surprise, Pedro Point Shopping Center is just as screwed up 2 years after this post.
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