Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Our environment is our economy", a poem

Pacifica Tribune, Letters-to-the-Editor."Please explain" by Therese Dyer
Editor:  Last week Sue Digre wrote in a column "Our environment is our economy." She blames us for not marketing ourselves well enough to put money in our cash registers. Who's fault is that? She has been sitting on the Pacifica City Council for 12 years. Why hasn't she worked with the Chamber of Commerce about that?

So I decided to cast a few lines at the poetry contest on the pier as the fish weren't biting so I couldn't sell them at our local Farmers Market to bring in revenue.

God gave us
The salt air to breathe
The sound of clashing waves of blue
Beautiful sunrises and sunsets
Like the green hills that surround us
God gave us those for free
Yet man put a price on thee
He paid the price and so did we
Can someone explain to me
How the environment is our economy?

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Hutch said...

Ha I love that poem Therese

Anonymous said...

Therese you are a truly citizen. You really make time to address our town main problems. And the reasons why we are so broke. You are investing your money and energy to get rid off of the cause of our problems.
I admire you and support you on your efforts. Recall all of them at this point they are all the same.

Support the recall our town needs new leaders. Enough is enough.