Thursday, May 31, 2012

Giving you a voice - go for it

Complaint, Anonymous didn't pass the evidence test.
Pacifica Tribune, 5/22/12.  Editorial from Elaine Larsen, Tribune Editor and Publisher, "The Pacifica Tribune:  "Giving you a voice."  Printed in its entirety, with permission from Elaine Larsen.

"As I've been telling you all lately, I've been living and working in this town for 25 years. And trying my best to give everyone a voice in this newspaper, whether it be running submitted articles about boy scouts or sorority sisters, or printing guest columns. I completely believe in an open-door policy when it comes to a community newspaper. There's practically nothing I won't print unless it's libelous.

So here's another offer.  Many people have told me over the years that they love to read the Letters to the Editor and even have their own complaints and suggestions about this or that. But they are afraid to send in their letters for any number of reasons. For example, a local business person who fears retribution from potential customers. A citizen who doesn't like to put their name "out there" for fear they will be attacked in print.

Complaint, Anonymous did pass the evidence test.
Well, I completely understand that. And here's what I'm willing to do. Email me your gripes, concerns and issues, complete with some research on your part. And if I confirm your findings and agree...I will editorialize myself. But, the challenge to all of you is this: you must provide me with some real information or at least a basis for your complaint. So do your homework. And I need to know who you are and how to contact you for consultation although I promise to keep you anonymous in the paper. And let's keep it to local Pacifica issues. Bottom line: I'm willing to make sure the Pacifica Tribune is Giving You a Voice."  -- Elaine Larsen (

Support the Pacifica Tribune, our community print newspaper.  Getting a subscription,  supporting local businesses and advertising when needed may be the best ways to do that. 

Note:  Clarification of  Editorial vs. Op Ed: -  Wikipedia description:  "An op-ed, abbreviated from opposite the editorial page[1] (though often mistaken for opinion-editorial), is a newspaper article that expresses the opinions of a named writer who is usually unaffiliated with the newspaper's editorial board. These are different from editorials, which are usually unsigned and written by editorial board members." 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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