Hundreds of beached whales died. Remember us disposing of 2 whales? |
The Verge.com/Science/Environment/Rachael Becker, 2/11/17. "New
Zeland just experienced its largest whale stranding in decades.
The cause is still a mystery."
Volunteers help hydrate and save whales. |
More than 600
pilot whales have washed ashore New Zealand’s South Island over the past two days. Officials and volunteers
are working to return the ones that are still alive back to sea, but many have already
died or were euthanized because of their injuries.
On the morning of February 10th, more than
400 pilot
whales were discovered on a crescent of land on New Zealand’s South
Island called Farewell Spit, according to a Department of Conservation
news release. Close to
300 of them had already died.
Volunteers with whale-rescue organization
Project Jonah and DoC officials managed to send 100 or so whales back to sea on
February 11th,
only to have 20 wash ashore
again. The remaining 80 joined another nearby pod, and appeared to be
safe. However, that second pod then stranded itself on Farewell Spit
that evening. The New Zealand Department of Conservation
sent out a call for more volunteers, warning that it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to rescue all of the beached whales.
Read article.
Human chain directing whales back to sea. |
Related articles. NPR International/Colin Dwyer, 2/11/17, NPR International/Colin Dwyer, 2/11/17. "... By mid-afternoon local time, most of those whales — the survivors
of country's third-largest stranding on record — had successfully swum
back into Golden Bay. It could have been a happy ending to a story that began tragically, with
some 300 whales found dead after more than 400 stranded earlier in the
week on Farewell Spit, a thin strip of beach that arcs like a bent
finger into the waters north of New Zealand's South Island. ... Another
large pod, composed of approximately 200 whales, stranded just hours
later near the original site. The members of that second group appear to
be different from the original survivors, which had been tagged before
being refloated. None of the new whales bore those tags, NBC News reports. The new whale pod, BBC News/Asia, 2/12/17, "New Zealand whales: Hundreds refloat on high tide at Farewell Spit." 'The 240-odd whales that had stranded between Puponga and Pakawau late
on Saturday have mostly refloated themselves on last night's high tide
and are milling around in shallow water,' conservation spokesman Herb
Christophers said." Series of updates, Live Science/Jeanna Bryner, Managing Editor, 2/12/17, "Mass Stranding: Hundreds of Pilot Whales Returned to the Water."
Earlier article and more detailed map. DOGO News/Meera Dolasla, 1/25/12, "New Zealand's struggle to save beached whales ends with mixed results."
Note photographs and map graphic. Left: Volunteers helping by Anthony Phelps/Reuters from CBC News/World/Thomson Reuters, 2/12/17, "Hundreds of whales in 2nd New Zealand stranding able to swim free.". Right: Beached whales 6 of 21 slides from SEOlium blog, image gallery: New zealand beached whales. Map from AFP/Phys.org, 1/16/14,"Stranded whales to be euthanised in New Zeland," Note map graphic caption: "Map showing Farewell Spit in New Zeland, notorious for mass pilot whale strandings." See more, The Sun, UK/Patrick Knox, 2/12/17, "Mercy Mission: New Zeland stranded whale rescuers..."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
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