Monday, March 11, 2013

City Council meeting, Monday, March 11, 2013

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local channel 26, also live internet feed,  The meeting begins at 7pm, or shortly there following.  City council updates and archives are available on the City website.    

City Council Agenda, 3/11/13.  Items listed may include embedded pdf documents, illustration and photographs of interest.
 Fix Pacifica City Council Agenda 3/11/13 article.

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Someone should ask city council why the city spent $1200 dollars for a trip to River Rock Casino.

The city asks as if they have money.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask but probably no one will. I think the casino trip was about the same time our feckless quints went off to Sacramento to, ahem, network. Network, aka, getting the name and face out there for future career opps.

Seriously, they had better odds of doing something useful at the casino.

Anonymous said...

All the local cry babies will be out at council tonight being Highway 1 is on the agenda.

Anonymous said...

I don't see Highway 1 on the agenda. Where do you see it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe they thought if they put $1,200 down they could win enough money to bail out the city?

Anonymous said...

342 Best odds our quints ever had of fixing Pacifica would be in a casino, any casino. Since Pacifica definitely isn't fixed and the quints are back on the dais, it's safe to say they lost.

Anonymous said...

Wow some of the disbursements:

Alhambra water $500+ (let them drink tap water)

Award Plaques $800 (Plaques for whaT?)

Street sweeping $9000+ Really? Has anyone seen these street sweeping trucks at work? They have to go around all the parked cars. I don't see where they clean anything. Be more effective to have the gut at the end of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show do it.

Yeah and what is that River Rock trip about?

Seriously there is so much fat to cut.

Anonymous said...

The city took the $1200 bucks to River Rock and tried to double down.

They rolled snake eyes and lost all the $$$

Anonymous said...

Blubber, baby, blubber. And shameless bold about it! With all the gov't watchdogs around these days, how often do you see the word 'Casino' on a city check run?
And then, of course, how about spending $3.6 million taxpayer dollars on consultants in just 4 short and absolutely disastrous years? Don't you love council's oft-repeated, whiny excuse for that one? Too short-handed. Stop spending, you morons. And I don't care which well-meaning fools you bag to shill your tax measure. Not a dime. Not one dime. Your incompetence has to stop.

Anonymous said...

1213 And then they found their way back to Pacifica. Makes us the big losers.

Anonymous said...

Bottled water? That's perfect. If that's the monthly bill, then it's $6000 per year. Oh yes, please, I want my tax dollars spent on that and anything else you public serpents think you need and deserve. Is that enough bottled water for all of you? If only I could do more!

Arfy Arfster said...

"Alhambra water $500+ (let them drink tap water)"

I drink out of the toilet. Why can't they?

Anonymous said...

Wait till the whole month report comes out. Notice how much they spend on phone services. You think they would get a friend and family plan with unlimited minutes for $99 bucks a month. Add a line for $9.99.