Pacifica Tribune, My Turn Guest Columnist, 8/7/12. "Why our environment IS NOT our economy" by Frank Vella
Visit the beach, buy a taco, leave trash |
"I agree, our town's stunning beauty directly impacts the quality of all
of our lives! I was born, grew up in and spent my life living and
recreating in Pacifica. We do have some of the most stunning landscapes
in Northern California, with the exception of the old sewer treatment
plant and the old quarry. I
nk sometimes people forget that it is in
fact "an old quarry" and not just a name. I have heard the claim to make
our cit
y economically sustainable through our environment too many
times. I don't agree that we lost our way because we became a bedroom
community to San Francisco.
We have lost our way because we are and have
been at a standstill for far too many years. I've heard these same
arguments all my life here in Pacifica. T
he economy is our environment
has not happened and as long as people want to keep arguing and fighting
for no growth, then it will never happen. Our city will not sustain
itself because people come here to surf, or walk our trails.
Fish all day, load up the freezer |
public has voted for commercial developments here and have turned down
many. Through people like the "Friends of Pacifica" development has
continually been a financial disaster for most proposals, even those
voted for by the citizens. Remember Mori Point? I don't think anyone in
Pacifica has suggested that we turn
it into an "asphalt desert," however
a profit on undeveloped land of 46 cents on every dollar, was quoted in
last week's paper? Interesting,
I would like to meet someone who is making money on
undeveloped land. Where is that money coming from? How do they get it?
Approximately 50 percent-plus of Pacifica is open space, 5.5 square
miles of open space of which generates no property tax or other income.
has leasehold rights to Linda Mar Beach yet we can't even charge for
parking there, although we get the privilege of cleaning up the Taco
Bell and other trash that these tourists leave behind! Now, that was a
great deal! Let's add in Mori Point, which was turned over to the
Golden Gate National Re
creation area, no money for Pacifica there
either. What's left?
Trash pick up festival |
Now let's address the unauthorized in-law
units. I have been a real estate broker in Pacifica for well over 20
years. I have had the privilege to view and sell vast numbers of homes
in Pacifica and have to say there are, in fact, very few homes that have
illegal in-law units. I'm not sure where they are all of a sudden
cropping up, but let's pretend they were (which they are not); It would
not be because it is a cheaper alternative to living in San Francisco.
That statement doesn't even make sense, since the supposed people adding
these units are already living here and own the home. I don't think
their main objective would be to help the people of San Francisco find
cheaper housing. The
ir main objective would be to increase the revenue
of their own household income or possibly to have a place in which to
house aging parents. I know..
. instead of the Planning Commission
constantly fighting people, why not allow people to actually have
permits to add an in-law unit? No, that would make sense! Then we would
have permit fees coming in, we would be able to reassess the value and
raise the property taxes, we would have some more housing units for
people to rent and live here without actually building any new houses,
the value of the home with the in-law might increase... that would just
make no sense at all!
Economy to-do list: ocean rise, vacate |
This same writer then goes on to state
that additional housing would not have saved Pacifica Lumber or other
like businesses.
The encouragement for remodeling, expansion and
development spurs a multitude of businesses. City imposed restrictions
do not. Instead,
we want to continually prohibit any new growth, even in
old "quarries" where these "tourists" are not hanging out. Wouldn't it
have been better to get them there spending some of their recreational
funds, even if the project did include some evil housing units? Maybe if
these tourists loved it so much, they might actually want to live here
because they want to recreate every day (not just on the sunny days) and
help pay some of our exorbitant sewer fees and other outrageously high
parcel taxes. They may even do their grocery shopping here in Pacifica,
they may occasionally use our bike shops, they may even dine at the new
Surf Spot.
Right now, where are these tourists who supposedly come
to hike and add revenue to our city? Where are they spending their
money? Lets calculate that revenue result to the city. I've heard it all
before, yet this statement only comes with a "vision" but no reality. I
agree, let's do a better job of promoting our natural beauty to more
potential tourists and yes, find ways to keep them here once they
arrive. However, the only true bold vision I have seen from dedicated
city officials is "no"! The groundwork has been laid to move forward
with this endeavor? The tourists that come to hike in the Pedro Point
Headlands and take in the views from Devil's Slide, will not be adding
any revenue if there isn't anywhere of interest in which to spend their
money. They will shop at the Pedro Point Shopping Center? Isn't that one
of those dreaded strip malls mentioned earlier in the article?
must commend the writer in their mention of preserving the Golf Course,
but hoping they will spend the rest of the afternoon at the "planned
Palmetto streetscape" will only happen if someone has the money to move
forward with this project.
Economy to-do list: traffic, can't build |
The old waste water treatment plant in
Sharp Park, The Pedro Point five acres, and the Quarry property, are the
only real locations for some economic growth for Pacifica. Should we
talk another 15 years about these properties? Should we spend more money
on consultants and meetings to discuss what we should do there? Can we
have a City Council who will actually make a decision on something
without hiring another company or consultant to tell us to have another
meeting on their findings? Can we open up property to (OH NO!) investors
or developers who may have actual experience in developing properties
and economic revenue generating businesses?
I don't think anyone
has ever suggested or would suggest that we build out Pacifica in such a
way as to remotely resemble Daly City. Developing the old waste water
treatment plant and the quarry would hardly be considered "carving up
the green hills;" whereas truly carving up the green hills to add more
trails for people to stomp through wildlife is not nourishing.
Safety to-do list: no traffic, why fix? |
have the feeling that anyone talking about our environment being our
economy is someone who wants what so many people want, nothing. They
want their city to be the place that they first came to and do not want
it to change. I understand that and have the same feelings as they do,
yet I realize that I live in a home where at one time it was an open
field where no business or homes existed. Things change. People should
just say that they want no growth or change and be honest about it.
vision of Pacifica improving its economic base would be modifying
Highway 1 for a safer traffic corridor and easier access for local as
well as tourist traffic, developing the quarry into an economic engine
of Pacifica, utilize the old waste water treatment plant to possibly a
nice hotel and restaurant, and reducing the restrictions on property and
business owners who want to improve their property or business.
must change our thinking and be more realistic with what can be done
with the least impact on our beautiful city, while expanding to keep our
city financially healthy, vibrant and yes, a place people want to come
visit, play and stay — spending their money here."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Vella for council!
Bravo. Finally someone who has the balls to stand up and be counted.
Good Job Frankie!!!
World Economists are preparing for another collapse.
What do you know about this?
Happy talk put Pacifica in the tank.
here's some quotes about Pete Dejarnatt (14 years structural deficit guy) from his re-election in 2008
"Pete's track record on protecting the environment and supporting sustainable growth for Pacifica is excellent."
~ Andrew Leone, Co-Chair, Pacificans for Sustainable Development; Co-founder, Vallemar Conservators; Founding
Director, Sanchez Art Center
"Pete has shown concern and dedication to the well-being of our community. Pacifica will be well-served by his continued leadership."
~ Julie Lancelle, Pacifica City Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem
I just paid the bill the other day. The franchise fee is $2.87 on my bill. I don't know if it depends on how much services you have or if its a flat fee for everyone.
Ther rest goes to the State sales tax FCC user fee, Peg Access support, and 911 fee.
Excellent article, Frank!
Great article Frank. You nailed it.
Here's a 1987 Pacifica promotional video I just found on Youtube. Ha, so many palaces have closed since then.
"..1987 Pacifica promotional video.." Bob Hutchinson, 12:28 PM
Funny Bob, 8 minute video of "our environment is our economy", and on the 9th minute the businesses closed.
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