Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City council updates and archives are available on the City website.
Item 8. Surprise, regional growth planning includes this City. |
Closed session, 6:15 p.m.
A. CA government code 54956.8. Price and terms of payment discussions with Spindrift School of Performing Art, 1050 Crespi Drive, (APN 023-132-160).
A. CA government code 54956.8. Price and terms of payment discussions with Spindrift School of Performing Art, 1050 Crespi Drive, (APN 023-132-160).
B. CA government code 54956.8. Price and terms of payment discussion with State Department of Parks and Recreation, Pacifica State Beach, Highway 1 and Linda Mar Blvd (APN 022-191-280 and 022-191-010).
Open Session, 7:00 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag, closed session report.
Special Presentations: 1) HIP Housing, Laura Fanucchi, 2) Peninsula Clean Energy
Consent Calendar
Consent Calendar
2. Approval of Minutes, 12/14/15 and 12/19/15.
3. Proclamation confirming existence of Local Emergency Storm Drainage, 380 and 400 Esplanade: Report.
Attachments 1) Photos 1-4-16, 2) original proclamation, 4/12/10.
4. Resolution to apply for for a 2016/17 County of San Mateo Community Development Block Grant (50% reimbursement) to improve/maintain facilities at Pacifica Community Center. Recommended City match up to $30,000 from Fund 28, PB&R Special Revenue Fund. Report and Resolution.
5. Conforming to CA State uniform construction cost accounting Act, code 22000 et. seq., amend and increase cost limits to City ordinance Chapter 15 "Bidding procedures for public projects", Title 3 "Finance". Report, Ordinance. Exhibit "A", Sec. 3-15.01, "California uniform construction cost accounting procedure".
6. Tentative Memo of Understanding (MOU) agreements with Teamsters Local 856 Miscellaneous Bargaining Units to add "split shift differential pay to various eligible staff, $11 per day, (previously approved by Council 7/13/15, annual budget increase approximately $4,000 Report. And, add new Section 7.14, child care split shift differential pay, $16 per day, signed 11/25/15.
7. Remove Planning Commissioner, Mike Brown who has been unable to attend required meetings, and direct City Clerk to advertise vacancy of one partial term. Report. City Municipal Code, 2-2.116, page 3.
Public Oral Communications. Council Communications. Staff Communications. Public Hearing - none.
8. Introduction to regional growth planning: Plan Bay Area 2040 (the updating of Plan Bay Area). Presentation from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). "The next update will include a discussion of proposed land use scenarios which are expected to be released in March." Report. The presentation/Pacifica (computer page 17).
9. Resolution creating the Library Advisory Committee, directed from City Council 11/23/15. Report/Resolution. Exhibit "A", 14 appointments representing the community, 2 liaison city council members.
10. Consider a moratorium on marijuana cultivation facilities within the City, pending comprehensive medical marijuana establishments regulation zoning. Report/suggested Ordinance options, pdf pages 10. City Council action is required by 1/29/15; otherwise, new CA State land use law AB 243, 11362.777(c)(4), CA Code, section 65858(a) regulates CA State Dept of Food and Agriculture become the licensing authority (see Summary, page 1). Related background information: a) White Paper on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, pdf pages 58, (note first page is blank); b) News Paper Articles re Medical Marijuana, pdf pages 44; c) Santa Clara District Attorney, pdf pages 4.
11. Resolution approving second amendment to employment agreement for City Manager Lorie Tinfow. Report/Resolution. Exhibit "A", Second Amendment.
12. City Council liaison and Committee assignments, 2016. Report. Assignments list, 2015.
Adjourn. Note photographs. City view from Buyer's Broker of Mateo County. Happy New Year from New Year 2016 (Chinese).
Posted by Kathy Meeh
9. Resolution creating the Library Advisory Committee, directed from City Council 11/23/15. Report/Resolution. Exhibit "A", 14 appointments representing the community, 2 liaison city council members.
10. Consider a moratorium on marijuana cultivation facilities within the City, pending comprehensive medical marijuana establishments regulation zoning. Report/suggested Ordinance options, pdf pages 10. City Council action is required by 1/29/15; otherwise, new CA State land use law AB 243, 11362.777(c)(4), CA Code, section 65858(a) regulates CA State Dept of Food and Agriculture become the licensing authority (see Summary, page 1). Related background information: a) White Paper on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, pdf pages 58, (note first page is blank); b) News Paper Articles re Medical Marijuana, pdf pages 44; c) Santa Clara District Attorney, pdf pages 4.
11. Resolution approving second amendment to employment agreement for City Manager Lorie Tinfow. Report/Resolution. Exhibit "A", Second Amendment.
12. City Council liaison and Committee assignments, 2016. Report. Assignments list, 2015.
Adjourn. Note photographs. City view from Buyer's Broker of Mateo County. Happy New Year from New Year 2016 (Chinese).
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Item B in Closed Session is interesting. Time to renew Pacifica's management agreement with the state to run LMBeach. Pacifica covers the cost of beach maintenance, compliance, enforcement. Parking fees pay for only some of the expense. Do we pay the state any type of fees? Wouldn't it save this city beaucoup bucks to have the state run it? Who'd notice the difference?
I like how city hall buries what they are spending taxpayer money on. So much for an open and transparent city.
1 32689 $116127.98 12/11/15 02502 0 BURKE WILLIAMS AND SORENSEN LLP
The Chamber of Commerce got thrown a bone.
1 32758 $7352.00 12/11/15 01249 0 PACIFICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Another payment for legal fees:
32805 $1398.80 12/21/15 02502 0 BURKE WILLIAMS AND SORENSEN LLP
This City Attorney is really spending taxpayer money:
1 32876 $82893.15 12/30/15 02502 0 BURKE WILLIAMS AND SORENSEN LLP
$5834.00 12/30/15 01249 0 PACIFICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
The Chamber maid knows how to get $$$ from City Hall.
Woke up with gas, did ya, 806? That last one reeks--even for you.
224, could be 806,804,802,800,758 (who posts selective expenses) doesn't understand the City is a municipality which spends money in the course of doing business. Legal is necessary; and, the Chamber of Commerce collects and accounts for City Hotel taxes.
But why stop there? This City Council Agenda Item 1 (disbursements, 12/10/15-12/30/15) is 5 pages-- surely such lack of "transparency" on a bank ledger must be worthy of a "forensic audit", (or not).
And just what do you suppose the reason for the increase in attorney bills is for?
These are checks from city hall to the chamber. Not the other way around.
So inquiring minds want to know why Sue Digre lived in the Pacifica Skies Trailer park?
Mayor Sue Digre lived in the park for much of last year but did not accept the relocation package although she thought when it was first proposed that it was a “good deal.”
She said, however, that the deal wasn’t good for some residents.
728-955 Do you use a timer or does this stuff really occupy your mind so completely each morning?
The City is the clearing house for the BID monies that are paid to the Chamber. This is not City money but the additional $1 added on to the daily room fees at the hotels to fund the BID.
These monies have nothing to do with the TOT fees.
Thanks Chris, 514. Okay, here's the City Hotel TOT and BID information.
1. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT).
2. Hotel Business Improvement District fee (HBID, or BID).
Wait am I missing something.
You stay at a hotel in Pacifica. You pay the daily rate, plus sales tax plus the TOT tax and that tax is turned into the city by the hotel owners or managers.
This is a payment from the City to the Chamber.
Thank you Lionel for hitting the nail on the head last night. One of the top 5 comments ever
Yes, 6:55, you're missing something. The payment from the city to the Chamber is the BID, not the TOT. Please see earlier links.
Well, Bray, that was a comment from outer space. Care to elaborate. Or, better yet, don't.
All the articles staff dug up on medical marijuana dispensaries was negative. Bias?
I don't think there's been any issues with the 2 clubs operating here
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