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Rogue Nimby blimp floats past City Council |
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WARNING rogue Nimby blimp may harm the City and the people |
It seems Councilmember John Keener orchestrated a Just Cause Eviction ordinance campaign taking-up 3+ hours of the 4 ½ hour City Council meeting (10/26/15), for what might have otherwise been considered a brief discussion yes/no vote. And it was Keener's intention again to bring forward the proposed Just Cause Eviction ordinance discussion at the next (11/9/15) City Council meeting (when Councilmember Mary Ann Nihart would be present). This is not the first time Councilmember Keener has advanced a citizen circus at City Council, (previously there was his rejected Appeal to the Planning Commission brought forward to City Council).
Three (3) hours into Item 7 deliberations, Mayor Karen Ervin asked Councilmember John Keener, "Why did we spend all this time, when you wanted this to be discussed next meeting (11/9/15)? ..."
Earlier, during community oral comments, the Pacific Skies Estates mobile home representatives advised they will comply with their letter of assistance to transition evicted residents. (This was an arrangement assisted in part through our City Manager's office.) Allegedly "mission accomplished" for the Pacific Skies Estates tenant eviction transition! At the same time, the Pacific Skies Estates representatives warned that if the City continues discussions targeting their Company, including further demands, they will break their promises to the evicted tenants, and sue the City. The message was clear, and should have been understood by all concerned.
Having heard these potential legal consequences, Councilmember John Keener stated he still wanted to continue the discussion to the 11/9/15 meeting. And, Councilmember Sue Digre, said she had been watching the “Supreme Court” (possibly Superior Court) on television today, and from that, quoted: "the people have the right to instruct the legislature.. the right to speak.” She continued, “which is MORE IMPORTANT THAN POTENTIAL LAWSUITS."
Oh here it is, it landed (blimp failed) |
For this discussion, there were two (2) separate City Council motions: one to terminate further action, and the other to continue discussion at the 11/9/15 City Council meeting. With Councilember Mary Ann Nihart absent, the voting results were: Councilmembers Mike O'Neill and Karen Ervin to terminate action; Councilmembers John Keener and Sue Digre to continue action. No majority, motions failed.
What is shocking is that Councilmembers Keener and Digre were willing to take reckless action against "best practice" City interest, as well as further jeopardize the position of the evicted tenants. And that is truly outrageous, irresponsible leadership.
Meantime, General Manager Lori Tinfow advised previously scheduled housing issues (the need
for affordable housing, etc.) will be taken up by City Council in a late November
or early December meeting. Rent stabilization will be part of the discussion at
that time.
Reference, Fix Pacifica City Council meeting reprint article, 10/26/15, and Reminder. Note photographs. rogue blimp that got away and police chase by Jimmy May/Bloomburg Press Enterprise/AP from KOIN 6 TV, 10/28/15, "Runaway military blimp floats over Pennsylvania." Blimp landed in tree in Pennsylvania by Matthew Abbey,CBS News,10/28/15, "Runaway military blimp back on the ground."
Reference, Fix Pacifica City Council meeting reprint article, 10/26/15, and Reminder. Note photographs. rogue blimp that got away and police chase by Jimmy May/Bloomburg Press Enterprise/AP from KOIN 6 TV, 10/28/15, "Runaway military blimp floats over Pennsylvania." Blimp landed in tree in Pennsylvania by Matthew Abbey,CBS News,10/28/15, "Runaway military blimp back on the ground."
Submitted and posted by Kathy Meeh
"truly outrageous, irresponsible leadership".......NOT!
This is the dim-witted actions of two people who have no business in leadership roles and who have no idea how to negotiate for a positive outcome. Reminds me of Lancelle and Vreelands' completely failed attempt to negotiate with Peebles for a positive outcome in the Quarry.
These are the stupid moves that assure Pacifica's place as "most incompetent city" in the bay area. Now we are entrusting these amateurs to pick a developer for the Beach Blvd property development. God help us.
Sue, make yourself useful and please DO something, instead of just talking about, the increased SFO noise that is threatening the livability of Pacifica. John, please stop pandering to your comrades and endangering even further the fiscal viability of Pacifica.
954 Whoa. Is Kathy's runaway nimby blimp down? Have Ervin, Big Mike and Nihart been trapped aboard by nefarious nimbies? Offer a 4.75 million dollar ransom and make it contingent on finding the money. Maybe they can Skype in their brilliant "pick" for who develops Beach Blvd?
SFO? Seems like WUP would be all over that noise problem. Harder than it looks?
How did Digre and Keener jeopardize the position of the evicted tenants?
Didn't Keener demand the emergency ordinance protecting them?
Wow, John Keener really spanks the City Attorney hard in that video.
Isn't there a rule that he has to be courteous to City Staff?
Couldn't the City Attorney quit and sue us for harassment?
Keener was extremely rude and very unprofessional. Who does this guy think he is? Be careful Pacifica, extremism is on the rise and we may not recognize our city if Keener, Digre and a player to named later, my guess Stegnik get control of the council. A name change from Pacifica to Little Berkeley may be in order.
We should be very scared of Stegnik.
He's running 27 different bleeding heart causes simultaneously and does not care about property rights!
I don't buy for a second that he gave a rats pattotie about 711. He cared about controlling the Fairmont neighborhood for his election and trying to make Mary Ann look bad.
OMG there's somebody on council who actually has a mind of his own. Be afraid, be very afraid.
409 You so silly. Pacifica becomes Little Berkeley? Be still my heart-and the hearts of many Pacificans. If you've missed the liberal leaning of this town, P-town Lifer, then it's time for you to make parole.
Oh boy, John. Just you wait til Nihart gets back! Pickin' on her minion. Tsk, tsk. Still, love to see an attorney slam dunked. Kudos to John Keener.
Thanks to John Keener for speaking up for bullied evicted.Landlords at council meeting cried that they needed to get rid of undesirables.Really! The evicted are the low paid workers,retirees.disabled,injured vets who really should be protected by city council with rent stabilization and just cause eviction.Stop the social disruption with temporary freeze until new housing is on line.
No votes on protecting people who are close to being homeless protects real estate interests.
Sue,gives real estate interests all a chance to show they care about people in this housing crisis by positive action,not lawsuit threats.
Can we institute term limits for council members? How did Sue manage to stick around planning council for so long?
134 PM, you said, "How did Digre and Keener jeopardize the position of the evicted tenants?"
Read paragraphs 4 and 5 of the article, and you may figure it out.
Summary: Compensation promises were made to the evicted tenants in a letter from Pacific Skies Estates. Further discussions or demands from the City would void their promise letter, and trigger their lawsuit to the City.
757 PM, to that you say "kudos to John Keener", (and don't forget about Sue Digre, she deserves your kudos too).
Both Keener and Digre voted to eliminate promise compliance to the evicted tenants, and drive this City into a mindless lawsuit.
Kudos, kudos... that motion failed, thanks to Mike O'Neill and Karen Ervin!
Personally, I think anti-progress political NIMBIES are incapable of leading this City anywhere, except down a trail into shark invested waters. What do you think?
Last time I looked berkeley was flourishing economically.
Good for Keener. Someone had to stand up for the voters.
924, our City passed a City Council Term Limit measure (going forward, not retroactive), from 11/2/2010. Not sure which Councilmembers (if any) may or may not be affected for 2016.
See Smart Voter, Measure V. "Shall an ordinance be adopted providing prospectively that no person who has served two terms of office as a Pacifica City Councilmember shall be eligible to run for election as a Pacifica City Councilmember and further providing that if for any reason a person serves a partial term as Pacifica City Councilmember in excess of two years, that partial term shall be considered a full term for purposes of the term limit provision?"
Manipulation by Karen and Mike to kill John Keener's help for bullied renters.If it takes hours for near homeless speakers to plead with elected representatives,so be it.Karen and Mike want no futher eviction abuse legislation,ignoring the desparate renters.
"Stop the social disruption with temporary freeze until new housing is on line."
That will be never. Digre, Keener and the hippies who want rent control are the same ones who block any new housing.
933 PM, your idea of Councilmembers Keener and Digre "standing up for the voters" is 1) this City being SUED, and 2) the evicted tenants NOT receiving compensation, when the issue was already SETTLED prior to the City Council meeting (with the assistance of the City Manager's Office)???
Just so we're clear, you are anonymously speaking for yourself-- NOT THIS VOTER!!! And such counterproductive action should not be cheered by you either. Think about it.
1004 PM, see above. And if you are not one of the renters affected who may leave this City, in the future you may want to support development of affordable and low cost housing in this City. That will mean giving-up some of the big empty space projects in favor of density. There may be more traffic, so also support Highway 1 widening (needed for us all because Bay Area population is increasing).
I still think it's a terrible idea to build another trailer park here. The Nimbies and the Realtors both agree it would be better to have something other than a trailer park on Palmetto.
What's next for Palmetto, another super premium garbage dump with a built in Starbucks and solar panels? It would still be a garbage dump and if Pacifica Sky goes forward with this plan they are only ensuring it will be a trailer park for the next fifty years.
The newspaper said that they didn't any offer compensation to residents before John Keener and Sue Digre were involved so they probably do deserve credit for "spreading the wealth around" as their demigod Obama would have put it.
Sinai hit the nail on the head, those same screaming for rent control have a fit when housing is brought up. A project on Fassler hasn't even been vetted yet there is a faux outcry or outrage that anyone would dare build housing. Our city policies over the last 30 years, when this city was run by a a group adverse to any new building, has directly contributed to the housing shortage we are now seeing. Every city on the peninsula seems to be in a contest to add housing units yet Pacifica is still manning the barricades against growth.
It also seems that Realtors are your go to bad guys. Most of the Realtors in this town volunteer their time, money, and sweat helping those less fortunate. Pacifican's Care always has a healthy contingent of Realtors represented on their leadership team. Every service club in this town heads to the local real estate offices when they are in need of sponsors for their events. The Realtors I know are neighbors and friends. They live and work in this town and have always been the first to give. This bashing makes no sense. Why not bash the postal carriers. That makes as much sense.
These renters chose to live in a trailer with no long term lease protection. They agreed to vacate the trailer with 30 to 60 days notice. Why would anyone agree to these terms? ...and then cry wolf when they are asked to leave. Now the relocation package is not enough. I have never rec'd any such assistance when I was forced to move do to my lease not having a renewal clause. Give me a break!!
716 are you talking about Harmony 1 or is there another new project on Fassler?
Jim, what new project on Fassler?
Got a website link for that?
Just looked in the Pacifica Tribune from two days ago and didn't see anything.
website link for new project on Fassler: http://www.pacificariptide.com/pacifica_riptide/2015/10/nighmare-prospects-fubar-on-fassler.html
Who hit his head? Bash postal carriers? I think postal carriers can match realtors 1:1 on civic participation, friends and neighbors and charitable works, albeit usually with a lower profile. When it comes to any personal financial gain from more housing, however, realtors are way ahead. All the poor mail carrier gets is a longer route and flatter feet. And, enviable bubble-free job security. Realtors get the big bucks. Still, when it comes to who supports more housing and why, saying "follow the money" is as overly simplistic as saying someone who favors controlled development would not support specific developments. For example, affordable housing or in-fill housing. Although we get our cheap thrills from nailing the extremists on both sides of the development issue--and there are extremists on both sides-- neither the issue nor the people involved with it, are that simple. Pacificans have historically shown a keen awareness of that.
842 Oh I dunno. You seem kinda heartless. Lost your lease because it had no renewal option? Was that a business? Did you lose your home on short notice, in the rent inferno of the Bay Area? Were you old, disabled, poor or just heartless?
The guy who runs a Bradley Mortgage office is Karen's husband. So why does Karen have her husband shilling for no rent control? Cause the realtors told him too!
Is Mike Ervin Mayor Ervin's husband?
Or maybe just because his job gives him more knowledge of it than most, and it's his opinion that it's a bad thing? We're all entitled to our opinions - no matter how wrong they might seem. Attributing dubious motives to someone with no basis for it is just mudslinging! But I guess that that's what some people here are really good at!
1253, and why are YOU shilling for rent control?
Realtors, closer to these property upkeep issues, have their reasoned view of rent control. You have your own anonymous agenda.
At City Council/citizen communications about 6 weeks ago, I thought Dina Verby, who had been a rent control judge in San Francisco, did a good job explaining the problematic issues of a city managing rent control.
Rent control issues are not simplistic, and extending the conversation to a City Councilmember having a family member (brother I think) who works in the mortgage industry is both unrelated and somewhat bizarre. Surely, you'll want to explain that weak connection, or better: don't bother.
"Is Mike Ervin Mayor Ervin's husband?"
So being old, disabled or poor gives you a pass to enter into a lease that seemed like a real good deal until the park owner used its option to ask them to leave. Then you play the I'm old, disabled plus poor card and $10k is not enough to get me to leave. Oh why didn't I chose to live somewhere with a two year lease that could be extended for an additional two years? What if ... if only ... am I being heartless or realistic?
I'm lost... what does Mayor Earvin's husband have to do with the trailer court?
Nothing! Other than that he voiced his opinion in opposition to rent control, and now he's part of some sort of evil conspiracy or just guilty by association.
247 Heartless or realistic? Realism is always the go-to excuse when we're making a stone of our hearts. You do it with such ease. Wouldn't want to rely on your heart.
Mayor Ervin's husband even shows up on the samcar.org
Absolutely nothing!
It's just more of the anti everything people bashing anything and everything that smells like progress for Pacifica.
"They've got theirs" and they don't want anyone else to have any of it.
It's in their interest to keep Pacifica broke and dysfunctional reasoning that this will keep the outside world away.
If these creeps really cared about anything or anyone besides themselves they would be beating the drum to build affordable housing in a dense environment which could be served efficiently by public transit.
Unfortunately that takes more effort than just badgering Council to say NO!
These are the true enemies of Pacifica.
255 Are you sorry you asked?
Badgering family members of elected officials is a proven tactic to make the elected officials stand down. You who practice this type of intimidation are despicable.
Kicking old people in wheelchairs out of their homes right before Christmas is what is despicable.
749, the tenant eviction is unfortunate, but there has been two (2) years of legal notification, and now a now a transfer compensation package.
See Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 11/5/13. "Mobile home owners face more than double rent increase." "... The owner of the Pacific Skies Estates mobile home park submitted an application for rent increase to the city of Pacifica on October 7, 2013. As required under the City's Rent Stabilization Regulations, the city confirmed that the application materials were complete and notified affected residents that it had been filed."
Also "search this blog" (upper left) for other related articles: Pacific Skies Estates mobile home park.
Two years of notification of a $76.58 rent increase?
These seniors aren't having their rent increased, they're being kicked into the streets.
An eviction is something tragically different.
There is no place for these people to go, and they will sadly be homeless by Christmas.
911, IT's OVER, the tenants in question are being evicted, the compensation package will advance. Councilmembers John Keener and Sue Digre will not be allowed to subject this City to a lawsuit, thanks to Councilmembers Mike O'Neill and Karen Ervin. And, Christmas has nothing to do with it.
The tenant eviction has been in play this year. The outcome is tenant eviction, and more than double park rent for others. Another article, The Daily Journal/Bill Silverfarb, 8/11/15. "Mobile home park tenants evicted: owners replacing old pre-fab homes with newer models."
10/28/14, the court found the tenant rent increase you mentioned to be $231.92, rather than the City's estimate of $76.58. This information is from your article link, Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 11/4/14, "Rent increase allowed for Pacific Skies homeowners."
Clearly, this was not your personal rent increase or tenant eviction; and, it seems you're just not that close to the eviction facts.
Steve Sinai was astute in describing such political motivation in his 10/29/15, 10:30 pm comment, "...Digre, Keener and the hippies who want rent control are the same ones who block any new housing."
Time to change.
It's funny when Steve and the Fixies call people they disagree with "hippies." Every time they do that they lose their own argument. Most of the people they're disagreeing with don't even know what a hippie was.
Rant increases are part of a successful long term renter/landlord relationship, but neither article contains the word eviction.
How are they still there two years after an eviction notice?
Don't property owners have any rights in America anymore?
Thank you Kathy, I just watched that video.
For several years the unelected, subcontracted city attorney has appeared to wield far too much influence over the direction of the city council to the point where some of them seem to openly fear him or her (it varies but is mostly Michelle Kenya).
Keener isn't my favorite person on the council, but I appreciate him setting the city attorney straight on who the boss is, and that is the elected city council, not the city attorney.
Anyone that can count would know that this is a dead issue. Four of five must vote for it two are clearly against it and Mary Ann will make three.
Oneil is a realtor, Earvin is married to a realtor, and Nihart is funded by realtors.
There is little chance that rent control will pass if all five members vote.
626AM, re-read 10:51PM, paragraph 2, open link: The Daily Journal, 8/11/15, eviction in process this year.
And prior-- 9:00PM, paragraph 2, open link: Pacifica Tribune, 11/15/13, double rents.
There are clues in the process.
859, I totally disagree with you. I appreciate the work of the subcontracted Attorneys, especially Michele Kenya. I feel hope for the City with the new management structure, (City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Economic Development Director).
Based upon his brief track record, I view Councilmember John Keener as a rogue tool of the NIMBY contingent who would continue to drag down this city.
Again, with regard to Councilmember Keener's action at City Council Monday 10/26/15: he and Councilmember Digre attempting to set this City up for an unnecessary lawsuit, while also voiding Pacific Skies Estate compensation agreement to assist the evicted tenants was incomprehensible; or callus, reckless and irresponsible.
That's your guy. And when it comes to legal, the city attorney is boss. (I also watched the meeting, and don't recall the confrontation that so impressed you amounting to much).
901, the issue is only "dead" because two (2) NIMBIES are not a majority on City Council. And, it is important to note how badly these NIMBIES handled this issue when the solution was in front of them. Their voting action was against the best interest to the City, as well as the tenants. Don't forget!
Rent stabilization and eviction protection is not dead in Bay Area.Council meetings will get longer if renters keep showing up looking for City help.
Do Councilmembers have rentals that would affect voting on these rent stabilization efforts?
O'neill and Ervin may both recuse themselves or be removed by challenge, leaving Nihart for the Realtors and Keener & Digre for the Renters, in which case the renters would win.
There is no requirement for four members to vote, only a simple majority.
12:52, by your twisted logic, then Keener and Digre would have to recuse themselves if they employed a Realtor during the purchase or sale of their present residence.
1252, that's your wish list, huh. Where's the part where "the moon is made of green cheese"?
Would a councilmember need to recuse themselves if they are currently on a lease in the park and on the eviction list?
5:17 Yes, but there is no such person.
I understand why Ervin should recuse, but why O'Neill?
He's the only samcar realtor in Pacifica that didn't speak out against rent control.
517 The issue you hint at has been deemed a non-issue by the experts.
We have experts? And they agree on something? A first time for everything! LMAO.
Seriously, though - is one of the councilmembers really on a lease at the trailer park? Surely they'd have to be recused (even in Pacifica) if they are!
517 No possible combination of your skin color, religion, gender, nor home location would force you to recuse.
Lets see now Len Stone had to recuse himself simple because his name was on the lease for office space in Park Mall when the assisted living project was going before City Council. So that tells me that you have to be very careful about the appearance of bias.
Ervin is not a realtor.
He is a loan broker working for Bradley Mortgage.
He runs two branches in town.
Without speculating on whether their membership is a conflict of interest, both Mike O'Neil and Mike Ervin are Samcar members and have been licensed realtors in Pacifica for a long, long time.
Ervin manages WJBradley, his website states he was a commissioner of Pacifica's Parks, Beaches & Recreation and is currently on the Pacifica Economic Development Committee.
Speculate! It boils down to Nihart vs. Keener. Grease 'em up and let 'em wrestle! Only one thing we know for sure...it won't be pretty.
I think it's helpful to have the perspective of ALL City Council members, without Councilmembers recusing themselves unless there is a direct (or near direct) vested interest (likely financial in the form of being an affected or potentially affected landlord).
Because a City Councilmember holds a real estate license and belongs to a Realtor organization does not indicate he or she is also an affected landlord, or specializes (in part or full) in affected rentals; or acts in the capacity of an agent for an affected landlord.
And being a mortgage lender, the spouse of a mortgage lender, or a related financial or insurance professional may be even more indirect and remote.
In fact, having a financial background may be helpful and an asset to the City Council conversation-- you know, "knowledge is power," vs. lack of knowledge, uninformed ignorance, blind radicalized NIMBY ideology, etc.
The California Fair Political Practices Commission indicates both should recuse themselves.
417, well NIMBY, you made a really BIG statement, and posted the entire CA Fair Political Practices Commission link.
Now show us the statute or guidelines that exclude some City Councilmembers from discussing City housing, including rent stabilization.
For example, "Conflict of interest codes.. , Item 3, -- Full disclosure, "All investments, business positions and sources of income, including gifts, loans and travel payments."
But, NOT THAT ONE, because the issue is merely "disclosure", not exclusion.
If you need help, same page, right side, there is an "ask the FPPC for advice" link. Good luck (or not). Meantime, until you prove otherwise, your statement is incomplete, possibly deceitful, and NOT TRUE.
Oh no you don't 417. We like the way this is going, uh, I mean we want the perspectives of all 5 council members. It's the democratic way.
If any council member has rental property they would need to be recused.We need to know.
Rental property or rental property in Pacifica?
Some of these posts are moronic. I swear some of you pull this stuff out of your ass. Recuse yourself from this stream.
Thanks for the People's Blog but are people really this stupid in Pacifica?
LMAO Dr. Procto. You and the sock puppet are hilarious.
If I had rentals,I would oppose rent control and eviction just cause.If I was on council,I would say," it did not affect my vote on matter".
10:35: Any rental property
Pacifica is the weak kid on the playground bows to any threat of lawsuit as if we had no city attorney at all. We'd save a lot of money by firing Michelle Kenya.
Ownership of rental property is irrelevant. If either O'Neill or Ervin took donations from San Mateo County Association of Realtors or any individual member of same they need to recuse.
City Attorney is not Michelle Kenya, it is Michelle Marchetta Kenyon.
She is not a city employee, she's a vendor, and doesn't work just for Pacifica, she is a hired gun paid by the hour from the giant law firm Burke Williams and Sorenson, and is the city attorney for Rohnert Park, Calistoga, Moraga, Piedmont and also Pacifica.
Looking past that mistake to the content of 1102, both Ervin and O'Neill have taken political donations from samcar.
Well, it seems we're having another anonymous NIMBY shark attack. ...
Again, the outrageous voting action of Councilmembers Keener and Digre was:
1. To set-up the City for a "no win" lawsuit, and
2. To void the evicted tenants' compensation remedy from Pacific Skies Estates.
The Keener/Digre motion failed, thanks to the counter votes of Councilmember Mike O'Neill and Mayor Karen Ervin.
1102, Michelle Kenyon,JD, partner and Burke, Williams and Sorensen, LLP, seems to be giving this City solid legal advisement.
(But, do get back to us with a cost comparison: 1) prior, when there was an in house employee City Attorney, and 2) with the hypothetical current market cost. Remember one excuse for ridding this City of its in house employee Attorney was cost, including the extended need to seek outside legal advisement and expertise).
1200, where did NIMBIES receive their political donations? And how did it happen that last election Sue Digre was the only City Council recommendation from the San Mateo County Democrats? Category: probable NIMBIES manipulating the process again.
This one says nimbies are manipulating the process, someone else says Ervin and O'Neill are paying back their political donors with their council vote, I say it's politics and it's the dirtiest business on the planet. On that note, what about Nihart. She take any cash from SAMCAR or related indies or groups? Pretty sure Digre and Keener were on the no fly list.
those darn nimbys are manipulating the political process by getting their candidates elected. darn them. they don't play fair.
Good post Kathy, what City Council meetings and topics do you think Sue Digre should have recused herself from and why?
SAMCAR applauds Mayor Karen Ervin and Councilmember Mike O'Neill, who voted No to furthering the Just Cause Eviction ordinance.
Just to be clear Kathy, you're in favor of kicking these 70-100 people out of the trailer court, right?
I can't tell if you feel sorry for them or you think they got what they deserved.
151, City Council should follow actual City regulations, nothing else. Made-up anonymous dictates are misleading and worthless.
200, "just to be clear", the month to month tenants in question have received notice and have been, or will be evicted. But, working with the City, Pacific Skies Estates has provided a compensation package to these evicted tenants.
At the 10/26/15 City Council meeting, the warning to the City from Pacific Skies Estates was: 1) no further City discussion, or action; or, 2) the City would be subjected to a lawsuit from Pacific Skies Estates (the company).
Hearing and understand that, Councilmembers Keener and Digre voted to continue the discussion to the 11/9/15 City Council meeting.
Motion failed, the result of the No votes from O'Neill and Ervin.
The 10/26/15 City Council meeting is on video, here. Item 7 begins more than 1 hour into the 4+ hour meeting.
Seriously, understanding the potential reckless consequences of Councilmember Keener and Digre's votes is not "rocket science".
Understanding the potential humanitarian consequences of Councilmember Keener & Digre's vote is not rocket science either, and if our only choices are putting these seniors on the street or trying to help them, I'm going against my capitalist tendencies and want to try to help them first.
Who warned the city to have no further discussion, Michelle Kenya?
If so it seems like she is no longer an impartial adviser here.
Reading all of these comments, it becomes very apparent that the NIMBIES, NOBIES, FAUX-ENVIRONMENTALISTS and the I GOT MINES are a very nasty little group of mean spirited, manipulative and hard hearted people. They easily pounce on this very sad housing situation, which is affecting some of Pacifica's most vulnerable citizens, just so they can bolster their bullying postures in the public arena. They are such extreme hypocrites. If they really cared about anyone but themselves they would be beating the drum to build more affordable housing that connects to public transit. Unfortunately that would conflict with their primary goal of denying all development in Pacifica regardless of the human consequence.
Instead of behaving and striving towards rational solutions they are trying to impose a failed policy of rent control through their sock puppets, Keener and Digre.
308, humanitarian is a separate issue from legal process.
Without Councilmembers O'Neill and Ervin defeating the Keener and Digre vote.
A) The evicted tenants compensation package would be VOID. Zilch, gone.
B) The evicted tenants would still be or were EVICTED. Zilch, gone.
C) The City would fight an indefensible lawsuit THE CITY COULD NOT WIN.
At the 10/26/15 City Council meeting, Pacific Skies Estates representatives, including THEIR ATTORNEY, made a final offer, and the alternative was a warning: lawsuit.
343, good insight, and well said!
Anyone who watched the public comments of that video can tell exactly who the humanitarians are in this tragedy, and it ain't the Realtors.
Keener and Digre might not have won, but no one else lifted a finger to help these people.
Karma catches everyone eventually.
Kathy, for those of us who don't have time to watch the video, what was the final offer?
Thank you for providing a high quality, well researched, impartial blog that highlights property rights issues.
Seems like Keener did the right thing, consequences be damned.
The kind of guy you want to have your back, but not necessarily your checkbook!
4:00PM You are completely wrong. The City Manager and other City staff worked with the Pacific Skies tenants continuously to get this final relocation package. I don't want to see seniors in the street either but when do we have to expect people to take resposibility for their own situations. Many of the residents are seniors and military people. There are many programs that cover these types of situations for these groups. This "eviction" discussion has been going on for two years. If I was a tenant without a lease and in dire circumstances I would have long ago reached out to one of the groups that could possibly assist me. I heard tenants say they did not want to move out of Pacifica or off the beach so then why did you sign a short term lease or one without a renewal clause? I certainly am not in favor of some of the tactics the new owners have done, mostly lying to tenants instead of being straight forward about not giving any type of extensions, but it is not the City of Pacifica's job to be their personal lawyer or agent. The way Michelle Kenyon was spoken to was most disrespectful. It is her job to protect the City's coffers. Unless one of the disagreeing councilmembers has a law degree, they should not state she doesn't know what she is talking about. She is a hell of alot better than the staff City attorney we previously had. And where does Councilman Keener think we are going to get the funds to fight these lawsuits? A very small figure was quoted by the City Manager during the 7-Eleven debate that the City had in reserves to fund these types of lawsuits. A $10,000 relocation fee plus assistance from PIA, military aid or senior services may result in a better living alternative for some of these residents. Many of the rental trailers were in pretty bad shape. I know change is difficult at any age but where are these people's family members? Whoever said something about throwing someone out in a wheelchair was beyond dramatic.
Pacifica Realtors are quite humanitarian and are some of the nicest and most community minded people I know. What they are expressing is common sense and an understanding of market forces. They know that smashing down, appealing and litigating all progress and development in Pacifica is killing our local economy and chasing away all would be investors. They know that frogs, snakes and trails do not create affordable housing. They know that threats of rent control will drive rents up in the short term and then fail miserably in the long run.
The real issue is that demand for housing is far outstripping the supply.
Very basic and long standing economic realities at work here folks.
If you want to be a humanitarian, start by getting real.
623/628 Quite humanitarian, huh? What you say has some logic, but your motives are showing when you try to make these poor tenants into poster kids for development. Isn't that what you're accusing Keener and Digre of doing? No project proposed in recent memory would have served these people. Better you should focus on the decent relo package, a bird in the hand, etc. You being a humanitarian and all.
I know quite a few realtors and most are terrific people. But, let's be real about their civic involvement. Being involved in the community is part of being a realtor, isn't it? Make contacts, become well known--all part of being a successful realtor. Also, our recent housing downturn left the real estate profession in need of serious damage control and reputation restoration. Good deeds, particularly under the "realtor" banner, make for great PR. As with anything else, some people get hooked, and go above and beyond any possible personal interest. Best of all, the community benefits.
Lots of people move to cheaper areas when they retire. Nobody is owed a place to live on the coast. I'd like to see the trailer park give the people being evicted a few thousand in moving expenses, a few thousand for deposit on a new place, and maybe 4-6 months to leave. If that new place is in Stockton or Yuba City, so be it.
Half Moon Bay's budget was decimated because of a lawsuit caused by the reckless actions of hippies. It looks like we Keener and Digre are leading us in the same direction.
Give me a break 648. No one did more to put us on the streets than the San Mateo County Association of Realtors and Jim Wagner of WJ Bradley who pushed the local effort.
I've got two kids, two jobs, and only make $52,000 a year between both of them. I haven't taken a vacation in the lifetime of my kids, buy their clothes at Goodwill, don't drink, smoke, drive a ten year old truck, don't have cable tv, and never took a dime from the government.
I'm not sure where we'll go and even with the $10,000 relocation money (only the disabled get $15,000), no one wants to rent to me with two kids and such a small salary.
I've lived here fourteen years but my days here are probably coming to an end. Don't attack us because we're fighting to protect our way of life for our kids. You would do the same thing for your kids if you were up against the wall.
I love Pacifica as much as any Realtor ever did.
I just never had enough money to buy a house.
You say its over but I'm praying for a miracle because I don't want my kids to have to live out of our truck.
An acquaintance just had his rent increased from $2400 to $3200.Had to go to Vallejo.Too bad,he wanted to get his hot dog across at 7 Eleven,Fairmont.Glad Howard Jarvis Prop 13,2% annual tax increase control,protects me in current real estate frenzy.Renters have no such legislative protection,yet.
Ha! Lots of people are finding it necessary to move to cheaper areas BEFORE they retire. Or they do the shared-living thing with family, friends, strangers in the same boat. Before we start the chanting, it's not just Pacifica. It's the entire Bay Area including cities where lots of housing is being built. It's just too expensive. And it will continue that way as long as the job market is healthy.
Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral. And don't we see examples of that every day of our lives? You trailer park tenants are up against really big money and all its quivering local wannabe friends. Take the 10 or 15 thou and if you're physically able start over in another state. You can't afford to live here or in any decent part of California. If you're frail and elderly, this kind of trauma even with help from social services can shorten your life.
6:23, your true insider summary is very much appreciated, and City Staff deserves credit for their good effort to negotiate a reasonable relocation package with Pacific Skies Estates, for the benefit of the evicted tenants.
(Admittedly, I prefer Steve's 8:28 proposed package-- next time consider sending him.)
4:26, the 10/26/15 City Council meeting Staff Report includes the evicted tenant assistance information:
"... The relocation assistance includes the first right of refusal to move back into the park in the future, financial assistance of $10,000 to cover moving costs and the cost difference between current rent and new rent for approximately 12 months. For tenants who are 62 or older, handicapped or disabled, or with annual income less than $65,700, the amount provided is $15,000 to cover the same cost. In addition to the above, up to $1,000 security deposit will also be provided."
I am both surprised and saddened at amount of hatred directed at the less fortunate in this community, specifically Pacifica Skies Estates mobile home park tenants.
You are your brother's keeper, and those old enough to understand know that when salaries and rents double, retirement accounts and pensions don't.
This is the only time in the forty three years I've lived in this community that I am ashamed to be part of it.
I hope the Pacifica Skies tenants land on their feet and reassemble their lives in a better place.
I thought the city attorney said there was no city contract with Pacific Skies.
City attorney said there was no basis for the lawsuit Pacific Skies Estate's attorney threatened. An empty threat from a stuffed suit.
"City attorney said there was no basis for the lawsuit Pacific Skies Estate's attorney threatened. An empty threat from a stuffed suit."
Of course the city attorney is going to say that. Do you think any attorney is going to publicly say a potential lawsuit against their client has merit?
905 Good grief! Don't go by what you read on here. This is where everything takes a back seat to bashing nimbie causes. These poor tenants have been identified as a nimby cause because of Digre and Keener's actions. If that weren't the case, the issue would only be about real estate and money and you'd be overwhelmed by humanitarians on here. You'd need a fly swatter. Seriously, these tenants are gone. Let's just hope their genuine supporters, whomever they may be, get them the best relocation terms possible and their days as a Fix Pacifica chew toy end.
917, at 10/26/15 City Council meeting/citizen communications: the Pacific Skies Estate attorney said there was no "contract" with the City, but there is 1) their "promissory "letter", and 2) their pledge to keep those promises, dependent upon the no contest conditions stated by their attorney. (The conditions were namely no further City or tenant action or discussion.)
Sounds kind of like a contract, doesn't it?
905, be happy, City Staff LOVE for the Pacific Skies Estates tenants, has greatly helped and improved the evicted tenants' relocation transition.
But, if you personally are an individual month to month tenant, and you are evicted, there may be no help to rescue you: no legal remedy, nothing to rely upon except you, your savings and your ability to transition.
The misplace "hate" and "shame" you express for your "community" (or yourself) may be sense of loss, dislocation, uncertainty, and grief.
According to the article in today's Tribune, when the Pacific Skies attorney threatened to sue the city over the relocation agreement between the tenants and the owner, "City Attorney Michelle Kenyon replied the city is not a party to the relocation agreements and therefore could not be sued."
"the city is not a party to the relocation agreements and therefore could not be sued."
Which is why Digre and Keener and their puppet masters are really being naĆÆve, stupid and reckless for doing something which they've already been told will kill the offer put forth to the tenants. As bad as all of this is for these folks, the owners are standing on legal ground and are offering relocation assistance. This assistance will legally be rescinded if the terms of agreement are tampered with.
It's like most things that the NOBIES do. As long as it doesn't affect them personally, they will do anything and jeopardize everyone else to advance their agenda of No Development in Pacifica and "I got mine, screw all of you."
The smart cities around the bay area are already working on implementing development that will lead to affordable housing and revenue generation so that when the next cycle hits, folks on the lower end of the income strata have a fighting chance. Income diversity is healthy for a community, but it can't happen if you destroy opportunity.
106, Don't wet yourself with fear from their legal bluff to the city.
Keener and Digre were the only ones that lifted a finger for those people.
Those are the real leaders here.
Kicking old people out on the street at Christmas is beneath us as a city.
Beneath us a society. Beneath us as a species.
Lots of Realtor spin on here.
Keener was the only one treating these people like human beings and not a product.
Those poor people. There's no hope for them.
Very sad event.
Jane Northrup's article clearly says we are in no legal danger and city attorney denied we had any liability.
Trailer park says offer is still on the table.
932 You're no fun. The truth is almost useless when propaganda is the agenda.
In other unreported Pacifica news, the Coastal Commission has become embroiled in the Pacifica Sky Estates issue, so it is no longer over, apparently?
932, best outcome to your comment, and that reporting:
1) Up front, the evicted tenants lose the previously promised financial compensation package. Big win (not)!
2) But, corporate attorneys usually do not threaten to sue, unless they have cause.
1119 Eh, inevitable, but Carlyle Group would have considered CCC involvement as a potential issue. Probably have multiple strategies. They've got this. Of course, this being Coastal California, a no-loss exit strategy is a must have for developers with a brain. Carlyle has big, expensive brains. IMHO they will prevail. And when they do, they change Pacifica along the thus far wasted Palmetto corridor. Best of all, Carlyle Group's interest puts us on Big Money's radar once again.
Threatening to sue a city is sport for these guys.
1119 can you tell us more about Coastal involvement?
Thank you.
Keet Nerhan is coming to Pacifica! The HMB developer is buying the Dave and Lou's site. Wonder what he'll build.
As always the newbie nimbies are spouting their bs.
Planning has already reviewed the trailer park and determined no coastal commission permit is necessary. Planning says this didn't happen, period.
Buh bye freeloaders, it's time to find a new place to live where you can afford the rent.
This guy is a NOBIE troll. Pay no attention to his twisted mind.
1249 what did 1224 say that wasn't true?
I kind of agree with him. No one helps pay my mortgage, why should I have to worry about their rent?
I don't wish anyone harm, but surely these trailer people have worn out their welcome in Pacifica.
We went over this, this am.
Pay attention
The NIMBYs will declare a gas stain on the Dave & Lews a protected wetlands and get coastal committee to shut it down as an environmental danger. There is no development these envirowackos will accept other than forfeiture of property rights, turning gas stations into yet more unneeded and unused open spaces.
How do you people expect to get to work if you can't buy gasoline anywhere? Oh that's right, you don't work you get your money from welfare and foodstamps.
Captain Obvious I don't want to miss a thing. Drivel detector OFF. You should come through loud and clear.
1224 Oh well if Pacifica Planning reviewed it and said no prob, hey hey hey, start digging. Those are the big dogs.
Cal Code of Regs § 18730 (b)(9)(A) “No designated employee shall make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the making of any governmental decision which he or she knows or has reason to know will have a reasonably foreseeable material financial effect, distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the official or a member of his or her immediate family or on:
(D) Any business entity in which the designated employee is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; or
(E) Any donor of, or any intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating $420 or more provided to, received by, or promised to the designated employee within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made
958, CA Code 18730, Section 9. Disqualification. See pdf pages 12, 13 here. The councilmember would be disqualified from council discussion and voting on an agenda item if the following relationship to the item exists or applies (refer to the link for detail):
(A) business, direct or indirect investment interest.
(B) real property, direct or indirect interest.
(C) source of income, received or promised.
(d) director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, management, or..
(e) donor of, intermediary, agent for donor, gifts given or received, promised in aggregate of $460 or more within 12 of the decision.
Thanks for providing the code number, now it is linked. Our City Councilmembers follow the code, of course.
And do you have a comment about that?
I'm just going to say this for Jim and Steve. You know I'm pro development and pro business. I've put my money where my mouth is. So to try and lump all these people in favor of rent control into the anti everything folks is not true or fair.
I am in favor of rent control and just cause eviction. It's the right thing to do. It's not going to ruin Pacifica or bring down property values any more than it has in any of the 19 other Ca cities that have enacted it. Is it perfect, no. But is it right that 60 Pacifica families can be evicted so the units can be rented to Air BnB transients? That people can be evicted for just being in favor of rent control? That teachers, nurses even Police and Firefighters are driven out of the town they love?
I think it's possible to enact an ordinance that is fair to all parties if we stop the bull shit propaganda.
That's all I'm going to say here.
Proud to know ya, Hutch. Proud to know ya.
Most firemen, teachers, police and nurses I know own their own home. If you never saved money and continue to rent into your 40's, 50's and 60's+ it's just piss poor financial planning.
Right. If you didn't buy a home in your 40's or 50's, even though you couldn't afford to, it's your own damn fault.
The majority of garbagemen that work for me and live in Pacifica own their own home also. Most of them have very large families also.
Wowsa! Watching the stock markets crumble. That housing market may be changing. Hand in hand with the job market that fueled the run-up in prices that squeezed out so many blue-collar and middle class buyers in this area.
Sour grapes!
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