Time and date/November 1, 2015/California/San Francisco. "Time Change, Daylight Saving Time ends."
2 a.m., turn clock back 1 hour. Sleep-in, lose evening light. Is that fair? |
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 1, 2015 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning. Also called Fall Back and winter time." Read and view more.
Related article. Al.com/Alabama news/Leada Gore, 10/30/15, "Daylight Savings: things to know about Sunday, November 1, 2015 time change." .... "Worth the hassle? Nah. A 2013 Rasmussen Report found only 37 percent of Americans thought Daylight Saving Time was worth the hassle, while 45 percent said it was not. The future? Daylight Saving Time in 2016 starts March 13 and ends Nov. 6. In 2017, it starts March 12 and ends Nov. 5 and in 2018, it starts March 11 and ends Nov. 4. What to do with the extra hour? We recently asked AL.com readers what they planned to do with the morning hour of daylight on Nov. 1. Here were some of suggestions:
- Paula Lee: "I spend the extra hour complaining about it getting dark too early."
- David Thornton: "My yearly ritual is to leave my watch on DST until I got the chance to go fishing. Late in the day I would then set my watch back an hour so I got an extra hour to enjoy fishing that day."
- Kalanu Raven Sun: "Sleep, most likely."
- Robbie Barnes: "Instead of a 12 hour shift it will be a 13 hour shift............great."
- Mike Moses: "I wish the powers that be would do away with this antiquated practice. it stinks to lose an hour of daylight. Makes me depressed."
Posted by Kathy Meeh