"Mike Mooney will unveil his flag of honor on Memorial Day for all who perished on 9-11. The flag, which has the names of everyone who died from the terrorist acts in 2001, will be mounted under clear plastic and become a part of a new garden, the 9-11 Memorial Garden, next to Mooney's Liberty Garden along the Calera Creek bike path in the Quarry. Rev. Tom Nibbe will officiate the ceremony, which begins at 2 p.m. Representatives from all religious organizations are invited to speak. There will be ample parking for the unveiling. "
Related - History.com, "9/11 Attacks." On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Often referred to as 9/11, the attacks resulted in extensive death and destruction, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defining the presidency of George W. Bush. Over 3,000 people were killed during the attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., including more than 400 police officers and firefighters."
Note photograph from Amory Domestistic Diva blog, "Our personal ground zero 9/11 experience." Also see a photograph of the Flag of Honor by Jane Northrop on the Pacifica Tribune article. "A flag of honor will be permanently mounted along the Calera Creek bike path." (Jane Northrop).
Posted by Kathy Meeh
That'll disappear when the road's widened though, right? And all of his lovely work over the last decade too.
But we have to let the HMB crowd get to their jobs at Twitter, so it's worth it..
Then we'll just plant a Memorial Garden in memory of his Memorial Garden. Perhaps in the landscaped median?
Gang of No dis-information yet again. Flag is in back, along bike path, 90 yards away. Anything to try to derail Hwy 1 safety widening, including never telling the truth.
The garden inside the quarry will , or should remain. The small annexation of work Mike has done out on the current highway will most definitely be ploughed under, but not the area in the quarry that frames the entrance to the waste water treatment plant.
Mike has mentioned this misunderstanding to me and has asked me to comment.
The Yessies disinformation campaign continues. Caltrans says the widening is not a safety widening.
9:19 is the king of disinformation.
And we know what high regard you hold Caltrans.
The garden can be moved.
gee Hwy 1 safety. Firefighters say widening is a safety issue. So does common sense. Who you gonna believe?
But "Caltrans says it's not a safety issue." The same Caltrans who the anti widening folks say is incompetent and not to be trusted.
I love how ingenuous they are.
1110 On this issue? No one on here.
So now firefighters and your common sense are traffic engineers and Caltrans is not.
My common sense tells me that the widening will be a huge traffic disaster during years of construction, won't fix the problem, and will create new traffic problems with bottlenecks at both ends.
1146 Drama Queens on both sides. Wailing and keening and professing concern for their fellow man. Yessirree. That's when my common sense tells me to follow the money. That's what this is really all about.
1146, 106, common sense should tell you to accept current Measure A transportation tax funding to alleviate our 20 year traffic congestion problem. But you seem to be lost in conspiracies, weeds and insults.
Did you object when our Measure A tax money was used for trails? How about San Pedro Creek bridge replacement -- beginning this summer, any objection to that coming 18 months of traffic congestion?
Are you also worried about "scenic Pacifica", when there will be no additional scenic obstruction to either the hills or the ocean? And since road widening transitions exist throughout California, isn't your imagined "bottlenecks at both ends" just another satirical, self-indulged comment?
Oh Kathy, by all means take the money! But, contrary to the drama queens on both sides, widening the road is neither a holy humanitarian mission nor the wanton destruction of the natural world.
A lot of the nimby hippies are 9/11 deniers. They won't all discuss that in public but in private I've heard them say it. Now all of a sudden they care about a memorial garden?
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