Sunday, December 15, 2013

Half Moon Bay economic plan, seriously

View from the economic top

Half Moon Bay Review/Mark Noack, 12/12/13.  "City looks to fuel economy, action plan approved for improving business."

Our farmland is our tourism economy
"Boost hotel occupancy by nearly 20 percent. Improve Internet bandwidth on the coast. Create a new agritourism marketing campaign. ....

Half Moon Bay City Council members last week heard the ideas as part of a $19,500 action plan designed by the Half Moon Bay Coastside Chamber of Commerce and Visitors’ Bureau to give the city’s economy a shot in the arm.  The plan is funded as part of the Measure J half-cent sales tax approved by voters in 2012. City leaders pledged earlier this year to invest $225,000 of the proceeds into the Chamber in order to work on economic development. The Chamber expects to bring on an economic development coordinator to work on the plan over the coming years.

Lost in farmland maze
Bosch’s suggestions also returned to a common theme from past studies in marketing Half Moon Bay around its farming heritage. She advised that the city needed to play up local events like farm dinners, wine tastings and cooking classes. A calendar of culinary and agriculture events should be tested for next summer, she said.  Bosch emphasized that her study was tailored to Half Moon Bay through surveys, focus groups and interviews with local business owners.  The council unanimously approved the study."   Read article.

Note photographs:  Butterfly from Positively; cow with 6-foot horns from; walking through corn maze from Mass Hole

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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