Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Storm damage repair approval: press conference today, January 25, 2017

From the Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 1/25/17, print version, section A1.  "Mother Nature still hanging around. Storms bringing overtopping waves and numerous power outages."

Image result for Pacifica sea wall damage picture
Remember this?  El Nino storms 2016.
Note the rusted metal straps that were used to hold in place the concrete slabs that make up the wall itself.
Temporary fix.
Image result for Pacifica sea wall damage picture
Beach Blvd seawall damage
..... "The City will hold a press conference today with Congresswoman Jackie Speier at 2 p.m. in the City Council Chamber to announce that the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) has approved the City's request to have three (3) of its storm damage projects included in their Section 103 program.

The three projects are 1) replacement of the northern section of the beach blvd sea wall/promenade, 2) the Milagra Outfall, 3) the revetment of the bluff edge along the 300 block of Esplanade Avenue," said City Manager Lorie Tinfow."

Reference, US Army Corps of Engineers/San Francisco District.  Overview of Regulatory Program, pdf pages 19.  Example Regional projects. Example  Section 103 seawall program, San Francisco. Further Section 103 explanation from the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England Continuing Authority programs, "The Corps’ Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) is a group of nine legislative authorities under which the Corps of Engineers can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. ... .... Section 103, River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended (amends Public Law 79-727). Projects are planned and designed under this authority to provide the same complete storm damage reduction project that would be provided under specific congressional authorizations." 
Note photographs. Workmen from ABC7 News/El Nino/Wayne Freedman, 1/18/16,"Crews make progress on repairing massive sinkhole in Pacifica." Sand view and rocks by Devon Low from California Coastal View, 3/1/16, "Pacifica Pier Damaged by El Niño Storms." 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Oh boy.. All the Sea level Rise and Managed Retreat propagandists will be there to school Jackie.

Anonymous said...

cuz sea level rise is not happening

Anonymous said...

1970s - "global cooling"
1980s - mid 2000s - "global warming"
mid 2000s - 2017 - "climate change"
2017 - ???????????

Anonymous said...

Climate change is a hoax. President Trump said so.

Anonymous said...

Our last Council election was a hoax.
I say so.