Pacifica is very fortunate
that Anne Stedler, former Economic Development Manager of Los Altos,
Morgan Hill and San Jose, has come on board at City Hall to work in
bettering the Economic environment here in Pacifica.

Stedler is very well regarded in the Bay Area as a very seasoned
Economic Development Professional. She has been active in the field
since 1980. My friend and business partner, who lives in Los Altos said
the business district and residents in general were very pleased with
her, in the middle of a recession, vacancies decreased and there were
new initiatives to promote the downtown. She may have played a role in
negotiating the newly completed boutique hotel on San Antonio Rd. in the
middle of downtown Los Altos.
Stedler is active in ICSC, International Council of Shopping Centers,
qualifying her to inter-face well with KIMCO and national retailers. I
think her summary well encapsulates her qualifications, and
I hope you'll join me in saying Welcome to Pacifica and wishing her
career in municipal government focused on rebuilding vitality in urban
downtowns and neighborhood business districts. She's achieved results
collaboratively in challenged and embattled communities. Anne's tools
have been public-private collaboration and development contracts,
building support and alliances among many stakeholders including
community groups, governmental and non-profit agencies and city
departments. Results range from commercial real estate developments on
urban infill sites to retail recruitment in underserved neighborhoods,
public space capital improvements, and marketing consortiums for image
"Anne served on the program committee for ICSC in Northern California, the national Member Education and Development Committee for CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), and participated in the Silicon Valley Economic Development Alliance."
"Anne is co-author of an article on neighborhood redevelopment, holds a Development Certificate from the Urban Land Institute, and an MBA from UCLA in Urban Real Estate Development and Finance."
"Anne served on the program committee for ICSC in Northern California, the national Member Education and Development Committee for CREW (Commercial Real Estate Women), and participated in the Silicon Valley Economic Development Alliance."
"Anne is co-author of an article on neighborhood redevelopment, holds a Development Certificate from the Urban Land Institute, and an MBA from UCLA in Urban Real Estate Development and Finance."
Submitted by Victor Spano
Yes, welcome. BTW, any experience as a chew toy among wild dogs?
I don't now anything about her, but this article is encouraging in that it makes it seem as though she understands the meanings of "transparency" and "fiduciary duty":
The 12/11/12 Los Altos Town Crier link posted by 1000, comment by Ronna Devincenzi is worth reading:
"Hindsight is 20/20. But with that said, Anne Stedler's memo is an eye-opener. Her attention to detail, being able to look forward to what may arise in the future, and her awareness of a fiduciary responsibility to the public (though we now know government is NOT held to a high standard, such as in the private sector), and all her sound suggestions are admirable.
It puts Stedler's ability as a "junior staff member" in a good light. Had her advice been heeded, the result *may* have been different, and if the sale was the same, at least public trust would not have eroded.
Stedler is on vacation, and she sees this as so important, she offers to work on it from home? She deserves credit for being so thorough and for covering all bases! Would that more city employees were like Anne, all over America!
By the way, I've never met her before in my life. So my comment is 100% objective, and my conclusion is based only on the facts provided in this article & other news articles."
Thanks for the article and great information, Victor Spano! And follow-up link, 1000! Anne Stedler sure looks like another great professional hire to help the future of this City.
I hope Ms. Stedler has bags of serenity to go with her great credentials. She's going to need it. Opposition literally goes with the territory. She may have even run into feverish, puppy dog tail wagging before. And she certainly knows about politicians and their often disingenuous nature. But, I don't think anything could prepare her for Pacifica. Good luck, Anne Stedler.
12:21: Did you mention puppies? here are two words of advice for you and Ms. Stedler:
1) The Reason A Dog Has So Many Frends is that it Wags It's Tail instead of it's Tongue.
2) Don't be a Dog that Bites the...Hand That Feeds!
That didn't take long. There you have it. Straight from the horse's, uh, mouth. Thanks 1149. Lotsa luck, Ms. Stedler.
1149 is pissed. He's got his goon on.
I think she has very kind eyes.
I wonder if they showed her the city books first?
@238 Which set?
One set for the partners!
One set for the IRS!
One the real set!
Oh c'mon, how much interest would she have in those books? Her paycheck, benies and pension are guaranteed. Pacifica isn't funding its own economic development-- no sarcasm intended. From her resume I'd say she knows how to make things happen. Expectations can be unrealistic, but it wouldn't take much for her to move that needle out of the dead zone. The question is what priorities and guidance will this council give her? Library and trails or something that creates city revenue? When the hoopla dies down, isn't that always the question in Pacifica?
Everything is guaranteed before bankruptcy!
The city is one broke joke!
2014-2015 Sewer Lateral Grant Program
The 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Sewer Lateral Grant Program is currently closed as we have reached the maximum number of participants. We expect a new program to be included in the next budget year (FY 2015-2016), which will begin on July 1, 2015.
Pages 1 & 2 include important information about the program for you to read and to keep for your records.
Pages 3 & 4 are the application to enter into the program - complete these two pages and mail, fax, email or drop off to the sewer plant (Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant, 700 Coast Highway, Pacifica).
Pages 5 & 6 would be submitted: 1) after acceptance/entrance into the program, 2) sewer lateral replacement completed, and must include an invoice showing a zero balance due, indicating that the contractor has been paid in full.
Call 650-738-4660 or 650-738-4669 if you have questions or concerns.
Current Sewer Lateral Grant Program:
FY 2014-2015 Sewer Lateral Grant Program Application Packet
142 Those items are guaranteed, period. Even the paycheck for as long as the city employee works. Filing for bankruptcy allows for a court-approved and court ordered organized restructuring of debt, obligations and assets. The city continues to operate during and after the process. Jobs may be cut, salaries frozen or labor concessions made as part of the reorganization, but its done by plan, not by ax. I don't think Pacifica is anywhere near qualifying for bankruptcy relief although it
has a well-deserved lock on "loser" among SMC cities.
Did you look at the books?
Is "Avengers: Age of Ultron Intoxingcatingly Spectacular, Pacifica?: The super-heroes are back to save humanity from total destruction
1256 I saw the movie. Disaster movie and we're sort of trapped in it because as long as the bills are being paid and obligations met, bankruptcy is not an option. Only rate payers and taxpayers like us care about the financial contortions this city goes through to keep paying its bills. Very few people care.
Speaking of books. What's up with the City's Remediation Fund for Frontierland Park? A couple of respected city watchdogs have been nosing around. Any news to share? Background: $75K per year paid to the city by Coastside for 20 years. Maybe more if Recology continued the payments. Mil and a half? Payment for contamination of the park land before it was a park. Meant to be used for the park. Apparently there's not much in the account and not much of an explanation of where it went.
Encouraging as it is to have all these smart and qualified new hires, it doesn't make these questions go away. Sorry about that, city council.
As soon as they give an explanation everyone can understand where the $4,000,000 went they can explain the Frontierland Park funneled off money.
Frontierland Park was supposed to be the Nancy Hall Amphitheatre. But that was derailed when her little pet Biodiesel project tanked.
254 That's brilliant. You do realize the minute you mention Nancy Hall a great many people just dump this into the "not that again" bin. You using that smoke screen on purpose or just overcome by those old feelings? Money and ego can tempt anyone. Sometimes it's just a plain old fuck up. This town would be better served if we put the personal grudges aside long enough to find who did what on a case by case basis. You know, find the truth.
@254 I'd prioritize differently. Given that the Remediation Fund is a single account it would be pretty easy to see the accounting entries from that account year by year. Could be very educational. The 4 million dollar trail is not as simple. Because the city chose to blame ineptitude rather than malfeasance, we won't see a forensic audit. See how claiming stupidity can work for ya? Without that forensic audit or some real detective work by staff, we'll never know what happened. Hey, we won't even know if it's still happening. This stuff would be an outrage anywhere else. Here, it's business as usual.
320, au contraire, your forget City history "smoke screen" comment belongs in that "not that again" bin. Rather, we should remember and never forget that this City has been duped by an irresponsible, extreme ideological group that has delivered a 60% permanent empty space "poor city".
"Poor city" strategy was a long-term planned "fuck up" (your words). So lets not forget what happened to this City, we're living with it. And, if these same "Gang of No" antiheros don't want the well-deserved notoriety, they should change: stand down, or stand aside while others do what they can to deliver a balanced, stable city economy.
City Manager Lori Tinfow indicated the budget fund tracking irregularities began in 2003. (Reality, City revenue has been inadequate much prior to that.)
And yes, an accountability report of the City fund transfers would be expected.
Nice post Nancy.
It's like the old saying:
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance.
Baffle them with bull shit.
320 You're going to need a bigger bin.
F&E to be Discount Grocery Outlet? That's what stunned Pedro Pointers are saying. Oh the horror! Win some lose some...maybe they'll get their wish for Denny's to become a vegan beacon on the coast. They say the need is critical. I kid you not.
Tattoo Parlor leaving Pedro Point? Don't know why. Seems like it would go swell with the new discount grocery outlet. Hair salon out. Pizza place shaky. Next!
Actually I heard the tat place does well.
But I heard the beer joint is set up to take that place.
The pizza place opens at 4
I think the Tattoo place has good biz but unhappy with the landlord over high rent for poorly maintained center.
6:04 -- No, Nextdoor is not discussing a "critical" need for a vegan restaurant. The discussion is what should replace Denny's and some residents have voiced support for a restaurant that offers vegan options. I defy you to cut and paste anything from any discussion that supports your "I kid you not" BS.
Does any one have an email for the new economic developer?
234 Testy. Need protein? We can all draw our own conclusions from those posts. They are right there for NextDoor members to read. Reactions to the Outlet Grocery, too. And, you're mistaken to assume the "discussion" is limited to social media. My bad. I'm in a vegetarian phase myself, but I bring up the posts because they highlight the often intense micro-demographics found in Pacifica and how they can effect our economy. On an official level, catering to them is indulgent, but not much of a revenue producer for this city. But, go for it! I'd try the food.
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