Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 5/5/15. "City Council member (John Keener) appeals approval of Harmony@1 home."
"Keener declined comment..." That's how we roll... |
.... "After a
discussion about LEED certification vs. a green point rated system,
the Planning Commissions unanimously voted to approve the construction without
seeking LEED certification, (4/6/15). Project engineer Javier Chavarria told the
commissioners since the conditions were drafted, the city set a green
building ordinance and the state passed a green building ordinance, Both
adequately covered the intent of the 2007 approval to seek LEED gold
certification, in his opinion.
Gang of No seeks out "no" again. |
.... "
The project as planned will satisfy the conditions of
approval as we are going above and beyond the requirements. The plan in
its current version clearly show the use of solar panels, structural
insulated panels, rain water harvesting, non invasive species for
landscaping and a very comprehensive list of green elements that exceed
the requirements of LEED, the homes will incorporate all the benefits
suggested by LEED. However, pursuing LEED certification will only make
the process more expensive and tedious without any additional benefit.
When the conditions of approval were written in 2007, green
architecture was the new thing, the only game in town was LEED and thus
its requirements got imposed on the project in an effort to make the
project more environmentally responsible," he wrote. A date has not yet been set for Keener's appeal hearing before City Council."
Read more.
Reference documents, see
Fix Pacifica article
"Fox in the hen house", John Keener appeal, Harmony@1, Lot 2, pdf pages 1.
Planning Commission, 4/6/15, Item 2, pdf pages 226.
Note photographs. Skunk in garden from Wild Skunk Rescue. Skunk and fox from Caters News Agency, Montrteal Canada, Daily Mail, UK/Emma Reynolds, 3/27/12 article.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Keener's a tool. He was told to appeal by the gang of no. He's a good soldier. Does what he's told. Mindless troll.
Keener is exactly who he said he was. Against Highway 1 widening. He is just a pigeon for Loeb and his goons.
701/351 Trolls, pigeons, goons. Yes and No are evenly matched. Even got a dead, stinky whale for each of ya. I heart Pacifica.
9 more to be built, the leading gang of no voice box will be busy. Can't have any class brought to Pacifica. Mr Keener will see to that with an assist from Da Digre.
Wha'?? Someone please clarify the official nobie and yessie positions on the trailers approved for Oddstad Park. And, keep it classy.
534, since "Stinky No" favors whale and City decay (even City disincorporation), it seems your true "evenly matched heart" belongs to "Stinky No". Whereas, "Stinky No" is not at all equivalent to "Progress Yes", a stable, positive, and productive future for this City).
I like the fact the Mr.Keener stands for what he said before the election. That's why I voted for him. I feel that Hwy 1 widening is only going to make a bigger mess as vehicles will then have to merge into the second land. Watch a traffic safety video put out by the CHP that will show the time delay of the merging of traffic during commute. Afterwards express your opinion. I say no to trailers in Oddstad Park, fine another place to perform if it isn't big enough.
Thanks Craig for revealing your true colors.
You are the quintessential NIMBY/NOBY and I'm glad your own personal dog poop park is being taken over by Spindrift.
2:33 Another Web Warrior who doesn't wish to reveal who they are...too funny. I'm not afraid to reveal myself. Why is it that anyone who doesn't agree with certain things is a "Hater" or they're "Angry" For your information I have picked up so much trash from people like you in that park so many times over the years. The city workers have their heads in the clouds. The back of the existing theatre looks like hell with rubbish scattered everywhere. That's great the city can't do anything to maintain a park, the theatre that's there needed a whole new roof with support beams costing $80,000 . Now who is picking up the tab for these junky trailers that are moved into the park? I can always throw the Frisbee at the trailer once its installed just like I do now . Just maybe I will let my dog take a dump on the trailer then leave it rather then picking it up like I've always done. I like these people who don't reveal their names when making bold comments I'm not hiding
I totally agree with 5:24 the city can't even maintain Oddstad Park but they want a big theater moved up there with nine trailers. I remember that was a great park it still can be but I guess the priority is setting up eyesores of trailers. The Director Noelle Deweese doesn't even live in Pacifica now she says "I know what's good for the city,the community'' yeah sure lady what have you been smoking. As for the Harmony Highway one the expansion of a 3rd lane is absurd. People are going to merge back into second lane after one mile?? Give me a break. why don't they assign kids to go to the schools that are closest to their residence rather then the district spinning a wheel to see where it lands. Well I guess that the city planning doesn't want to do anything that makes sense but don't confuse them with any facts because they have already made up their minds.
Spindrift creates blight with the ugly signs it puts up on HWY 1. I'd love to see it vanish. Mean time, legit businesses are fined for putting up MUCH more discrete signs. makes no sense.
Mark 1214, well there you are. You're worried about Caltrans; and I'm worried about you. Caltrans and prior related Federal agencies have been building roads in California for more than 100 years. Highway widenings where warranted (such as through our two intersections, Rockaway and Vallemar) are not experimental, and have proven trackrecords. Next time you drive that road, view the access and exit roads, which accommodate an overload of traffic. Meantime, there is no Plan B.
The City needs a better economic plan, which might fix the balance of your City complaints. We all know that, right?
"People are going to merge back into second lane after one mile??"
Basically, yes. Going south, 1/3 or more of the traffic will have turned into Vallemar or Fassler, so two lanes will be more than enough for what's left. Going north, the Vallemar signal will be like a metering light, so three into two will be done by the time the next wave comes through. (Sorry, but you might have to slow down to do this during the morning commute!)
It'll be no worse than two lanes going into one going up Fassler or 3 lanes into two at the top of the hill on Hwy 1 coming south.
I agree about Oddstad park, but about Hwy 1, it might not be the "perfect" solution, but it'll work and the money's there to do it. Seems like a no-brainer!
There's always such a backup where Linda Mar Bl merges from 2 lanes to 1. It's hideous. Sometimes it's almost harder than parking in Linda Mar Shopping Center. Oh, and don't get me started about east bound Fassler at the top of the hill. Crazy traffic. Backed up for, get ready for this, several yards! Heaven help us. Anarchy on the streets.
150 No brainer? This would be the town for that.
Remember all the backups on southbound Highway 1 next to the Linda Mar mall, where it went from two lanes down to one?
I don't either.
We need a driving academy here for Keener and his gang of no to get a brush up on how to merge. I'd hate to see them try to parallel park!
Try driving from Pacifica to Half Moon Bay during the Dream Machines Weekend or the Pumpkin Fest Weekend.
It was bumper to bumper over Devil Slide every year!
"Remember all the backups on southbound Highway 1 next to the Linda Mar mall, where it went from two lanes down to one?"
Well, if you include the two lanes east on Linda Mar and the one lane west on San Pedro, it's actually two lanes down to four, but whose counting?
8:56, what's that got to do with merging lanes of a highway?
Maybe Caltrans should widen Highway 1 between Pacifica and HMB.
11:13, it's not clear to me what you're talking about, but how do you go from two lanes DOWN to four?
It's the same math city hall uses. We have a surplus but don't have the money to dig a hole and bury a couple dead whales!
Dig! Might find the 4 million. Did someone say we had a surplus? How's that work?
"how do you go from two lanes DOWN to four?"
Now that you mention it four lanes are actually more than two!
A half million or so that has not been spent yet is not a surplus. It also has not been collected yet just a budget projection. We are living off loans from the sewer fund.
I'm so confused. There's a surplus? Maybe, if whales were millions...Now is that surplus left over after they repaid the 4 million they said they had to repay or is this like a surplus with an asterisk that will be spent any second now and the 4 million will still need to be repaid to the special accounts that were uh looted. Is that too strong a word, looted? Works for me. Here's a thought. The inter-fund looting has continued but with documentation, don't ya know, so, do we now owe ourselves more than 4 million? Is there an official repayment plan somewhere with scheduled transfers of these surplus funds?
Aka robbing Peter to pay Paul!
Can you see Keener and Digre working on the budget! Hilarious. They'll run out of fingers. Oh, and the traffic jam during Dream Machines, we could only wish that the traffic was headed her instead of through town somewhere else. Let Keener and Digre run the show and the only traffic we'll have is cars trying to get out of town.
Keener is a Ph.D. research biochemist. He won't have any trouble working with numbers.
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