Saturday, January 25, 2014

Freeway art, a public cultural enhancement

Shore birds, frog pond, snake habitat, seawall rocks  ......
Something to consider for the one retaining wall of our proposed highway widening improvement.

Contra Costa Times/Denis Cuff, , 1/24/14.  "Freeway art adds flavor and colar to Bay Area highways."

Those drab gray walls found along many Bay Area freeways are getting much more interesting.

Eager to win beauty points with motorists, Bay Area transportation agencies and Caltrans have stepped up efforts in the recent years to adorn new freeway walls with artistic patterns, accents and sculpted scenes of local geography.

....   "These projects become landmarks for an area," Braaksma said. "I've done lizards for Scottsdale, Ariz., and buffaloes and swallows for Denver. People want to something special about their area."  Read article.

Note photograph from Flicker, "West Texan Freeway Art/Marsha Sharp Freeway, Lubbock, Texas.  pretty cool.

osted by Kathy Meeh

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