Gasoline excise and sales tax are "perfect" for our weak Pacifica economy. Not much development needed. Just drive through, stop, fill-up, and leave.
San Francisco Chronicle, Kathleen Pender Net Worth Plus column, 2/28/13. "California gasoline tax to jump by 3.5 cents a gallon July 1."
Even so, we appreciate your business |
This is the by far the biggest annual increase since the Legislature approved a convoluted system for setting gasoline taxes in 2010 as a way to help fill a hole in the general fund that year.
The legislation lowered the sales tax rate on gasoline to 2.25 from
8.25 percent and raised the excise tax rate to 35.3 cents from 18 cents
per gallon starting July 1, 2010. It required this so-called fuel tax swap
to be revenue neutral, meaning the tax revenue generated by the two
taxes combined should not change as a result of the swap. The
legislation required the board to adjust the excise tax by March 1 each
year to achieve revenue neutrality, with the change taking effect July
1. .... Because the sales tax rate is a percentage, not a per-gallon amount like
the excise tax, sales taxrevenues vary considerably based on gasoline
prices and consumption." Read article.
Related - Federal, State excise, sales taxes (any local taxes are not included. Wikipedia, 1/13, "Fuel taxes in the United States" (State and Federal combined): California has the 2nd highest combined gasoline tax in the nation, gasoline 67.1, diesel 75.3. Compare to New York with the highest combined gas tax, gasoline 69, diesel 75.4. Or, Gas Price, (source the American Petrolum Institute 4/20/12), California combined gasoline tax is 69, diesel 79.5. Compare to New York gasoline 69.6, diesel 75.1. These taxes do not include any additional local taxes. Earlier sources for comparison: CA government Energy Almanac,7/1/10, and, Fueling California Consumer Alliance, 4/2009, 7 page pdf,