Friday, April 8, 2016

City Council goals list, in a city where abundance lags

Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northorp, Staff Writer, 4/6/16.  "City to-do list reveals progress."

Image result for Obstacles reaching the goals picture
Progress with City goals will stay
on course, albeit somewhat slower.
Over decades, NIMBIES have broken
our systemic economic link. That,
and their doublespeak continues. 
"City Council set a work plan and named priorities last year, and many of those goals have been met or are underway, said Lorie Tinfow, City Manager, in an update at the City Council meeting last Monday, (3/28/16).  The top few, which relate to economic development and revitalizing Palmetto Avenue, are being met with the Palmetto streetscape project and the development of Beach Boulevard.

A named goal to hold community meetings about potential highway widening is underway. Mayor Sue Digre asked why it was taking so long to follow up with an idea to use InSync cameras to improve traffic flow. ...  in the Fassler Avenue intersection... So far, Caltrans said it does not want these cameras on their equipment, Van Ocampo, Director of Public Works said.

.... Further down the list of priorities are several goals all underway – affordable housing, employee recognition, making progress on a new library, working on issues related to sea level rise and water and improving the sewer system, Tinfow said.  ....  Progress on priority based budgeting has slowed. Undergoing a city needs assessment is on hold. Establishing a reserve fund is also on hold, Tinfow said. “We need it for storm repairs,” she said."  Read article.

Reference.  Fix Pacifica article and reprint,  City Council meeting, 3/28/16, See Item 10. City Council work plan FY 2015-16 status and update:   Report.  a) Spreadsheet, 20 item status, pdf pages 4.  b) Generalized goals intent and direction.   

Note graphic from Tiny Buddha, simple wisdom for complex lives, "5 tips to achieve your goals despite the odds."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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