Friday, June 15, 2012

Vector Control District Report - accountability

I learned that from their accountant !

Palo Alto Daily News/Bonnie Eslinger, 6/15/12. "Mosquito district should be dissolved and put under San Mateo County's watch, report says.".

The San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District, which became embroiled in an embezzlement scandal last year, should be dissolved and its responsibilities administered by a county department under the board of supervisors' watch, an oversight organization recommended in a report released late Thursday.   

....  The review was launched by the San Mateo County Local Agency Formation Commission in response to concerns raised after the arrest of the district's former finance director and her deputy. Both were charged in December with embezzling $635,000 from the taxpayer-funded district.   

Since we're neighborhood lets be friends
The commission's recommendation does not trigger any action. Dissolving the district would have to be initiated by the commission, the county, the district, the county's cities or "by petition of 10 % of the voters or landowners within District boundaries," the commission's report concludes. The commission board is scheduled to consider the report at its July 16 meeting.  
Why do they always pick on me?

....  The board of supervisors would be the governing body and the district's responsibilities could be administered by a department such as the county's environmental health division, according to the report.   Read Article.

ReferenceSM County Mosquito and Vector Control District Report 6/12/12, pdf,  35 pages.  The follow-up report was required by "enable legislation and accountability." (page 33).

Related - eHow health "How to treat a mosquito Bite", 11 steps article and 1:21 minute video. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

The almighty "Curtis" is still listed as a committee member. Is that because he is still sucking the blood out of the welfare system?!

Anonymous said...

I knew this was a rip off. Glad I voted against it, but the naivete's voted for it and I was stuck with the bill. Shame, shame.

Anonymous said...

"I was stuck with the bill. Shame, shame"

Yep no West Nile virus for you. Costs you something like $18 each year if you're a home owner.