Saturday, June 2, 2012

California - some cost relief for college students, maybe

Reduced college cost is suppose to happen for the Fall, 2012 college term. Then again, funding from the same California Legislature is a separate issue.  

3 units or pork chops?
San Francisco Chronicle/Wyatt Buchanan, 5/31/12.  "Bills in Legislature may bring tuition relief". 

Lawmakers in the Assembly and Senate approved separate measures that would provide a generous tuition break for middle-class students at the University of California and California State University, and create an online library to reduce the costs of college textbooks.
.... The Assembly passed the bill 55-17, with four Republicans in favor. The bill sets up the technical structure of administering the grants, which would provide significant aid to students whose families make less than $150,000 but too much to qualify for a Cal Grant.

... It would amount to a $4,000 annual savings for California State University students and just over $8,100 for students attending the University of California, and would take effect as soon as this fall. Both new students and current students would be eligible if they do not already qualify for financial aid."  Read article, including those "opposed to funding" section.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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