Friday, March 26, 2010

Of major concern in Pacifica - should Pacifica have a "city tree"?

Why doesn't someone trim this Coast Live Oak tree? Oh, I forgot the city has "no money" and no plan to get money. How about naming a manicured and trimmed tree after the city cleans-up its economic act? Will that happen on the watch of this city council? They've had 8 years, you figure it out.

From the Tribune 3/5/2010....Does Pacifica have trees? You bet we do. And we ought to take good care of them, too. They provide us with beauty, protect us from the sun and wind, add value to our homes, and provide habitat for critters. All good things. Can they be dangerous, messy, and detract from our homes' value? Yes again. Therefore, it's a good idea to know something about these trees and shrubs before we plant them, prune them, or remove them. We have many trees that are native to the area and some other species that have been introduced. They can all be very beneficial or incredibly destructive, depending on individual characteristics and the care, or lack of, that they receive over the course of time. A tree properly selected and properly located and cared for will bring years of enjoyment and added value to your home and your neighbors' homes. The very same tree — poorly located or poorly pruned — can cause distress and/or detract from your property's value. So, let's get to know some of the trees that surround us, both native and introduced, And, if you intend to try out a new species, please, do a bit of simple research first for the benefit of all of us. Here are a few that we will all recognize and some more that I hope you will all find interesting.For suggestions or comments on a preferred city tree please contact,

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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