Grocery Outlet, Pedro Point |
Radcliffes (Dave and Michelle) also own the Grocery Outlet store in South San Francisco.
They were happy for the opportunity to purchase another franchise. They
are running it with their two daughters and sons in law. Two and a half
grandchildren assure a new generation to take over, if they choose.
.... “If a family does most of their shopping here, they will spend 40 to 60 percent less,” said Michelle. The store will be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Related, article. Pacifica Tribune/Ester Harris, 10/21/15, "Grocery Outlet opens in December." "Grocery Outlet, the replacement of
Fresh and Easy in Pedro Point, will be opening December 10, 2015,
according to Melissa Porter, Vice President of Marketing for Grocery
Outlet Inc. The grand opening for the store will take place on December 12th." Reference, the Corporation.. Grocery Outlet "bargain market" background, "In 1946, Jim Read started selling military surplus for deep
discounts and Grocery Outlet has been wowing bargain-minded shoppers
ever since. .." Grocery Outlet Store locator, with ads.
Note photographs all by Chris R. from Yelp business, (front of store 8, fresh produce 11, checkout stations near front of store windows 14; checkers/owners 63).
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Grocery Outlet was the old dented can store in the city years ago.
"Old and dented". Perfect. You've seen the city. Now visit the store. Pathetica, USA.
Self-loathing thrives.
The negativity in this thread is intense. I've heard many good things about the new GO from lots of people who have shopped there.
I guess you missed out on the grand opening. They gave away 100 spiral sliced hams.
I got one, sounds like you didn't!!
Early bird catches the worm.
7:42- Missed that one but sure hope you enjoy the sodium nitrates. May I suggest you wash it down with a glass or two of WWTP juice? I mean, if you're really trying to kill yourself...
Support new business in Pacifica.
Wishing success to Grocery Outlet.
Welcome to Pacifica.
Yes, the negativity is intense. And rightfully so. How many grocery stores have already tried to make it at that location and have failed? Oh, but these folks have it all figured out this time around. Just give away the spiral hams and they will come. Oh, they most certainly will come... What's that Einstein said about insanity? Something about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?
And for those of you glass-is-half-full, head-in-the-clouds types, how much of your own personal savings would you invest in this business venture? Thought so.
I went to check it out and spent $75 on things (almost all the same brands) I would have bought at Safeway. I estimate it would have cost me at least $115 at Safeway, even with a club card and specials. (The receipt said I'd have spent $134 elsewhere.) That's where I'll be grocery shopping from now on.
I am with Mike,I wish them much success.
I love Grocery Outlet. I bought a lot of things there that I get regularly, and at lower prices than Safeway. I think they'll do well. The management knows how to serve the local market.
1108 I think they'll do fine because there's real demand in Pacifica and down the coast for this alternative. I love Draeger's in San Mateo but there is very little demand for something like a Draeger's or even Whole Foods, no matter how much we aspire for Pacifica to become that kind of town. Calling the location a lemon ignores the role of corporate plans and goals on store closures of Safeway and F&E at Pedro Point and Park Mall. As long as we're not overrun with discount grocers, this one has a good chance. Why be gloomy--unless you're one of those poor souls who can't help themselves. Practice optimism. Go shop at the new place!
Well, Pacifica's version of the Common Scold has had his say. Now the customers will have theirs. Welcome to our odd little village, Radcliffe Family. And thank you for investing in Pacifica.
Extremely low margin with many goods sold at a loss in order to entice customers. Bottom line: tough business model to survive in. I wish the operators well and sincerely hope that Pacificans will finally put their money where their collective mouths are - especially some of the big talkers in this forum. So far, most have not as evidenced by the Fresh & Easy epic fail. Also, if the operators already operate the SSF Gross Out, they will be splitting up a significant piece of their own pie with themselves.
Frankly, the economics of this do not make sense. Until we make this town an attractive place for companies to do business, expect Pacifica commercial real estate to retain its "revolving door" stigma.
I've been in there a few times. Other than buying a watermelon that turned out to be mushy inside, I don't have any complaints. You do save a ton of money.
Frankly, 319, you're serving schadenfreude slapped on a plate with ersatz expertise and omniscience.
Why doesn't Pacifica have a New Leaf store?
HMB has one.
The produce at New Leaf is amazing. It is pricey though. But quality and variety are expensive.
Lib, being self-sufficient like you are, it looks like you answered your own question.
Frankly 534, while you seem to think you're Alfons Schuhbeck, I'm leaning a bit more towards "troll" or perhaps, more appropriately, "arschloch".
they often have vegan "ice cream" for $2.99---it's $5.99 at whole foods! yay!
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