Saturday, July 5, 2014

City meetings this week, July 7, 2014 through July 11, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014, 7 p.m.  Planning Commission Meeting-CANCELLED, NO QUORUM

Tuesday, July 8, 2014, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Economic Development Committee Meeting.  Police department conference room, 2075 Coast Highway.  Agenda, pdf 1 page, here.

No other city meetings listed this week.

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

No planning no revenue producing projects=no planning commission meetings.

Anonymous said...

Well this time it says cancelled-no quorum.

Anonymous said...

ahh Pacifica: the city that can't. Because it doesn't have to. Look at Econ Devlopment committee. No detail on agenda. Two attachments that are not available for public review--not posted on city website. Public comment after all decisions are debated and voted on. Useless.....

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that this is the Planning Commission that the current Council put into play.
They own it.
They kept out new blood.
No more excuses for this group.

Steve Sinai said...

Anon@1:354 - Didn't Council replace about half the members of the Planning Commission? (Which I consider to be a good thing.)

Tom Clifford said...

Steve; that hurts.

Celeste Langille and I were the ones not reappointed Leo Leon

Freed for the restrains of public office I have been able to do what I think is a great deal of good for the community. I chaired the no on V campaign( Helping to save everyone with a cellphone a great deal of money),got Council & Caltrans to start work on the overpass that is dropping concrete on the Highway and kept Council from spending about $75,000 in unnecessary interest. Not bad for my first year as a free man.

Anonymous said...


That is because you are a bad boy on the forums.

Anonymous said...

Of the 7, dumping Langille provided that fan-pleasing headline council wanted. Leon went quietly for his own reasons. Clifford had shown he couldn't be controlled and lacked reverence. He's just lucky they didn't slip him a lethal injection. Live long and prosper Tom!

Anonymous said...

841 Sure looks like a dud. But it sounds good.

Tom Clifford said...

I'm a tough old goat, I eat Hemlock in my salads and chase it down with a shot of Arsenic. I've been in spitting distance of H-bombs. No small time political hack is going to keep me quite.

Kathy Meeh said...

We REALLY do appreciate you, Tom!

Hutch said...

Ditto what Kathy said Tom

Anonymous said...

Appreciate your help Tom but actually you were "co chair" of the no on v campaign and played second fiddle to Jim Wagner who made all final decisions.

Tom Clifford said...

Anonymous 9:37 Since no one step up to take the other co-chair position by default I became the Chair.

Jim,Bob,Bill,Mark and I functioned as a team. No one made all the decisions and no one played second fiddle. I am proud of the work we did and I would work with each of them again in a heart beat.

Anonymous said...

937 I doubt you could have put it in more insulting terms. Tom Clifford's association with No on V built support among people in the middle ground, reasonable people who have little in common with the others you mention, but who know a bad idea when council comes up with one. I wouldn't quibble about group hierarchy, but you're rude and you're wrong about Tom's influence on the issue.

Anonymous said...

While you guys take bows and credit, You guys left out Chuck who wrote the monumental flier, and all the other volunteers who passed out the fliers which defeated measure v with the voters.

Anonymous said...

True, the flyer made all the difference. Delivered door to door on a really hot day by minions.

Hutch said...

Yep it was a group effort and it couldn't have been done without all the volunteers and donations. And those flyers were key to getting the word out.

Anonymous said...

Well and graciously said, Hutch.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a little OCD to start the day. Dead. Horse. Thanks 809.