Pacifica Riptide, 7/9/14. Opinion: "Fix Pacifica's Grapes of Wrath" by Ape Shall Not Kill Ape Anonymous.
Anyone know this Anonymous? |
Comment: Bob Hutchinson, 7/10/14, 3:13 PM. "Haha, right wing? I've been a moderate democrat for 40 years as are most Fix Pacifica folks. Kathy & Steve identify as liberal leaning. Some of Riptides crew are just so far out in radical left field that even Obama looks right wing. Good luck with that." Much appreciation to Bob Hutchinson for his comment on the above Pacifica Riptide article!
Well, Riptide, guess Fix Pacifica should thank you for the advertising, even though the anonymous "Ape Shall Not Kill Ape" article is "blowhard" opinion by an anonymous who calls anonymous commentators on Fix Pacifica "blowhards". Consider that Fix Pacifica is not so "grapes of wrath" that it supports posting articles by Anonymous with or without a pseudonym. Riptide does, Fix Pacifica does not.
Then there is the poised Ape question of whether the origins of the "Grapes of Wrath" book by John Steinbeck (1939), about poor, displaced people during the great depression, links in reality to current federal right-wing legislator politics (2008-2014). Got me? I don't get it, do you?
Anyone know the identity of anonymous "Ape Shall Not Kill Ape"? If you do, let us all know. Meantime, a good Ape would stand-up and identify with his own article text, you'd think. That's what we do here on Fix Pacifica.
Related - Nature Education/Knowledge Project, "Overview of Hominin Evolution." The article includes a graph of our primate species. Note: The photograph of a Bonobo (above) is by Barcroft Media Ltd. from the Earth picture galleries of The Telegraph, UK.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
are two places that leave a lasting impression on a person: the United
States House of Representatives and Fix Pacifica. The one is dominated
by a collection of right-wing, self-congratulating blowhards, who,
unable to accomplish anything positive themselves, instead meet for the
sole purpose of pissing and moaning about everything under the sun. The
other, of course, involves 435 federal legislators. - See more at:
are two places that leave a lasting impression on a person: the United
States House of Representatives and Fix Pacifica. The one is dominated
by a collection of right-wing, self-congratulating blowhards, who,
unable to accomplish anything positive themselves, instead meet for the
sole purpose of pissing and moaning about everything under the sun. The
other, of course, involves 435 federal legislators. - See more at:
Kathy you should take it as a compliment that the Apeman is jealous of Fix's popularity
I smell an election and you know how
this blog loves an election.
Maybury told me that Ape Shall Not Kill Ape is clever enough that even John doesn't know who it is.
Cut the Ape some slack. He did come out against Measure V. It was reprinted on here and applauded. This "blowhard" attack doesn't even sound like the old Ape.
The Ape's anti-V piece was very well
done. When I first read it I thought there was a clue to the writer's identity. The phrase "ginning up" is used as in improvise or even, conjure. Not a phrase used by many people.
Speaking of…You notice that Karen Ervin commented on Riptide and not here again?
I think council is afraid of this site. Unjustly I would add. I've seen more out there and down right mean comments over on riptide.
Yes people speak their mind here and aren't censored like the other blog. Most of the annomoni here Karen, MA, Mike and Len are people from over on Riptide that are chicken to use their real names.
These are your supporters on Fix Karen. The city is really missing an opportunity to reach a whole lot of us by ignoring this site.
Karen, don't be afraid. Maybe someone will call you a mad scientist or Mary Ann's puppet, but hey, you must have a thicker skin than to let a couple of anonymous cowards frieghten you.
Yes he's so clever that ape guy. A veritable Steven Hawking Ian. Right. Nothing special. Who really cares. It's just a feeble try at getting attention.
Yeah, Karen, accept the assurances of 706, who remains anonymous, that he speaks for the anonymi. We come in peace.
This council says they are for openness but they steer away from this website where people might ask tough questions or say how they really feel.
I bet most of them comment here anonymously so why not use your names?
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