Just think if they are able to extort some $ from this pile of money.
Scary thought!
Jim Wagner
Dear Jeanine,
Thanks for being a Center for Biological Diversity
Since the Gulf of Mexico crisis is on everyone's minds
these tragic weeks, I want to give you a quick update on our latest and
biggest action to date to hold BP accountable for its crimes.
Friday in a federal court in New Orleans, we sued BP seeking the
largest environmental fine in U.S. history: $19 billion.
the maximum penalty
per barrel under the Clean
Water Act, and we intend to make it stick so that BP is held
accountable to the full extent of the law for polluting our ocean and
BP has spilled more than 100 million gallons so far
-- and will spill many more before the broken pipeline is fixed. At
$4,300 per barrel, we estimate the final fine will be about $19 billion.
It could be larger if efforts to drill the relief wells and curb the
catastrophic oil gushers don't work.
The penalties will be paid
to the U.S. Treasury and will be available for Gulf Coast restoration efforts.
suit also seeks a full accounting from BP of how much oil is gushing
into the Gulf each day and what toxic pollutants are mixed in with the
oil, because in addition to oil, the spill is also leaking hazardous
chemicals including benzene, arsenic and naphthalene.
toxins are a threat to cleanup crews, Gulf residents and wildlife, yet
BP has never divulged how much and what kinds they are.
keep you updated on our progress on this and on our other actions to
save the Gulf and its wildlife.
Thanks again for following the
Center's work and caring about the Gulf, its wildlife and its people.
KierĂ¡n Suckling Executive Director Center
for Biological Diversity |
P.S. For the latest on the
Gulf Disaster and the Center's actions, check out our website: www.biologicaldiversity.org/gulf_disaster.
Oiled brown pelican photo by Jordan Macha/Louisiana Sierra
This message was sent
to hamack@sbcglobal.net.
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