Tuesday, November 10, 2009

SF Public Golf Alliance: Congresswoman Speier Supports Sharp Park GC

Dear Members of the Alliance,

Congresswoman Jackie Speier is a strong supporter of keeping Sharp Park an 18-hole golf course and in working out a solution between San Francisco and San Mateo Counties and the Federal Government.   She courageously announces this position in her recent statement of support.

She articulated her support very thoughtfully in the verbal sparring Monday morning with SF Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi on the KQED Radio Forum talk show on the future of Sharp Park (click here to listen).

Please email Congresswoman Speier, a representative of San Francisco west of Twin Peaks and San Mateo County, to thank her for her support.  It is important that we acknowledge our political representatives when they stand up for public golf.  Let Congresswoman Speier know that we appreciate her interest and that we care about keeping Sharp Park an 18-hole course.

Thank you very much.  We appreciate your support and hope that you continue spreading the word about the Alliance by forwarding this email to friends and asking them to get involved, starting by going to our website.

Jeff Phillips

San Francisco Public Golf Alliance, an All-Volunteer Coalition of Golf Supporters
Support the Alliance with a PayPal Donation Today
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mw said...

Jackie Speier is not the only pol for whom I've gotten a new appreciation out of this mess, and it cuts both ways.

I've seen speculation that Mirkarimi considered this issue a springboard to help launch his run for mayor. If true, I only have two words for Ross Mirkarimi - EPIC FAIL.

Good politicians have a finely tuned sense of the political winds. Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, Pacifica Mayor Julie Lancelle , Congresswoman Jackie Speier, State Assembly Whip Fiona Ma, Assemblyman Jerry Hill, San Mateo County Supervisors Carole Groom and Adrienne Tissier, and San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera were either at the Save Sharp Park fund raiser or have since come out in support of Sharp Park Golf. To quote Bob Dylan - "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing." Apparently Mirkarimi needs a weatherman.

Like many SF residents, I knew little about Mirkarimi or Herrera before this controversy. Just two more SF pols you occasionally hear about on the nightly news, usually in association with some new SF government inanity. The Sharp Park issue put them both into focus for me. Mirkarimi is in the pocket of out of state eco-extremists. Herrera is looking for sensible common sense solutions and willing to acknowledge the benefits of the public course and the needs of the thousands of residents who use it.

Now I will contribute to anyone who runs against Mirkarimi for any office, and I will financially back Herrera for mayor of The City if he chooses to run, and I hope he does. I'd love to see him kick Mirkarimi's ass.

Jeffrey W Simons said...

thanks for those good comments, mw. Jackie Speier defines "tireless public servant." Anyone who has followed her career knows she really tries to do what is best for the entire community under her jurisdiction, and does not cater to radical ideologies or special interests.

Keep all these names we mention in the forefront of your mind in the upcoming months. Plater, Mirkarimi, Butler, Davidson, etc . . . they serve a very narrow minded and elitist agenda and they will literally say anything, no matter how void of truth.

Dag, I wish I had recorded that No on L forum so I could play back all the ridiculous nonsense spewed by Carlos Davidson that day. When I asked that panel what their plan for Pacifica was if Measure L failed, you should have seen them squirm. They have no plan, other than to watch Pacifica become a hand out city while they help the frogs and snakes and preserve the coastline for themselves.

AnonyMouse said...

Most of the people on this blog (including myself) have disagreed with her historically, but I think Julie's efforts cannot go overlooked. I was surprised at how vocal everyone says Vreeland was at the meeting that Butler, Plater, and CBD whine about so much, but Julie has been a visible and spirited advocate for the golf course, and she's definitely earned some points in my book.

The other council members should do the right thing and publicly announce their support of one of the city's few revenue engines. Pete's silence is particularly deafening -- we need to hold his feet to the fire until he either lets the public know he supports Sharp Park or upsets his fringe environmental supporters.

mike bell said...

Vreeland's outburst at that meeting was nothing but a stunt.

Up to that night he had been sitting on the fence trying to collect votes from both sides. He "mis-under-estimated" (brilliant W quote)the way the wind was starting to blow and tried to jump on the bandwagon.

Julie was the only one, and still is the only one, who put her butt on the line.
Too bad she insulted all of us who voted against D by calling us Rovian.

Bush's Fault said...

Hey Bell, Bush is no longer in office. Rove is long gone too. Get over it! Looks like you've got no one else to blame for the mess things are other than the second black president. Too bad... Oops, sorry. You forgot Palin, Cheney and Haliburton.

Your comment about Julie regarding SPGC is correct though. Guess that proves the old addage that even a broken clock is right twice a day. But Julie has done much more to hurt this community than insult us.

Steve Sinai said...

Anyone notice how Bush supporters almost never post under their real names? They're too embarrassed.

(Even though it's obvious who Bush's Fault is, given the scatter-brained, incoherent writing style and mention of race.)

Bush's Fault said...

Is Steve Sinai a real name? Coulda fooled me... Guess I'm a libtard too...

As for my incoherent writing style - Bush's fault...Cheney's fault...Haliburton...right wing nut...

Bush's Fault said...


mike bell said...

I agree with you (whoever you are). Lancelle has done way more harm than good to Pacifica.
I have no idea what your racist remark about a second black president means.
I also agree that Bush, Rove, Cheney and Haliburton no longer reside at 1600 Pennsylvania.
But if you think America's Constitution, middle class and treasury wasn't ripped apart by these criminal, killer freaks then there's little hope for you.
I don't blindly support Obama but I do support his efforts to clean up the mess "idiot boy" left. At least he can form a coherent sentence and he attempts diplomacy before pushing the "bombs away" button.

Bush's Fault said...


Bush was the worst communicator I have seen as president in my lifetime. I was in pain every time I heard him speak. He should have borrowed Barry's teleprompter... Being a superb communicator should be a prerequisite for the job. I assure you that true conservatives were as disenchanted with Bush as you libs - but for different reasons, obviously. You libs should celebrate his presidency. If we get a true conservative in the White House you will be screaming to have Bush back. That's how we feel about Obama. We actually wish we had Clinton back!

The second black president remark was a reference to Clinton's assertion that he was "the first black president". Google it! Throwing out the race card as you did is a sign of intellectual laziness -- let your buddy Sinai fill you in on that one.

And how about Obama's campaign promises to get us out of the Middle East? Last I heard he was escalating our troops, certainly in Afghanistan. Looks like a case of Monday morning or bleacher quarterbacking. Perhaps the Commander in Chief is looking at a different set of facts and strategic scenarios than you, I or a presidential candidate. And how soon you anti-war libs seem to forget Kosovo..

Glad to see you are such a strict Constitutionalist. Want to show me where it says the federal government has the right to nationalize/socialize banking, insurance, healthcare and the auto industries?

And finally, history will show Bush to be about average on the presidential scale - maybe slightly better, maybe slightly worse. Obama, on the other hand, is destined to be one of the worst. Good news is that we will all have government jobs with government benefits. Bad news is--who's going to pay for it? Oh, I forgot the new paradigm: When you need more money just print it!

Sinai: I'll have a Cliff Notes version of this comment available for you per your request. Have Bell read it to you.

Steve Sinai said...

Back in 2000 and 2004, Bushies were saying anyone who didn't support Bush was an idiot and practically a traitor to the country. Suddenly all these Bushies have disappeared, and nobody wants to man-up and take responsibility for helping put Bush into office.

People vote for politicians they identify with. Incoherent, simple-minded Bush appealed to like-minded voters.

Maybe someday, someone who supported Bush will have the self-confidence to admit they did, but I won't be holding my breath waiting.

Steve Sinai said...

It's laughable that Bushies like "Bush's Fault" dismiss the mess Bush left for Obama after they tried to pin the blame for all Bush's botches on everyone from Clinton to FDR.

mike bell said...

Bush's Fault,

I had forgotten about Clinton's Black President remark but that doesn't make your remark any less racist. Sooner or later the human race is going to have to grow up and get over skin color. Don't you think?

If you really knew Steve or myself you would understand how foolish your "libtard, etc." remarks are. I don't subscibe to any of the definitions of liberal or conservative because they are only political rhetoric and have no legitimate meanings.

I hate taxes but I pay them for basic services like defense, vital infrastructure, safe food, clean water and some relief for the less fortunate, handicapped and elderly. We all eventually grow old and die you know and besides a little compassion is good for the soul.

I don't give a flying crap about who you want to have sex with or what your religious beliefs are or what kind of lifestyle you want to live. I would fight to the end if the government or any group of people tried to push their program or lifestyle on me so I won't do it to others.

I don't consider Bush or his ilk to be conservative or even American. They were and still are an organization of the most evil criminal minds who have ever attempted to steal our great country. They wrapped themselves in our beloved American flag and blasphemed the name of our precious Lord and proceeded to loot every last dollar available out of our treasury. They made fools of well intentioned patriots by lying us into needless war just so they could furthur their agendas. Eventually they will pay but in the mean time our whole nation and much of the world is suffering because of their unprescedented criminality.

I've always been curious about what makes a teabagger tick. Until now, other than calling Bush an "idiot boy" all I've really done on this blog is ask simple questions like " Do you think W did the Lord's work?" or "Is Sara Palin your hero?" and you guys go nuts faster than the hair trigger on my 45.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Steve Sinai said...

While I was hardly a war hero, I did spend 4 years in the Air Force.

I'll bet you dimes to donuts - Bush's Fault is a chicken hawk.

Bush's Fault said...

Steve Sinai said:
"It's laughable that Bushies like "Bush's Fault" dismiss the mess Bush left for Obama after they tried to pin the blame for all Bush's botches on everyone from Clinton to FDR...Anyone notice how Bush supporters almost never post under their real names? They're too embarrassed..."

Thanks again for making my point, Sinai. Everything is Bush's fault with you libtards. Everything...

Bush's Fault is my real name. I changed it to "Bush's Fault" upon my realization that since there are so many libtards like you in the Bay Area, I might as well put it to work for me. Now when I go to restaurants, no matter where I am on the waiting list, I always get called first. Ask Bell to explain that one to you...

Bell, you don't know when to quit with your racist crap. You really need to talk to your butt buddy about intellectual laziness.

Sinai, the closest you have ever come to the Air Force was a Blue Angel's fly over. And they are Navy!

You two morons are mentally bankrupt. Try and picture the City of Pacifica's general fund inside your heads. Don't stress. it's not your fault. It's Bush's.

Good job again on your reaching out to Kathleen and the rest of the 30%. Oh, I almost forgot... Bush's fault; Cheney's fault, Rovian; Palin; Haliburton; right wing nuts... Feel better now? LMAO@SinaiBell!!

Steve Sinai said...

Here we go with another wing-nut tantrum from Bush's Fault who, as always, is afraid to put their name behind their statements.

I'll take it for granted that at this point, most around here recognize Bush's Fault as nothing more than a caricature of conservative wing-nuts.

mike bell said...

Bush's Fault,
You might want to Google mental health.
There are many good therapists and very effective medications available these days.
Do you dream about Palin?

Jeffrey W Simons said...

ok guys, this thread is going wayyyyyyyy off track. Can we focus on Pacifica and the golf course, and the lying, conniving, dishonest dunderheads who are trying to steal this treasure from the community? Plater claimed there are THOUSANDS of people in Pacifica who support him. I say it isn't so.

Let's stop nitpicking our differences and focus our energy on common solutions to our city's problems that conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and Twinkie eaters can agree on.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jeff. I am wondering where all this hatred and lack of tolerance comes from. I never felt it personally in Pacifica but it sure is evident on this thread. It would be best to discuss the issues rather than heaping insults upon each other.

Steve Sinai said...

It's all Bush's Fault's fault.

Jeffrey W Simons said...

Hey I'm no fan of Dubya but I live in his back yard now so I have to play it cool. And when it reaches this point, its EVERYONE'S fault.

Let's get back on track about the golf course and focus on the local issues over which we DO have some control.

mike bell said...

Are you our Maybury? :)