Saturday, October 31, 2009

PoopGate-related info

You can never get enough info on PoopGate -


Kathleen Rogan said...

Told Ya. Happens all the time. One day all the old cities are going to implode. Jeezus, WTF are we doing? Make more trails? Or make some MULLAH!! We need to rebuild our city pipes. Blaming someone is futile. Let's make some money before Hugo Chavez takes over. We still have some time. Like a year.

Jeffrey W Simons said...

Pacifica should have been spending about $1 million per year on our sewer infrastructure. For 7 of the last 8 years, $700,000 was being transferred from the Sewer Enterprise to plug holes in the General Fund, even as city staff was being cut to "bare bones" levels, to mask our bottom of the county economy. Only $133,000 was being spent. And only now, during the worst economic recession in 80 years, do they want to hit up the citizens for the money for improvements.

We received $10 million in measure A funds to improve our roads . . . where did it go? We had the worst decline in road conditions in SEVEN COUNTIES in the last 4 years.

But hey nice trails and parks and plenty of people shilling for the frogs and snakes. Clearly a priority over fiscal health, adequate infrastructure, true environmentalism, and the welfare of the public.

Triumph the Insult Dog said...

I poop on all of the Pacifica poop!

Kathleen Rogan said...

And you want gov to take over health. Ha! I say. Every gov run program is bankrupt. That is why they want to take over health care, they ran out of money. By making us BUY their rationed health care, they will raise taxes on us, Sky High. Ya You Bethca. They said it, you did not hear it on; local news, local papers, local riptide. Yep You Bethca!!!!