"How conservatives ruined government, enriched themselves and beggared the nation." (Thomas Frank)
Thomas Frank Books, The Wrecking Crew, how conservatives rule, includes audio book sample, and video tour though Washington D.C.
Publication 8/5/08 |
..."Casting his eyes from the Bush administration’s final months of
plunder to the earliest days of the Republican revolution, Thomas Frank
uncovers the deep logic behind the graft and incompetence of
conservatives in power. He shows how leaders dedicated to a doctrine of
government by entrepreneurship proceeded to sell off the state,
channeling the profits to cronies and loyalists. He surveys the federal
agencies doomed to failure by the inept and even hostile staff appointed
to run them. He charts the practice of wholesale deregulation and the
devastating results now clear for all to see. From political scandal to
mortgage meltdown, Frank documents the consequences of enshrining the
free market as the logic of the state. As conservatives retreat to lick their wounds and a new administration prepares to undo the years of misgovernment,
The Wrecking Crew
makes clear the challenges before the nation. A brilliant and audacious
stocktaking—now thoroughly revised and updated—this is Frank’s most
revelatory work yet".
Easy to read Introduction: "Follow this dime".
NPR Books,"Thomas Frank's indictment of conservatism" Book cover through Chapter 1, "
look inside" text, Amazon.com
Related books by Thomas Frank -
What's the Matter with Kansas? (publication 6/1/04). One Market Under God,
New York Times/Business Day, 12/21/2000 article. The new book: Pity the Billionaire, The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right, published 1/3/12,
Huffingtonpost/Politics, 1/9/1, (book link to Amazon and "look inside" text).
Article link requested by Todd Bray
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Yeah, because the economy is so much better under Obama.
The only people that do not like and will not tolerate other points of views are communists. Communists have taken over the Democratic Party. Communists call themselves Democrats. The Communist Party USA has thrown their support and have endorsed Barack Barry Hussein Shabazz Soetero Obama (we don't know what his real name is due to the fact that he has spent millions on lawyers to block anyone from investigating his backround) Anyone who votes for this liar is in fact participating in the destruction of the US Constitution.
You will lose.
Brain dead rodent.
"Anyone who votes for this liar.."
You're right, we're not voting for you, Anonymous 4/23/12, 9:51 AM.
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