Saturday, August 29, 2020

Join Flash Vote, stay safe, City meetings in September

Dog Days of Summer Dog Walk
Planning Commission and City Council
meetings?? ... see ya in September.
"The current fires burning across California, and most closely the CZU Lightning Complex fires in southern San Mateo County and Santa Cruz County (now at 26% containment), are solemn reminders about the importance of emergency preparedness. This video and Ready, Set, Go Guide are great resources from the North County Fire Authority on what you can do to be prepared. And signing up with San Mateo County Alert to receive emergency alerts to your mobile phone is an important step! Our hearts go out to those impacted by the recent fires, and thank you to our Fire and Police personnel who have been deployed to assist with these emergencies.

Don’t forget the following two items for your “To Do” list this weekend: 1) Sign up for FlashVote to be able to quickly give your opinion about important topics in Pacifica, and 2) Follow the 3 Ws – COVID-19 remains a threat that we must all work together to overcome."

Sign up for the Pacifica, CA FlashVote here.  FlashVote helps you make a difference in your community... help make your government better. Civic participation has never been easier.
From the City Meeting Calendar: the next Planning Commission meeting is Tuesday, September 8, 2020 (the day after Labor Day); and, the next City Council meeting is Monday, September 14, 2020.
Note graphic of Dog Days from Saunders Medical Center.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, August 21, 2020

Special City Council meeting, Tuesday August 25, 2020

This Special City Council meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26 PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos.   The City website will also livestream to this meeting.   Complying with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1 of the City Council PDF link below):  this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held by through teleconferencing.   
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below.  1) Live access is available through Zoom and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone number.   Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to  1) In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full name, 3) limit your text to no more than 350 words.

Officer, I'm lost.. will you help?
Open Session, 6:00 p.m.  Administrative: call to order, roll call, flag salute.   

Full Agenda and Agenda Packet, pdf pages 56. 
1.  Policing in Pacifica, Staff report, pdf pages 9.  Proposed action:  Accept the report on Policing in Pacifica and provide further direction on the recommended short and long-term actions.
Information about Pacifica Police Department:  
a)  Staffing, Functions, Policies, Practices, pdf pages 7.
b)  Special Study Session, 6/17/20: Minutes, pages 1-23; Zoom attendee comments, pages 24-28, pdf pages 24-28. 
c)  Use of Force Policy, pdf pages 7. 
d)  Police Department Activity (graphics): Call responses, page 1; self-initiated, page 2, pdf pages 2.
Note Officer talking to turkey photograph from UC Santa Cruz Police Department/Parking Enforcement. 
Posted by Kathy Meeh

City Council meeting, Monday, August 24, 2020

This City Council meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26 PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos.   The City website will also livestream to this meeting.   Complying with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1 of the City Council PDF link below):  this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held by through teleconferencing.   
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below.  1) Live access is available through Zoom and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone number.   Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to  1) In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full na
me, 3) limit your text to no more than 350 words.

 Interactive City Council Agenda, 8/24/20.      City Council Agenda, 8/24/20, pdf pages 955.

Closed Session, 6:30 p.m.  Anticipated litigation, CA Government code 54956.9(d)(2);(e)(1), one case.  
Beekeepers Versus the E.P.A: How a Pesticide is Affecting Bees
Item 12.  Consider standards for bee keeping.
Besides we always dress-up for bees, and bees are animals too!
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative: call to order, roll call, flag salute. Closed session report, if any.  Special Presentations, none. 
Consent Calendar
1.   Approval of financial disbursements (checks) from 7/16/20-7/21/20.  a)
FY 19-20.  b) FY 20-21.
2.   Approval of Minutes:  a) Regular City Council meeting, 8/10/20.
3.   Cancellation of regular 9/28/20 meeting; and, schedule special meeting, 9/29/20, report.
4.   Ratification of the Director of Emergency Services Emergency Order 2020-02, amending and revising certain minimum operational standards for outdoor commercial activity in the public right of way and on private property during local emergency due to COVID-19. 

5.    Adopt resolution amending the City's conflict of interest code, update the revised list of designated employees, report/Resolution.  a) Designated positions (redlined).  b) Disclosure categories.
6.    Approve and award the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Small Municipal and County Government Enterprise Agreement (EA) for Geographic Information System Enterprise (GIS) desktop software, amount $115,500, report.  a) Letter, and 3 year Small Govt Enterprise Agreement (EA). b) Esri Sole Source letter..
7.    Resolution approving contracts with the CA Department of Education for providing subsidized child are and child development services, FY 2020-21, amount $883,095, report/Resolution.  a) Child Care contracts, FY 2020-21. 
8.   Authorize purchase of a 2020 John Deere 310SL HL Backhoe Loader from John Deere Pape Machinery, Inc., Waste Water Enterprise Fund 18, amount $126,735.30, report.Resolution.  a) Invoice.
9.   Notice of completion for the Beach Boulevard at Santa Maria Avenue concrete replacement project, total cost $208,746, report/Resolution. 
Public oral communications (through Zoom and telephone)

Public Hearings

10.  Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's 6/15/20 approval with conditions of site development PSD-788-14:  
Heritage Tree removal authorization, and logging operation approval for construction of a new three-story 3,800 sf single family residence (two stories residential, one-story attached a three-car garage area, 787 sf), on a 38,765 sf lot: Oddstad Way project (lots 4-12), along the unimproved public right-of-way of Oddstad Way, 275 feet southwest of the intersection Rockaway Beach Avenue and Bay View Road (APNs 022-056-080, 022-056-090, 022-056-060 and 022-064-010, and approximately 360 foot street and utilities extension, Rockaway Beach area, report.   a) City Council Resolution (draft).    Planning Commission: b) Resolution, c) Report, 6/15/20 (attachments B, E, F, and G only), d) Minutes, 6/15/20.   e) Project plans.  f) Color renderings.  g) Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND).  h) Response to comments (RTC).  i) IS/MND Errata Sheet.  j) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP).  k) Appeal form: Rockaway Beach Neighborhood Association.  l)  Sewer Collections System Manager email (no capacity issues).  m) Public Comment, 8/23/20 - 8/19/20. 
11.  Introduction a City Municipal Code Ordinance to amend, Article 12 of Chapter 7, regulation of parking of oversized vehicles: private property host site temporary motorhome permit parkingFind exempt from CEQA, and provide direction regarding zoning code text amendments, report/Odinance.  a) Host Site Amendments (draft).  b) Tables. 
12.   Consider adoption of a Resolution to amend City administrative policy 35, standards relating to keeping Animals, relating to the keeping of Bees: introduce amending Municipal Code sections 5-25-.03, Public Nuisance Conditions; and 6-1.102, Permits Required.  Find the adoption of the Resolution and introduction of the Ordinance exempt from CEQA, report/Ordinance.  a) Resolution (draft). 
 13.   Approval concept plan for the Public Plaza along Beach Boulevard project, and recommendation for construction phase sequencing with the future Beach Boulevard Infrastructure Resiliency Project (new future seawall), report.  a) Beach Boulevard Plaza preferred concept.
Other City News. Connect with Pacifica/Kevin Woodhouse, City Manager, 8/21/20.   Note: photograph from 1105 Media/Environmental Protection, 9/18/19, "Beekeepers versus the E.P.A.: how a pesticide is affecting bees".
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Planning Commission meeting, Monday August 17, 2020

This Planning Commission  meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26 PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos.   The City website will also livestream this meeting.   Complying with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1 of the Planning Commission PDF link below):  this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held by through teleconferencing.   
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below.  1) Live access is available through Zoom and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone number.   Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to  1) In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full name, 3) limit your text to no more than 350 words.

Interactive Planning Commission Agenda, 8/17/20.    Planning Commission Agenda, pdf pages 75.

View of southern end of Pacifica and Linda Mar beach from porch
Item 1.  Similar to other Bay Area Cities
even our City must grow a little.
Open Session, 7 p.m.  Administrative:  Approval of order of agenda.  Minutes (draft): a)  6/15/20.  Designation of liaison to City Council meeting, 8/24/20:  Single-family residence, Lots 4-12 Oddstad Way.  Consent items, none. Consideration items, none. 
Public480 × 320 ora
l communications  (through Zoom and phone). 

Consideration items 
1. Overview of the Housing Element process, and introduction to site inventory requirements, report.   a)  ABAG 2023-2031 RHNA Timeline.  b) Current Housing Site Inventory List.  c)  Map of Current Housing Site Inventory.
Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff.   Adjourn.  

ReferencePlanning acronyms highlighted as used in today's meeting.  ABAG, Association of Bay Area Governments.  ADU, Accessory dwelling unit.  APR, Annual Progress Report.  APN, Assessor's parcel number. CCC, CA Coastal Commission. CDP, Coastal Development permit.  COAs, conditions of approval.  CPUC, California Public Utilities Commission.  CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DA, development agreement. DP, development permit. ECR, Existing Conditions Report.  ESHA, environmentally sensitive habitat areas. GPA, General Plan Amendment. HCD (CA), Department of Housing and Community Development.  HDR, high density residential. IP, implementation plan. IS, initial study.  JADU, Junior accessory dwelling unit. LCP, Local Coastal Program.  LEAP, Local Early Action Planning (grant funding).  LDR, low density residential.  LLC, limited liability company.  LUP, Land Use Plan. MDR, medium density residential.  PD, Planned Development.  PDA, Priority Development Area. PE, Parking Exception.  PSD, Site Development permit. PUE. Public utilities easment. PV, Permit Variance.  RIA, Rent Increase Application.  RHNA, Regional Housing Needs Allocation.  RZ, rezoning.  S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SF or sf, square foot. SP, Specific Plan.  SUB, Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance).  TBD, to be determined. TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  TUP, Temporary use permit.  UP, Use permit.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  VLDR, very density residential. WCF, Wireless communication facility.  Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA: Guidelines (Adoption of Coastal Plans and Programs), Article 19, Categorical Exemptions:  Section 15265, CEQA does not apply to activities and approvals pursuant to the CA Coastal Act, but shall apply to certification of a local coastal program by the CCC.  Class 1 categorical exemptions:  existing facilities, section 15301; no significant effect section 15061 (b)(3); not a project, a review, section 15378, see (b)(4); Class 2, section 15302. Class 3.  Class 4, section 14394, minor alterations to land.  B-5, lot size overlay. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial.  C-2, Commercial/Office (within 100  ft. of a residential zone) C-3, Service Commercial. Class 3 categorical exemption, section 15303.  Class 32, Infill Development projects, section 15332. IS/MND, Initial study/mitigated negative declaration. LCLUP, Local Coastal Land Use Plan.  MND, Mitigated negative declaration. MMRP, Mitigation monitoring and reporting program.  MOD, modification of subdivision regulations.   Cannabis/Marijuana:  CAP, Cannabis Activity Permit. CMO, Cannabis Manufacturing Operation. CO-RB, Cannabis Operation, Rockaway Beach Overlay District. CO-SP, Cannabis Operation, Sharp Park Overlay District.  CPSL, Cannabis Public Safety License.  CRO, Cannabis retail operation.  MPSLs, Marijuana public safety licenses.  MO-RB, Marijuana operation-Rockaway Beach Overlay District. MO-SP, Marijuana operation, Sharp Park overlay district. MRO, Marijuana retail operation. MUPs, Marijuana Use Permits and related zoning.   City, City of Pacifica:  APR, annual progress report. GPA, General Plan amendment.  LCLUP, Local Coastal Land Use Plan, updated documents.  CIP, capital improvement program, Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. GP, General Plan, update documents, background history.  PMC, Pacifica Municipal Code.  R, residential. R1, single-family residential,  R1H, single-family residential hillside. R-2, two-family residential; R-3, multi-family residential; R-3G, multiple-family residential garden district. RIA, rent increase application.  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  SPSP, Sharp Park Specific Plan.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica. 
Posted by Kathy Meeh