Thursday, December 8, 2016

NIMBY City Council election tactics continue to stink

Pacifica Tribune Letters to the Editor, print version, page A5, 11/7/16. "Nihart injustice" by Judge Quentin L. Kopp (Ret.)

Image result for Quentin L. Kopp picture
Honorable Quentin L. Kopp calls
the Hatch Act ruling "puzzling".
Image result for Mary Ann Nihart, Pacifica, CA picture
We will miss you on
City Council Mary Ann!
"Dear Editor, I deplore the legalistic ruling on Councilwoman Mary Ann Nihart's alleged Hatch Act ineligibility for reelection to the Pacifica City Council.

Image result for skunk picture
NIMBIES manipulate another election.
As a 'quasi-Pacifican' and octogenarian who recalls enactment of the Hatch Act in 1936 to stop political venality by federal employees and federal elections, I can't imagine the authors or President Franklin D. Roosevelt intending it to control local political offices.

Mary Ann Nihart is a superior City Councilmember whose public office service to Pacifica shouldn't have been ended by a puzzling Hatch Act interpretation."

Note photographs. Skunks from The Mercury News/Joan Morris, 8/12/16,"Smelly skunk can't resist fried bacon." Honorable Quentin L. Kopp (Retired) from All Events in Half Moon Bay/Speakers Series speaker Series, 7/13/16: The Honorable Quentin L. Kopp, ".... the Honorable Quentin L. Kopp who served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from 1971–1986. He was elected to the California State Senate in 1986 representing areas of San Francisco and San Mateo County, including the Coastside."  Mary Ann Nihart image  from Pacifica for Mary Ann Nihart. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


wake up pacifica said...

I doubt that Deirdre Martin, the Philly transplant, even knows who Quinton Kopp is. But the local NIMBY's sure do!
Face it; Verby, Loeb, Butler, Hall, Kaufman, Keener, Stegnick and all the rest of you lying hypocrites who "ginned-up" the Hatch Act to get your illegitament puppet on Council, you are being outed in a very public way. How are you going to continue to claim your moral and intellectual superiority now that Speire, Hill, Horsley, Mullin and Kopp all know what dishonest creeps you really are. How are you going to get the county or even the state to push grant money your way to fund your latest zany NO Growth NIMBY project. Thanks to you geniouses all of Pacifica is going to lose even more.
Maybe it's time for you to advise your puppet Dierdre, that she should step down.

Anonymous said...

This is the tip of the iceberg. Complaints are piling up at the County and State level about City Council election manipulation. Even someone connected with the newly elected AG is requesting investigations. NIMBYs be prepared because you are on some serious radar.

Anonymous said...

Hatch Act & ineligibility candidate:It is unfortunate that many years public service is ended by law technicality.Politics is winning by whatever means available.

Anonymous said...

Many poor souls are under the impression that the internet is still the wild west and that you can post anything you want without consequence. Perhaps this was true long ago, but in the last ten years, state and Federal laws have been passed that have some real teeth, AND they're being enforced. Cali has a set that sit on the strict end of the spectrum and I'm seeing quite a bit of related legal activity gearing up both here and nationwide.

Expressing your opinion is one thing, but running a website like Stegink's that purports to report "news" and doesn't even allow commentary? Oh baby, the guy really screwed the pooch big time when he "reported" that votes for Nihart "wouldn't count" and that she was "under Federal investigation" because the powers-that-be tend to go apeshit whenever something sacrosanct, like voting, is messed with.

I can't overstate how incredibly dumb it was to engage in voter suppression by posting fraudulent claims about Nihart during a time especially when fake news has the nation in a tizzy and an AG is looking for something to do.

Stegink's world is about to get EXTREMELY unpleasant, in my opinion, lol.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's shaking in his boots.

Anonymous said...

Kopp said, "I deplore the legalistic ruling" and called it "a puzzling Hatch Act interpretation." He did not say that Deirdre supporters were "lying hypocrites who "ginned-up" the Hatch Act." Speier, Hill, Mullin, Horsley, and Kopp never said that anybody was dishonest. That's spin by the extremists on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. Serial poster, you have the same psychosis as Twitter Trump. Politics is a tough, dirty game and politicians know that. What can Nihart do for them? Nothing. And nothing is what they'll do for her. Nihart knew full well this could happen. She took steps to prevent it from happening in a previous election. She just ran out of moves and cronies. It happens. One door closes and usually another opens, but that federal employment is a real albatross.

The Watcher said...

All you that think what was done to Nihart is fair and impartial are in for a big surprise. Mr Stinkenk has disappeared. Why? He's an individual that has to have public attention in any way he can. Why not now at his moment of triumph? The rest of you that orchestrated this fiasco and then continued to say a vote for Nihart wouldn't count were manipulating the vote. You, Loeb, of all people should know that is a no-no. Get ready for a shakedown. I know of several different filed complaints working their way through the legal system and one active investigation under way.
Perdition be coming. Maybe time to take cover like Stegnunk.

wake up pacifica said...

9:04 Stop YOUR spin. I never said that Kopp or any other high ranking elected official called our local election and fake news manipulators, lying hypocrits. I did!
I'm not an elected official and I'm not a gentleman. I have much more freedom to call people out for being the dishonest creeps that they are.
Our local faux-enviros, I got Mine's, Nimby's and NOBY's continue to reinforce for all to see that Pacifica has a load of very peculiar crackpots who are able to hang on to power through nefarious means and will always justify their means to an end as long as it benefits them.
These are very dangerous idealogues who don't care that they are destroying Pacifica.
Wake up Pacifica and reject Deirdre Martin for what she is; an illegitament puppet installed by the wacko extremists in this town who believe only their opinions matter.

Anonymous said...

Wow you democrats are still angry!

I told you, Trump would win!

Anonymous said...

8:21 I believe this is a Stinkydick comment.
I overheard him saying "Trump is going to win" on many occasions. This shit disturber really needs help.
He needs attention so badly that he doesn't even realize that he became a useful idiot for Deirdre's puppetmasters.

Anonymous said...

Spin, spin, spin.

Anonymous said...

1015, etc. can't stop yourself, huh? Sounds personal. And, well, nuts.