Peebles Corporation. Yep, we ran him out, quite a distinction, not.
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Pacifica quarry, a property waiting to be developed to improve our economy |
Related- Sale of the quarry property. San Francisco Business journal, 3/23/09. ... "Developer Peebles to sell Pacifica quarry site."In an interview, Grimm said the decision to sell the property, which
Peebles bought for $7.5 million, is not being driven by financial
distress. He said they continue to believe that the their plans to
develop a mixed-use project on the site is viable and will eventually
receive approvals. Peebles had proposed a project with a 250 to 400 room
hotel, 355 residential units, and town center devoted to boutiques,
restaurants, galleries and possibly office space. The site, designated a
redevelopment area, is zoned for 2.4 million square feet of commercial
Related - An anti-development ideology continues to be a drag the economy of this city. Against the 2006 quarry development attempt, there was the local No on L campaign. But, the local efforts were and are also bolstered by regional ideological friends (some of whom show up in this city as needed, and to defeat certain campaign measures). Example, Greenbelt Alliance. "Update: Measure L was defeated in the November election! This is
great news. Although the developer threatened to build a Wal-Mart at the Quarry
if Measure L failed, it is unlikely that will occur. Greenbelt Alliance
will continue to monitor any new proposals for the site.
No reason to seek quarry flatland, greenstone and limestone, well yuck. |
In the coastal community of Pacifica, a quarry that ceased operations
two decades ago sits on the Pacific Ocean just west of Highway 1. The
87-acre lot is adjacent to both the Golden Gate National Recreation Area
(GGNRA) and Mori Point reserve, and Calera Creek and its floodplain
define the flat areas of the Quarry. Because of the land’s significant
habitat value, the Trust for Public Land offered to purchase and
permanently protect the land, but the Quarry owners were unwilling to
sell the land for preservation." Continued, from this article, monitoring potential development of this site: "It is important to continue to oppose development of the site, and to support its permanent protection." Corrections to Greenbelt Alliance claims. Peebles Corporation (the developer) said if the mixed-use project did not pass, an alternative could be a "big box" (not specific), and did not "threatened to build a Wal-Mart". And Peebles habitat study indicated the quarry was not a significant habitat area. Further, Pacifica voted to build Mori Point, which would have provided city revenue, but the relentless efforts to bankrupt that developer turned that property into frog and snake land.
And of course, Wild Equity/Brent Plater also follows any quarry development potential. "Economic Development Committee resolves to develop Pacifica Quarry,"8/9/10, 3 pages, pdf. A recommendation from our city Economic Development Committee in the form of a Resolution is develop the quarry. The recommendation was considered only by City Council at their follow-up meeting.
Note: photograph from Inside Bay Area/Julia Scott, Staff, 3/6/08. "Developer to release new plan for quarry." California Red-legged frog from California Herps, (a guide to the amphibians and reptiles of California). The website includes a map of Redlegged frog habitat, along the coast and inland California.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
At this point we really are fighting over scraps. Sweeney Ridge was the big one. Given away to the GGNRA in 1980. A little historical perspective from the GGNRA website. "In the 1970s and 80s, local citizens recognized new threats to Sweeney Ridge in the housing developments sprawling up nearby hillsides and a proposed 8-lane freeway extension bisecting the ridge. Community activists organized, signed petitions and voted to protect this 1200 acre ridgetop." Yes, they sure did. Also killed the freeway extension so we could be isolated and shabby. In 2000 the same mindset handed over Mori's Point, I suppose it was the frosting on the cake. Kind of permanently limited Pacifica's potential with those two magnificent gifts, don't you think?
Pacifica should consider lower property taxation for houses that have larger than 10000 sq ft lots.
The built up area to lot size should be set at 1:4 ratio for such low taxation.
This will have the benefit of attracting mansion owners -- people who can afford to buy 10x5000 sq ft lots or 50,000 sq ft lot with a 10000 sq ft home.
This will help reduce the city population, bring in high net worth families/individuals and protect the ecology.
The high and ultra high net worth individuals will also pay handsomely for the smaller lots. Its a win-win.
Pacifica could become the billionaires row it should be.
Thank you gang of no for hobbling our city. The crisis we're in now traces directly to you and your anti Peebles, anti highway, anti everything mentality.
This article is a blast from the past. Don't understand why it was posted. It was a huge win for Peter Loeb and his hippie buddies.
I hope everyone realizes that if Peebles had been allowed to run the regulatory obstacle course that is Fish and Game, Fish and Wildlife, Coastal Commission, our planning department and city council, and all the other agencies, we would now have a world class hotel and city center operating or near operation. Estimated to bring in +/- $15,000,000 to Pacifica's coffers. Instead we're looking for $4M that got scrambled up in our budget and begging for crumbs. I think this is topical. Fantastic forward vision. Thanks Gang of No.
Where are the developers? Why no interest in the quarry? Have we done anything as a city to change our anti-development reputation? What?
We have changed the reputation from bad to even worse.
At the Peebles abode, Peter Loeb is known as Lucky Star.
I guess those 87 acres qualify as the only "big" parcel left. We snoozed through all those gifts to GGNRA. The lower the stakes, the more vicious the battle. That's Pacifica.
517, I think its clear in the past we elected city councilmember majorities (3) that didn't do the right thing for us in this city. Their underlying eco-ideology got in the way. They enabled adverse city policies, affected public influence, and assisted in mobilizing their like-minded friends. For concise comprehensive summary comments on this tread: history, see 246; and result of no quarry development, see Peabody 438.
Now what? Will the "Gang of No" acknowledge this city is failing, and work to be part of the economic development solution? Doubtful to no chance. So for the sake of all of us, the city and the majority city councilmembers elected (with our support) must move forward without them. (The alternatives of doing nothing or no city is not too good, and we will continue to will pay for this ongoing error.)
Ask councilmember Sue Digre. On her watch over 12 years all these stealth budget transfers took place. The pension give away (25% of salary per year for cops/fire into their pension), the shell game shuffle of $$ out of police station bonds into thin air. Let's hear her explanation in candidate's forums. She voted to either approve of all this stuff or missed it completely. Can't wait!
Sue can barely keep up with simple procedures. I doubt she would remember or understood what was going on. Present council has skipped over her twice for Mayor. It's time for her to go.
718 Stealth transfers? Good lord. You talking about interfund lending? It will continue, it has to. FYI it's common practice in every level of gov't. This being Pacifica, the land that time forgot, what you call stealthy has actually been just stupid and sloppy. And they were all in on it. If your concern is actually more than political, then be of good cheer because this new CM has every reason to run things by the book. Her book, not the one these politicians have been using. That outside financial expert she's consulting will point out the very real hazards of sloppy accounting of public funds.
459 I don't think our reputation is worse, it just hasn't changed. We've gone from enviro-leaning councils to an inert council. They're either afraid to act or they aren't who we think they are. I think it's a little of both. We saw pro-growth support come out very publicly in the last 3 elections for certain candidates so we thought that must be what the candidate is about. That's the program they'll push if elected. Hasn't happened yet. They're too busy being all things to all people.
So our new city manager dug deep into the finances and is shocked what a mess the city finances are. Well, we had a HR person doing the city finances for years. Wait, we had a good city finance director but the city fired her and got slapped with a lawsuit because she brought all this out in the open. Hail king Vreeland, his actions keep biting the tax payers asses.
Let's see our City Manager retires, we get rid of Cecilia Quick, who might just be the biggest incompetant attorney in California(if you don't believe me ask them in San Mateo) the HR time card keeper-finance director goes to Foster City and people are shocked the finances are a mess.
Can you post Tinfows dog and pony show finance report from yesterday's Tribune?
801, the electronic version of Lorie Tinfow's My Turn does not seem to be available on the Pacifica Tribune website at this time. I'll plan to call her office and ask for permission to reproduce the article, probably won't happen today.
Idea to raise money.
Start charging these people $5 bucks a night to sleep in the cars and RV's. $15 bucks if they are selling pot or meth.
18:28 Traffic Law Vehicle 140614173
Occurred at Roberts Rd/Fassler Av, Pacifica. Blue and white rv someone living in it for past 3 months. .
Disposition: Log Note Only
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