Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What blog does Calvary edit?


I saw this rather cryptic sign yesterday at the church by the shell station. I suggest you post it with this title:

What blog does Calvary edit?

Ian Butler

Editor's note: Nobody ever spells my name right.


Kathy Meeh said...

Steve, your name comes from the historic Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, but who or what is the other Sainai? In a quick look up there were the desert mountains and a travel agent, seemingly named Sainai. Maybe you have a better grasp of this distinction.

Steve Sinai said...

I think they just misspelled "Sinai". Believe me, people rarely spell it right.

Steve Sinai said...

I was always told our name came from the salami brand.

Kathy Meeh said...

Sanai, and salami another spelling variation, funny.

ian butler said...

Besides the misspelled Sinai, the sign's message seems quite bizarre. I have no idea what it means. Does anyone?