Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stimulus Money needed to upgrade WWTP pipes

Top Story 2/3/10, video about 23 minutes long,

Building America's Future (BAF), Mayor Bloomberg (New York), Governor Rendell (Pennsylvania, Governor Schwarzenegger (California) are promoting a national infrastructure bank program (low cost government loans and private dollars). The current national low cost loan bank program includes transportation. The newly proposed program would also water and waste water programs as well. Press conference at San Jose WWTP.

Kathleen Rogan came across this story yesterday and posted it in a link comment on this blog. The effort Governors Bloomberg, Rendell and Schwarzenegger are making to obtain government grants and low-interest monies for water and WWTP infrastructure repair and replacement is of interest to this city which may face up to $50 million in sewer system plant, collection pipes, and sewer lateral upgrades.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

1 comment:

Kathleen Rogan said...

Yikes! That's a lot of mullah. Oh well, I hope the Gov Club gets what they want. My stomach has not been the same since the last thread, on fix pacifica, about the amount of waste we dump into the ocean.