Monday, July 28, 2014

Sufficient sewer charges notice, Fiscal Years 2014/15 and 2016/17

Is the following advertisement text found in the Pacifica Tribune, 7/23/14, sufficient notification for parcel owner sewer rate increases?  This year, not only did parcel owners not receive notification by mail (my experience), but the following information is confusing, and seemingly should include two (2) Fiscal Years 2014/15 and 2016/17.  Personally, I don't care about the rate increase schedule, I'm glad the sewer plant and collection system is finally being maintained and updated; I do care about the notification.

  After the cat ate the sewer rate notice,
he advised "something" about that was in the Tribune.
Ad text from the Pacifica Tribune, published 7/23/14.

City of Pacifica 
Notice of Availability of Supporting Documents 
Notice of Public Hearing

"NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Pacifica will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 28, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Blvd., to consider the Proposed Resolution Accepting the Report of Sewer Service Charges for Fiscal Year 2013-14 and directing the filing of charges for collection by the County Controller.

Notice of the public hearing will be published in the Pacifica Tribune on Wednesday, July 23, 2014. Copies of the necessary schedules and back-up documents for the above are kept in the Finance Department, City Hall, 170 Santa Maria Ave., Pacifica, CA.  These are available for public inspection and review during regular City business hours.

The City of Pacifica will provide special assistance to disabled citizens upon 24 hour advance notice to the City Manager;s Office (650) 738-7301, or send request via email to o'  If you need sign language assistance or written material printed in a large font or taped, advance notice is necessary.  All meeting rooms are accessible to the disabled."

Kathy O'Connell, City Clerk

ReferenceCity Council Agenda, Jul 28, 2014 7:00 PM.  Public Hearing, Item 10. Summary/Resolution,  and  Sewer Services Charges FY 2014/15 to 2016/17.  Our Children's Earth Foundation vs. The City of Pacifica, see City of Pacifica Litigation - Pacifica Index, (thanks Chris Fogel).

Note photograph: cat with Rubix cube from, "Rubick's Cube Puzzle-Meant".   

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

That cat gets my vote this November.

Anonymous said...

No where in the notice to they mention that this is an INCREASE in fees, increased charges, rates or additional costs. And no mention of the amounts to be increased. The wording is confusing and does not describe what is about to happen.