Hello, its me again |
Who cares if you're age 2, you're done |
The hefty police presence came as part of the San Mateo County Saturation Traffic Enforcement Program, a grant-funded collaboration between police agencies to make a show of force on the rules of the road in different parts of the Peninsula. Each month, the partnership focused on a different area, and July was the Coastside’s turn, explained Burlingame Police Cpl. Brett Murphy. Making a concerted police effort had a real effect on drivers, he said. “When you go in and do deployment for a month, you see a real change in people’s driving behavior,” he said. “It’s not just about enforcement. It’s about education — and enforcement." Read article.
"Hasta la vista" |
Related - 2014. Everything South City, 7/19/14, from a South San Francisco Police Department Media Release. "As part of its on going efforts to increase traffic safety, officers
from the South San Francisco Police Department flooded the streets on
Friday and Saturday July18th and 19th looking for speeders. .... Officers issued a total of 141 citations over the two-day crack down."
Reference - 2013. Nixle, from San Mateo County Chielf ans Sheriff Association. San Mateo County Saturation Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP). "Last month’s deployment in Pacifica, San Bruno, and South San Francisco
consisted of twenty-one officers from numerous San Mateo County
agencies, and resulted in over 200 citations for unsafe driving
behavior. This emphasis on correcting unsafe driving habits will remain
the goal throughout the June enforcement action in Foster City, San
Mateo, Hillsborough, and Burlingame." Also see Everything South City, 6/12, 2013.
Note photographs. Toddler in peddle car by Keyth Mishaw from Daily Mail, UK,7/21/14. $4 speeding ticket. Officer at driver window from Auto, how stuff works. Ticketing officer from Aol Autos, "How to fight a speeding ticket"; related - SpanishDict, "Hasta la vista" meaning.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
how about warning tickets rather than predatory ticketing. Geeez, our tax dollars at work...
How about obeying the traffic laws 821. There's a whole bunch of idiots out there driving talking texting. I hope they nail some of them. And hey, they are also cracking down on slow ass drivers refusing to move to the right. Yeah you. It's the law, slower traffic keep right, or get a ticket.
I'm not perfect but if I get caught breaking the law I deserve the ticket. Not a warning.
906 has anyone ever mentioned anything to you about control issues?
906 sounds like a cop looking to make budget. How do you know slow drivers are getting tickets?? Nice, we spend our tax dollars to ticket ourselves and now grandma. Can't wait to vote agst the next city tax increase scheme.
I think this is great. And I think the various involved agencies have warned the public about this crackdown. Bottom line, you don't want a ticket, obey the traffic laws.
And I'm not a cop or a fan of taxes.
The hippies hate this because #1 they have no respect for police or laws except when it comes to stopping development, and #2 on the rare occasion that they take out their broken down vehicles they drive like little old ladies.
Cops are making $100,000 to $200,000 to write tickets.
11:02 Cops are making 100K+ to protect us. If this saves one life it's worth it.
Why does this blog allow Anon 10:54 gratuitous hate speech?
1102 Yes, they are. And more. For that money they carry a gun, decide when to use deadly force, run the risk of a violent death, deal with ugliness and cruelty on a daily basis, and then try to leave it all behind when their shift ends and they go home. Couldn't pay me enough.
How is what 1054 said 'hate speech".
Too close to the truth for you?
It's no secret that this blog is generally pro economic development and anti nimby. The group of Pacificans AKA the Gang-Of-No that are generally opposed to development many of whom have long gray hair, have idealistic pollyanna attitudes and could be considered old hippies for their protesting everything.
Where's the hate?
True, true 1142, especially not good to allow "gratuitous hate speech" against "little old lady drivers", opinion stated by Anonymous 1054. Terrible! Better to have all inclusive hate speech against the entire Fix It blog, your anonymous opinion.
Listening to you, in a broader sense, if there were no anonymous comments, there would be no home for some of you lost identities. An alternative (and you probably favor "alternatives") -- Steve Sinai (Blogmaster), if willing, could add a "like" application. The "like" application could be followed by a "smiley face", and a "Thanks for your happy comments" message. Then, the blog could transition to a more appropriate name of "Fix Face" (better reflecting the past 30 years of city history).
Forget hippie and nimby. It's the bit about gray hair that will really hit a nerve. We've become such a sensitive society. Quick to take offense. Ever ready editors. Who doesn't love a good old stereotype now and then? Rapacious realtors, blood sucking lawyers, greedy developers, sleazy politicians. Makes for colorful speech, like hippie and nimby.
Kathy, I like it!
I too was shocked at the hateful reference to "little old ladies."
Who says they are little? Or ladies?
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