Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Guess who is our new State Amphibian?

The Sacramento Bee/Associated Press, 7/7/14.  "California red-legged frog named state amphibian."

I am celebrating...
The frog made famous in a tale by Mark Twain is now California's official state amphibian. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation elevating the red-legged frog on June 30. The state library updated its online list of symbols the next day, although the bill doesn't officially take effect until January.

Members of an afterschool club at Sea View Elementary School in Imperial County proposed AB2364, which was carried by Assemblyman V. Manuel Perez of Coachella. The red-legged frog is only found in California and was large enough to serve as a meal for Gold Rush-era miners.
It is now protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

It joins the grizzly bear, the California redwood and square dancing (the state folk dance) as one of 36 state symbols."

Reference - Government Track US/States.  "Summary. AB 2364, V. Manuel P‚rez. State amphibian: California red-legged frog. Existing law establishes the state flag and the state's emblems, including, among other things, the poppy as the official state flower, the California redwood as the official state tree, and the California desert tortoise as the official state reptile. This bill would establish the California red-legged frog as the official state amphibian."  

Save the Frogs. "California's State Amphibian:  The California Red-legged Frog." "The California Red-Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) has been listed on the federal Endangered Species list since 1996. ....   Having the frog as our official state amphibian will help to protect the frog by educating politicians about its plight; putting it in front of many students and teachers when they study the state's official plants and wildlife; and making it difficult for those whose activities intentionally harm the frogs. This page details our efforts and all the steps in the campaign process. We hope others will be inspired to get an official state amphibian for their state as well!"

Submitted by Bob Hutchinson

Note photograph: California Red-legged frog picture by Greg Hoffman from  Elkhorn Slough Organization.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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